Happy Insurrection Day!

Is Trump the worst thing that has ever happened to American democracy? I think so - and it's far from over.
View attachment 584440

There were at least four or five police in the hallway with him and I saw at least another two on the stairwell behind her outside the breached window in the video of her shooting and you're saying none of them had less lethal means of subduing her.

The only one being delusional and sick is yourself and your need to kill someone so someone could make a statement of oppression in their arrogance.

Maybe you should have the Capitol police celebrate their victory by shooting other unarmed protestors or perhaps some DC tourists that don't look right today.



So you're saying the officer is the only one that had the guts to do what needed to be done. I read there were some bad apples in the Capitol police that sided with the right wing traitors. So you're probably right there were just some cops standing around like nothing was happening. That should be looked into.
Is Trump the worst thing that has ever happened to American democracy? I think so - and it's far from over.

You're an idiot. Seriously, why do you waste your time posting stupid shit like this. Trump is 90% leftist Democrat. That just makes you hate him more because you're a jackass
So you're saying the officer is the only one that had the guts to do what needed to be done. I read there were some bad apples in the Capitol police that sided with the right wing traitors. So you're probably right there were just some cops standing around like nothing was happening. That should be looked into.


I can see where in your mind it takes real guts to murder an unarmed female protestor and how anyone who disagrees with that are traitors.


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I can see where in your mind it takes real guts to shoot and unarmed female protestor and how anyone who disagrees with that are traitors.



You support the right wing terrorists that invaded the Capitol. I'm also guessing you also think Donald Trump won the election. I'll totally admit I'm wrong if you say "those that entered the Capitol on 1/6 were right wing terrorists that should be punished to the full extent of the law for the crimes they committed and Donald Trump lost the 2020 election".
You're an idiot. Seriously, why do you waste your time posting stupid shit like this. Trump is 90% leftist Democrat. That just makes you hate him more because you're a jackass
Trump is a grifting opportunist. He's non-political. He's also amoral. I'll let you decide why he was on the republican ticket.
You support the right wing terrorists that invaded the Capitol. I'm also guessing you also think Donald Trump won the election. I'll totally admit I'm wrong if you say "those that entered the Capitol on 1/6 were right wing terrorists that should be punished to the full extent of the law for the crimes they committed and Donald Trump lost the 2020 election".


According to Congress your boy Ole' Joe won.

How can I do that when I haven't interviewed or did a background check on all those that entered the Capitol?

However it has been reported by independent news sources that some of the people who entered the Capitol that day were ANTIFA and other progressive leaning individuals.

I'm sorry that the horned wooly man scared you so bad you shit your pants like the murdering Capitol police.


Until you fuckers get your way it’s still a free country. I’m enjoying the last vestiges of freedom. Hope you enjoy the crap world you’re building towards. ;)
Might be a free country, but it's not so free in my home, where I am the boss. Try bringing your vile mouth to my country!
Is AG Garland too meek and timid to investigate and prosecute the top ringleaders? I think so - but I hope he proves me wrong. It doesn't look good so far...
English isn't your first language is it? I said, "They were protestors" and "They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING" I certainly don't want you defending me if you think those statements sound like defense. They weren't. Neither are they capitol crimes, moron. Get an education. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Not fucking likely. That's a stubborn kind of ignorance.
What is very surprising is that people think a 1000 mostly unarmed individuals were a threat to our nation.
A threat is a threat. Their intent was a threat. The existential threat to our democracy is NOT punishing them for their attempt. That goes for the poor footsoldiers and for the High priests of the cult.

What if Pence had capitulated? Who would have prosecutef him? The threat is real and is bigger today than ever.

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