Happy Insurrection Day!

not all crossed that line ... those that were just poorly educated pawns who entered the capital unauthorized got simple trespassing charges levied against them AND are low hanging fruit.

some readily plead guilty to more serious charges, getting their charges/fines reduced pending trial as long as they agreed to cooperate.

BUT ... those are donny's flying monkeys.

there are those higher up that are on the radar, & the select comittee has interviewed/deposed over 300 individuals ... including first person eye witness'. one might even be :ack-1: ivankaaaaaaa... who i have no doubt would throw her daddy under the bus to save her own skin. & i have no doubt that the justice dept have been getting the same people to testify for them.

tick tock, basket dweller.

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You live in a fantasy world. The only reason you slope-headed ninnies are pushing your "insurrection" pipe dream is because you've convinced yourselves that you can somehow keep Trump from running in 2024. You already failed miserably over the four years he was in office, but like the anal-compulsives you people are, you keep trying and trying and trying. Have you got Trump's tax returns yet?

I hate to break it to you, but your little dream world is going to fall apart over the next couple years.

Tick motherfuckin' tock, sweetmeat. Enjoy the one year you have left, before you lose the House. Your fun's going to end sooner than you think.

Amen! I totally agree!

Yes....the democrat party was the past threat, but it is still the greatest threat to domestic freedom that we have....their attempts to take over elections, pack the supreme court and remove Republicans through law suits is truly a threat to our republican form of government.
It's enough to make most normal and sane people cry.

Since I am far left, I sometimes agree with you, but this "insurrection" thing just makes no sense at all.
If there even remotely was EVER even a slim chance of "insurrection", then the very last thing anyone would ever want is gun control.
But yet the democratic party IS pushing gun control.
That is a total and complete contradiction.

And so do the 2 attempts to impeach Trump.
They were so ridiculous and against the "will of the people", that it really was the impeachments that were the attempt at "insurrection".
Combined with gun control, the democratic party is just insane.
I have never seen any party that out of control and dangerous.
You think this is FAKE?
No, but if I did, I could hardly be blamed by rational persons considering how often you people have spread lies. No, my issue isn't that texts and emails occurred. I'm just laughing at you fools for thinking THIS TIME... you got rid of the Bad Orange Man.
No, but if I did, I could hardly be blamed by rational persons considering how often you people have spread lies. No, my issue isn't that texts and emails occurred. I'm just laughing at you fools for thinking THIS TIME... you got rid of the Bad Orange Man.
Because that's how shallow you are. When you say that's what all this is to you, you aren't lying.
No, but if I did, I could hardly be blamed by rational persons considering how often you people have spread lies. No, my issue isn't that texts and emails occurred. I'm just laughing at you fools for thinking THIS TIME... you got rid of the Bad Orange Man.
It's NOT "This Time"
It's always you LIARS that say that.

Now, when they (House) impeached trump, which they successfully did, twice, with just cause, it was the (R) in the Senate that blocked everything and ignored ALL evidence.
The evidence was there, and still is.
Now trump is suing to BLOCK again.

It was an absolute given that Senate (R) are too cowardly to cross trump, so they just even refused to 'look at the evidence.' and took a vote. They still got 9 (R) senators to see and understand the con man djt.

considering how often you people have spread lies.
This ^^^^^ is hilarious coming from a person that supports the 'party over Country' liars, led by the biggest Con Man your party (R) has ever supported.
Wow! If that's a noose for hanging Pence, the man in this picture has to be about twelve feet tall! Holy shit! No wonder y'all are so scared of Trumpers. They BIG fuckers!

Look at you making a post using all of the right wing hate buzzwords to attack Democrats.

Only an idiot thinks that harsh words criticizing the idiot in the White House is an “insurrection”, but an actual attack on the government in which five people died, and the insurrectionists attempted to kill the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and other government leaders, is nothing to be concerned about.

If you consider criticizing Trump an “insurrection”, but not Trump’s attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States, you’re certainly not a patriotic American.

You’re just another treasonous seditionist, hoping to install right wing dictator.
Look at you spewing leftists lies and hate you are a ignorant person to post lies to the one that knows you are a lying sack of shit.
It seems you’re still stuck in third grade. But that’s been common with you. Your only strategy in posting is to say “I know you are but what am I?”

Occupied made some very good points in his post and what did you do? Fling third grade insults. You didn’t address his post and all but you never do.

Republicans have become very good at accusing others of doing the things that they are doing. Trump called Hillary Clinton “crooked Hillary”, but look who’s facing criminal charges today.

Republicans say that Democrats cheat on elections, but every case of voter fraud in this election has been Republicans cheating. Maybe Republicans think that Democrats are cheating because they cheat.

They certainly believe that everyone is lying because they lie.

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