Happy Insurrection Day!

Listen you lying fuck. You lie in every post you make. Please show me where I defended anyone for 1/6. They were protestors, much more peaceful than the BLM/Antifa thugs that you've been defending for two solid years. They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING. Unlike BLM/Antifa, they didn't occupy for weeks, they didn't torch it, they had no weapons, and they didn't murder anyone. The only murder that day was by one of your heeeero Piglosi's gestapo henchmen when he chose to execute an unarmed US citizen.
I guess I should give these traitors you support the benefit of the doubt. I mean they didnt completely destroy the Capitol. What's a few cops knocked unconscious and pounded with flagpoles to someone like yourself? Or the officers head who got wedged into a door. Just own the fact that you refuse to condemn the "much more peaceful" protesters as you put it, of anything. You cant do it. I can sit here and say I condemn any left wingers who destroyed buildings or any other illegal activity. Yet you seem to have a problem dealing with reality that these were violent right wing terrorists that attacked the Capitol because Donald Trump told them to do so.

Seriously, what is wrong with you? Are you really that far gone that you hate America that much?
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So now you're admitting that he was unprepared for any event that might occur at the Capitol that day.

That speaks a lot about him and the incompetent leadership above him.

And yes it did send a message........ One that does not sit well with free citizens.



Maybe he should have called his boss at that moment to ream him out. LOL. You're on the wrong side of history, traitor.
i love when MAGATs get what they deserved.

ashli babbitt sure did!
There are easily a thousand things more concerning to Americans than this stupid anniversary. However the corporate media pushes it to further divide Americans, for the benefit of the wealthy oligarchs and it works. Sadly so.
Maybe he should have called his boss at that moment to ream him out. LOL. You're on the wrong side of history, traitor.


Maybe........ At least I'm not murdering unarmed female protestors and celebrating.


Yet you cant own the fact you defended them in the very next sentence you wrote about how peaceful they were. You're delusional.
English isn't your first language is it? I said, "They were protestors" and "They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING" I certainly don't want you defending me if you think those statements sound like defense. They weren't. Neither are they capitol crimes, moron. Get an education. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
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Maybe........ At least I'm not murdering unarmed female protestors and celebrating.



Hmm lets see I'm a guy holding back hundreds of people from getting at Congressmen and doing who knows what to them. So I'm gonna take some time out of my day to call my boss to bitch him out for not giving me pepper spray.

You're delusional and sick. You also hate America.
English isn't your first language is it? I said, "They were protestors" and "They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING" I certainly don't want you defending me if you think those statements sound like defense. They weren't. Neither are they capitol crimes, moron. Get an education. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
See there you go again. Not owning up to the fact you attempted to lessen their criminality by calling them "more peaceful" than some other random riot. You just cant get yourself to do it, can you?

The Capitol was closed that day, dipshit. And there was a perimeter set up for where protesters were supposed to remain. Again, you continue to attempt to obfuscate the situation. But we get it. You cant help yourself defending these anti-American right wing terrorists. Because you are one of them.
English isn't your first language is it? I said, "They were protestors" and "They trespassed in A PUBLIC BUILDING" I certainly don't want you defending me if you think those statements sound like defense. They weren't. Neither are they capitol crimes, moron. Get an education. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Treason is a capital crime. Attempting to overturn an election seems like treason to me. Democrats are being pussies letting these treacherous individuals off but I’m not for executing retards and most were retarded like their leader.
attempted to lessen their criminality
Ever hear of irony, moron? You defended two years of criminal murder, arson, occupation of public property and the like and you are trying to justify summary execution as a penalty for trespass. You are incapable of logical thought.
Terrorists are BLM/Antifa. You know, the ones that use firearms, arson, murder and other intimidation to get their way. Again, educate yourself. Your schools are failing you, boy.
Hmm lets see I'm a guy holding back hundreds of people from getting at Congressmen and doing who knows what to them. So I'm gonna take some time out of my day to call my boss to bitch him out for not giving me pepper spray.

You're delusional and sick. You also hate America.


There were at least four or five police in the hallway with him and I saw at least another two on the stairwell behind her outside the breached window in the video of her shooting and you're saying none of them had less lethal means of subduing her.

The only one being delusional and sick is yourself and your need to kill someone so someone could make a statement of oppression in their arrogance.

Maybe you should have the Capitol police celebrate their victory by shooting other unarmed protestors or perhaps some DC tourists that don't look right today.



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