Happy Insurrection Day!

Not murdered.....justifiably removed.


She was murdered to prove that some people consider themselves more equal than others.


View attachment 584420

So shooting unarmed protestors without using less lethal methods is fine by you.

I'm glad we've straightened that out and other protests will be conducted in the same manner.

Looks like we can have the police get rid of the tasers and pepper spray so all protests can be treated equally.



What less lethal means did he have on him? You're going to hold back hundreds of violent domestic terrorists with pepper spray? I dont think so. He sent a message to the rest of those trumpanzees. You saw them cower away in the aftermath, didnt you?
View attachment 584420

So shooting unarmed protestors without using less lethal methods is fine by you.

I'm glad we've straightened that out and other protests will be conducted in the same manner.

Looks like we can have the police get rid of the tasers and pepper spray so all protests can be treated equally.



If only.

Little do they know that as they keep pushing, they are stirring up something they will not be able to handle. They were all raised to believe that all they have to do is whine and they will get what they want, but the real world is not their useless parents.
The justification for shooting her in the chest was the protection of the lives of Congressmen ie his job. Now if she was supposedly handing someone a fake $20, you'd applaud her being shot on the spot, right?
Where, pray tell was anyone shot for passing a fake $20? Lying again, eh? At least you are staying true to form.
21 pages of apologists for what staunch republicans describe as a terrorist attack. You guys are basically aiding and abetting.

Where, pray tell was anyone shot for passing a fake $20? Lying again, eh? At least you are staying true to form.
Choked out. Shot to death. The end result was the same. Don't lie and say you didnt support Floyd being choked out over supposedly passing a fake $20. But someone shot for attempting to breach the Congressional chambers to attack Congressmen, oh that's too much for you to handle. But like I told someone else. You're on the wrong side of history. You're stuck defending these right wing domestic terrorist traitors because you refuse to admit you're wrong. Own it, traitor.
So that is the justification for the government to summarily execute an unarmed citizen of the US today, eh. Run along you commie fuck.
I said she was no saint, I didn't justify anything her death, learn how to read in context and who I was answering, I tire of this stupid knee jerk BS. Please learn to comprehend what you read and in what context it was in.
I said she was no saint, I didn't justify anything her death, learn how to read in context and who I was answering, I tire of this stupid knee jerk BS. Please learn to comprehend what you read and in what context it was in.
By the end of the day that guy will be calling Ted Cruz a communist. You cant reason with him.
Insurrection? As in politicians in fear of being hung?

All they'd have had to do is sit down.

View attachment 584410
Not to mention that the so called gallows couldn't hold a 5lb bag of potatoes without collapsing.

Anyone who actually believes that someone was gonna hang that day is delusional and just plain retarded.

Bunch of goddamn drama queens.
Overdosed--suicide. Lying again. Resisting arrest, counterfeiting, drug dealing, assault with a firearm on a pregnant woman. Yeah, that sounds like somebody just passing funny money. Communist shill.
He assaulted a pregnant woman in the store with a firearm? I must have missed that on the video. So he died from a drug overdose, not the guy that choked him out. Is that what the coroners report said? Right wing traitor. Oh and liar.
Choked out. Shot to death. The end result was the same. Don't lie and say you didnt support Floyd being choked out over supposedly passing a fake $20. But someone shot for attempting to breach the Congressional chambers to attack Congressmen, oh that's too much for you to handle. But like I told someone else. You're on the wrong side of history. You're stuck defending these right wing domestic terrorist traitors because you refuse to admit you're wrong. Own it, traitor.
The end result of the protests because Floyd was a drug addicted moron resulted in dozens of deaths across the country and hundreds of officers wounded with a few actually targeted and killed.
Police stations, post offices and federal buildings were burnt or attacked, the real definition of an insurrection, the attacking of civil authority with violence...

Piss on your faux outrage.
I watched as my home city of Mpls had hundreds of businesses burnt and destroyed, many owned by minorities, along with that police station above by violent thugs and could see the smoke plum 40 miles out for a fucking week.
Jan 6th was amateur hour in comparison.

Lake Street on the southside still looks like Beirut.
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You're stuck defending these right wing domestic terrorist traitors
Listen you lying fuck. You lie in every post you make. Please show me where I defended anyone for 1/6. They were protestors, much more peaceful than the BLM/Antifa thugs that you've been defending for two solid years. They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING. Unlike BLM/Antifa, they didn't occupy for weeks, they didn't torch it, they had no weapons, and they didn't murder anyone. The only murder that day was by one of your heeeero Piglosi's gestapo henchmen when he chose to execute an unarmed US citizen.
Overdosed--suicide. Lying again. Resisting arrest, counterfeiting, drug dealing, assault with a firearm on a pregnant woman. Yeah, that sounds like somebody just passing funny money. Communist shill.
Like so many shills who really need to work on their self image. I think they were brought up by liberal parents who actually disliked them a whole lot, regretted having them and never felt responsible for raising them. This one impresses me as one of those.
What less lethal means did he have on him? You're going to hold back hundreds of violent domestic terrorists with pepper spray? I dont think so. He sent a message to the rest of those trumpanzees. You saw them cower away in the aftermath, didnt you?


So now you're admitting that he was unprepared for any event that might occur at the Capitol that day.

That speaks a lot about him and the incompetent leadership above him.

And yes it did send a message........ One that does not sit well with free citizens.



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