Happy Insurrection Day!

Mob rule




inauguration day
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Mob rule?

You rubes failed at that.
You're right we aren't a democracy we are a Republic . A Republic protects your rights from 51% that doesn't agree with you.

A republic isn’t an aggrieved minority scared of the future trying to overthrow a free and fair election, pathetic old man.

Your great grandchildren will be embarrassed by your actions.
He even punched "rewind" to catch some scenes again, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham revealed on CNN.

Then-President Donald Trump “gleefully” watched the violence at the U.S. Capitol unfold on TV a year ago from the White House dining room, and he gushed: “Look at all of the people fighting for me,” his former press secretary Stephanie Grisham revealed Thursday on CNN.

Trump Gushed They’re ‘Fighting For Me’ As He ‘Gleefully’ Watched Capitol Riot On TV: Ex-Aide

That is so disgusting and sick. No wonder his Florida neighbors call him Psycho.
Where in any of this did I mention democrats and their morality? I was talking about a single person in fact regarding their individual morality. Actually I said trump wasnt even a republican. So I'm not even sure what you're attempting to defend.

Gotcha, you meant Trump is a grifter and Republicans voted for him in a non-moral judgement.

No one is as stupid as you are or how stupid you think they are, lying schmuck
You know know that annoying thing that's been happening lately where you try to criticize democrats for something but it turns out Trump did it way bigger and for real? Don't talk about morals when the right has no detectable moral compass.

Occupied: No I'm not, YOU are. You are, kaz, YOU are. I'm not, you are!!!!!

Got it. Occupied, bringing third grader to you since .... he was in the third grade ...
The idiot Dems are overplaying their hand . . . . . again
Americans may have been emboldened to honestly confront the reality of the Trump goon attack on Congress and the Big Lie that provoked it by the relentless failure of the Cry Baby Loser to contrive any marginally=credible pretexts for the Big Lie - not by any recount, any audit, or by any of the dozens of court challenges that fizzled.

As Trump goons who were identified are being apprehended, indicted, prosecuted, and convicted or confessing - not blm, antifa, fbi agents, or tourists as the cowardly liars alleged - Americans, other than the cult, are not fooled:

Mitch McConnell (R) blames Trump for deadly Capitol riot
"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."

Kevin McCarthy (R) blames Trump for riot
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”

Lindsey Graham (R) calls for prosecution of rioters
"Those who made this attack on our government need to be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Their actions are repugnant to democracy."

Former Attorney General William Barr (R) said the violence at the Capitol building is
“outrageous and despicable."
So the democrat controlled thugs profags and black lies matter picked one day from all four years of their insurrections?

Look at you making a post using all of the right wing hate buzzwords to attack Democrats.

Only an idiot thinks that harsh words criticizing the idiot in the White House is an “insurrection”, but an actual attack on the government in which five people died, and the insurrectionists attempted to kill the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and other government leaders, is nothing to be concerned about.

If you consider criticizing Trump an “insurrection”, but not Trump’s attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States, you’re certainly not a patriotic American.

You’re just another treasonous seditionist, hoping to install right wing dictator.
Occupied: No I'm not, YOU are. You are, kaz, YOU are. I'm not, you are!!!!!

Got it. Occupied, bringing third grader to you since .... he was in the third grade ...

It seems you’re still stuck in third grade. But that’s been common with you. Your only strategy in posting is to say “I know you are but what am I?”

Occupied made some very good points in his post and what did you do? Fling third grade insults. You didn’t address his post and all but you never do.

Republicans have become very good at accusing others of doing the things that they are doing. Trump called Hillary Clinton “crooked Hillary”, but look who’s facing criminal charges today.

Republicans say that Democrats cheat on elections, but every case of voter fraud in this election has been Republicans cheating. Maybe Republicans think that Democrats are cheating because they cheat.

They certainly believe that everyone is lying because they lie.
I agree. 1/6 will go down in history with 12/7 and 9/11 as one of the darkest days in our history. I hope the Trumpistas will be able to handle the 24/7 videos of 1/6 in the lead up to election day. :cool-45:
Only in your moist panty universe, where you will hammer it with your low IQ hammer forever.

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