Happy Insurrection Day!

Very sorry to see so many trapped in a lie, There are reasons. there are real issues, things handled badly. But that the election was stolen is a LIE.
If you thought Jan. 6 was an insurrection....God help you when the sh** really hits the fan.
Oh shut up sissy. The worry is that the gop cult will try again using official means. Nobody is worried that you lobotomized hillbillies will take over the country by force. Take your threats walking.
It seems like all the legacy media and Dems have left is 1/6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are running with this stuff 24/7. Per multiple media reports the Dems intend to stretch this out as long as possible with hearings potentially aired in prime time. Further speculation is that the hearing "results" will be released just before the 2022 mid terms.
They will probably release it with some political timing, just like the Republicans did when they had control. Since it seems likely they may lose the House, it has conclude within the year. You know the Republicans will shit it down pronto.

Since this is obviously the strategy it begs the question: Is this a smart move by the Dems?

Polling indicates the economy and runaway inflation are voters primary concern, followed by Covid, huge increases in crime, and the debacle in Afghanistan and conflict with Russia and China. We know that none of the media wants to talk about the disaster that is Biden.

Polling also indicates that 67% of Americans believe democracy is under grave threat and that is exactly what January 6th defined. Even the Republicans were frightened and horrified at first. Until partisan politics overtook patriotism.

Meanwhile, the Dems appear to have no answers for the problems voters are actually concerned about. Instead it is January 6th, where transgender people can pee, and global warming following a distant 2nd and 3rd.

So again, should Dems make 1/6 such a major focus? Discuss. :)
January 6th and the subsequent legislative attempts to suppress voting is are major concerns as are voting rights. So is Climate Change, economy and inflation. But none of it matters if our democratic institutions fail. My vote won’t count and niether will yours.
Now you're just making things up. Your cognitive dissonance is on full display for the world to see.
Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election. The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution.Dec 8, 2020
They will probably release it with some political timing, just like the Republicans did when they had control. Since it seems likely they may lose the House, it has conclude within the year. You know the Republicans will shit it down pronto.

Polling also indicates that 67% of Americans believe democracy is under grave threat and that is exactly what January 6th defined. Even the Republicans were frightened and horrified at first. Until partisan politics overtook patriotism.

January 6th and the subsequent legislative attempts to suppress voting is are major concerns as are voting rights. So is Climate Change, economy and inflation. But none of it matters if our democratic institutions fail. My vote won’t count and niether will yours.
America isn't a democracy so we can't loose what we aren't. But their is a threat and the threat is people like you leftists
Democracy is tyranny by the majority, and the majority is controlled by the lying media. Fuck your democracy.
Apparently your version of democracy lies somewhere between fascism led by a populist cult leader and a one party autocracy.
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You sir are a pathetic little fuck. RuPaul is probably a role model for you.Go suck your husband's dick.
Haha, keep barking, my little attack poodle. Sitting there in a puddle of your own terrified piss is where we want freaks like you.

Or put your money where your mouth is and follow through on your little chihuahua yipping.
America isn't a democracy so we can't loose what we aren't. But their is a threat and the threat is people like you leftists
Splitting hairs. We have democratic form of government that people like you are determined to destroy.
Apparently your version of democracy lies somewhere between fascism led by a populist cult leader and a one party autocracy.
We puppy you do not understand what a democracy is. We are a republic which protects the rights of the minority from the majority.
Apparently your version of democracy lies somewhere between fascism led by a populist cult leader and a one party autocracy.
Remember most Trumpers do not and will never support democracy. Witness how many of these Trumpers deny we are a democracy. That is because by arguing we are not a democracy, Trumpers give carte blanche approval for state legislatures or other state sanctioned authority to over turn election results. In this view, the will of the people is a chimera subservient to the will of the strongman or the party in power.
Getting close to time to put that comically mouthy little fuck in the timeout corner.
Oh look , another yipping little attack poodle sissy.

You guys should totally storm the Capitol and then suck your scrotes up into your bellies and run away. Even the insurrectionist freaks were braver than you two sissies.
Haha, keep barking, my little attack poodle. Sitting there in a puddle of your own terrified piss is where we want freaks like you.

Or put your money where your mouth is and follow through on your little chihuahua yipping.
Seems you are one talking out your ass...That is when there is not a dick stuck in it.

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