Happy Insurrection Day!

You didn't have a problem with all the unauthorized election changes? If you don't you are the problem.
Who said they were unauthorized? You? Last time I checked, you dont determine whether something was authorized or not. The courts decide that. And I do believe no court said anything about election changes being unauthorized. But we get it. When the court decisions dont go your way, you want to get rid of them or at the very least oust all the communists and I guess republicans as well that sit on those courts.
I said cops were knocked out. Surely you dont want me to post the video of trump supporters taking a flagpole and pounding an unconscious cop with it now do you? It's pretty graphic. But I guess those are the people you consider patriots and real Americans. You're sick and need help.
try again----I am old and have been in positions
in which I was WITNESS to the behavior of crowds
AND criminal behavior and the outcome thereof.
I whole lot worse is a common event in my city---
around the corner
So that’s how you see it? I see it as the day America was saved from fascism and, as we know, fascists don’t normally care about a few bodies. They like having a few martyrs, as we see Ashli Babbit being elevated to Trumpista sainthood.
Babbit was no saint, I never thought she was. Those involved in the riot were pretty unintelligent, as most rioters are.

What is very surprising is that people think a 1000 mostly unarmed individuals were a threat to our nation. We have almost 500,000 military personnel, so to say we were saved from fascism is pretty dramatic. No one of our Representatives were close to being killed. I do see that it was quite stressful for all involved but democracy was close to being thwarted. So, charge the rioters and let the courts handle them and sentence them. The vote was postponed until later that day, which was appropriate.

After a year I haven't changed my stand, it was an embarrassment to our nation however we saw our nation bounce back as always and get the days work done by electing Biden.

You partisans on both sides are way to dramatic.
Insurrection? As in politicians in fear of being hung?

All they'd have had to do is sit down.

Who said they were unauthorized? You? Last time I checked, you dont determine whether something was authorized or not. The courts decide that. And I do believe no court said anything about election changes being unauthorized. But we get it. When the court decisions dont go your way, you want to get rid of them or at the very least oust all the communists and I guess republicans as well that sit on those courts.
Voting process changed without the states legislative body approval is illegal.
try again----I am old and have been in positions
in which I was WITNESS to the behavior of crowds
AND criminal behavior and the outcome thereof.
I whole lot worse is a common event in my city---
around the corner
It's useless to try to actually have a conversation with that poster. They're about seven years old and I wish the adult in their household would cut off their access to the computer.

They are now on my ignore list because they are a waste of time, space and oxygen.
Your cherry picked misrepresentations won't help the lobotomized insurrectionists.
Just doin' what your TEE VEE does.

I'm not looking to help anyone. . . but to show how absurd the propaganda world is that you are living in. The very fact that you point out, that it IS cherry picked, and that you know, that there were peaceful BLM protesters, just as the majority of folks at the Stop the Steal rally were also peaceful?

And this whole Jan. 6th narrative is bullshit. . . should pretty much tell everyone what we need to know, the corporate media cabal, in tandem with the Deep State, is trying to manipulate the public and law makers. . .

To strip away basic Constitutional protections.

Voting process changed without the states legislative body approval is illegal.
Wrong, dipshit. Each state has their own laws governing changes to the election process. It's not necessarily the "legislative body" in each state that makes those decisions. If you are so confident in your position, go get yourself a lawyer and file a lawsuit. That is of course if you can find a lawyer that wont laugh you out of their office. It's been tried already and like I said, the courts did not rule in your favor. But go for it.
happy insurrection day ? the left has compared Jan 6th to the 911 attacks ! do you go around on 911 saying happy terror attack day ? proof leftists are happy that a bunch of idiots got violent on jan 6th ! keep harping on one brief outbreak of violence and ignore the problems that everyday Americans are suffering from under the Biden admin and run on it in 2022 and 2024 .
Wrong, dipshit. Each state has their own laws governing changes to the election process. It's not necessarily the "legislative body" in each state that makes those decisions. If you are so confident in your position, go get yourself a lawyer and file a lawsuit. That is of course if you can find a lawyer that wont laugh you out of their office. It's been tried already and like I said, the courts did not rule in your favor. But go for it.
It is the legislative body. Read the Constitution.
happy insurrection day ? the left has compared Jan 6th to the 911 attacks ! do you go around on 911 saying happy terror attack day ? proof leftists are happy that a bunch of idiots got violent on jan 6th ! keep harping on one brief outbreak of violence and ignore the problems that everyday Americans are suffering from under the Biden admin and run on it in 2022 and 2024 .
I guess you failed to see the article was about FAR RIGHT ie mainstream right wing groups COMMEMORATING 1/6. You're literally making things up.
Breaking into a closed Federal building is against the law. Furthermore, attempting to illegally access members of Congress in a threatening manner also didnt help her cause, traitor. She got what was coming to her. If you think what she did was acceptable, why dont you give it a try, traitor?


So shooting unarmed protestors without using less lethal methods is fine by you.

I'm glad we've straightened that out and other protests will be conducted in the same manner.

Looks like we can have the police get rid of the tasers and pepper spray so all protests can be treated equally.


So that is the justification for the government to summarily execute an unarmed citizen of the US today, eh. Run along you commie fuck.
The justification for shooting her in the chest was the protection of the lives of Congressmen ie his job. Now if she was supposedly handing someone a fake $20, you'd applaud her being shot on the spot, right?

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