Happy Insurrection Day!

Wrong, dipshit. Each state has their own laws governing changes to the election process. It's not necessarily the "legislative body" in each state that makes those decisions. If you are so confident in your position, go get yourself a lawyer and file a lawsuit. That is of course if you can find a lawyer that wont laugh you out of their office. It's been tried already and like I said, the courts did not rule in your favor. But go for it.
As I said dumb ass some of those States had their election process changed without the consent of the state legislature.
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According to Congress your boy Ole' Joe won.

How can I do that when I haven't interviewed or did a background check on all those that entered the Capitol?

However it has been reported by independent news sources that some of the people who entered the Capitol that day were ANTIFA and other progressive leaning individuals.

I'm sorry that the horned wooly man scared you so bad you shit your pants like the murdering Capitol police.



I should have expected as much. You're delusional. The people spoke and Biden won. Trump lost. Your mind is gone.

You'll believe anyone that supports your viewpoint, no matter how out there they are. Ok so we already knew that as well. But I like the old "people say" routine just like trump you've got that down pretty good. You pick that up in your Russian propaganda class?

Viking guy is currently serving 41 months in the Fed Pen, dumbass. So no, I'm not scared of him.

I cant keep this straight. Are you now saying you are anti-police? Or are you saying only if the police enforce law and order against the opposition and not traitors such as yourself? I dunno it sounds to me like you just hate the police.

So we've concluded you are an anti-American who supports right wing domestic terrorism.
I should have expected as much. You're delusional. The people spoke and Biden won. Trump lost. Your mind is gone.

You'll believe anyone that supports your viewpoint, no matter how out there they are. Ok so we already knew that as well. But I like the old "people say" routine just like trump you've got that down pretty good. You pick that up in your Russian propaganda class?

Viking guy is currently serving 41 months in the Fed Pen, dumbass. So no, I'm not scared of him.

I cant keep this straight. Are you now saying you are anti-police? Or are you saying only if the police enforce law and order against the opposition and not traitors such as yourself? I dunno it sounds to me like you just hate the police.

So we've concluded you are an anti-American who supports right wing domestic terrorism.
Nope thief of an election is not a win.
FBI still looking for dangerous insurrectionist and terrorist:

Trump is in Mar-a-lago today.

The dupes who fought for him on 1/6 are either in jail or fighting to stay out of jail.

These dupes are the very definition of sheep.
Oh, well, when Trump gets re-elected, he can commute all the sentences.
Oh, well, when Trump gets re-elected, he can commute all the sentences.
True..he has pardoned all his other co-conspirators.

But of course, these folks are much lower class level, so Trump will probably just give them the bird.
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I should have expected as much. You're delusional. The people spoke and Biden won. Trump lost. Your mind is gone.

The only delusion lies in your mind.

You'll believe anyone that supports your viewpoint, no matter how out there they are.

I'll admit that you're pretty far out there but I don't support you.

Ok so we already knew that as well. But I like the old "people say" routine just like trump you've got that down pretty good.

You do.

You pick that up in your Russian propaganda class?

You must have.

Viking guy is currently serving 41 months in the Fed Pen, dumbass. So no, I'm not scared of him.

But you did shit your pants.

I cant keep this straight. Are you now saying you are anti-police? Or are you saying only if the police enforce law and order against the opposition and not traitors such as yourself? I dunno it sounds to me like you just hate the police.

Oh no. I'm now with you and think all the tasers and pepper spray should be done away with and we just shoot people who resist arrest and, burn, loot, and murder.

So we've concluded you are an anti-American who supports right wing domestic terrorism.

Did you?

You're just too quick for me with your snail like thought processes that leap tall molecules in a single flop.



The only delusion lies in your mind.

I'll admit that you're pretty far out there but I don't support you.

You do.

You must have.

But you did shit your pants.

Oh no. I'm now with you and think all the tasers and pepper spray should be done away with and we just shoot people who resist arrest and, burn, loot, and murder.

Did you?

You're just too quick for me with your snail like thought processes that leap tall molecules in a single flop.

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Thanks for showing us how your illogical mind works. Your illogical grade school antics are laughable. LOL "You do". Oh thats a good one. Yeah you really got me there dipshit. You must hang out with some really dumb people if you think you've outwitted me with those dumb replies. You're an amateur. And a traitor.
You think Democrats are moral, OMG you're too dumb to walk into heaven. I mean wow
Where in any of this did I mention democrats and their morality? I was talking about a single person in fact regarding their individual morality. Actually I said trump wasnt even a republican. So I'm not even sure what you're attempting to defend.
A threat is a threat. Their intent was a threat. The existential threat to our democracy is NOT punishing them for their attempt. That goes for the poor footsoldiers and for the High priests of the cult.

What if Pence had capitulated? Who would have prosecutef him? The threat is real and is bigger today than ever.
I said they need to go to trial and to be prosecuted. If was not close to and end to our democracy. The Constitution is a lot stronger than a few unarmed nuts. Please quit with the drama.

Pence's duty was to preside over the certification, not to decide. I'm not sure where people get these silly scenarios. Irresponsible press maybe?

The lack of confidence and knowledge in our Constitution is pretty sad.
You think Democrats are moral, OMG you're too dumb to walk into heaven. I mean wow
You know know that annoying thing that's been happening lately where you try to criticize democrats for something but it turns out Trump did it way bigger and for real? Don't talk about morals when the right has no detectable moral compass.

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