Happy Joe McCarthy Day

Thanx to the union based left wing politically affiliated education system generations of low information Americans have been encouraged to blame a single republican senator for the logical systematic mostly democrat effort to uncover the communist threat in society. HUAC was a democrat party creation sanctioned by president Harry Truman. The so-called "black-listing" in Hollywood had nothing to do with senator McCarthy. HUAC (house un-American activities committee) had no power to "black list" Hollywood screen writers. Hollywood thought it might lose money when communists were exposed so they fired them and amazingly blamed the whole thing on a freaking republican.

90% wrong and not on OP
Every single day, some ignorant rw posts about how much they hate our Constitution. Today is no different.

And, McCarthy told the same lie - that if you were against the witch hunts it meant you were a commie sympathizer. Plenty of dupes fell for it or were bullied into supporting him.

Disturbing to see the dupes lining up again.
McCarthy was a paranoid lunatic who tried to take away people's freedoms.

Thankfully he is gone and I hope he rots in hell.

Another proud commie supporter!

I am a proud supporter of this republic and the freedoms we enjoy. McCarthy took some of those freedoms, made a mockery out of the concept of "privacy", and limited who could say what.

If you call him a hero you are anti-American.
McCarthy was a paranoid lunatic who tried to take away people's freedoms.

Thankfully he is gone and I hope he rots in hell.

Another proud commie supporter!

I am a proud supporter of this republic and the freedoms we enjoy. McCarthy took some of those freedoms, made a mockery out of the concept of "privacy", and limited who could say what.

If you call him a hero you are anti-American.

Its much worse than just being anti-American.

They're actually proud of being against their own country. They're proud of the hate they have for the Constitution.
I used to know an older lady who was secretary to Joe during the hearings. She said he was a nice man, and she never saw him drunk. That lady would not lie!
Thanx to the union based left wing politically affiliated education system generations of low information Americans have been encouraged to blame a single republican senator for the logical systematic mostly democrat effort to uncover the communist threat in society. HUAC was a democrat party creation sanctioned by president Harry Truman. The so-called "black-listing" in Hollywood had nothing to do with senator McCarthy. HUAC (house un-American activities committee) had no power to "black list" Hollywood screen writers. Hollywood thought it might lose money when communists were exposed so they fired them and amazingly blamed the whole thing on a freaking republican.

90% wrong and not on OP

My 10% correct being that it was HUAC and not McCarthy which was responsible for Hollywood blacklists? How am I 90% wrong?
Nov 14, 1908 RIP.

If we had more guys like him around these days commie scum like president bisexual would be rotting on death row.

I went to Hallmark, but they don't have any cards for Happy McCarthy Day (maybe because "McCarthy" and "happy" would be an oxymoron). However, I did find something for Thomas Crapper Day, and I'm sure if we changed the wording a bit, pasted in a new picture it would do just dandy :)

What lives did he ruin again? Oh that's right only the communists in government spying for the Kremlin

tapatalk post

He ruined the lives of people based solely on rumor and bullshit. He went after people who were not communist but were against his invasions of privacy and his witchhunts.

He stomped on the US Constitution and ruined people's careers based on how they voted. YOU can't get much more un-American than that.
I used to know an older lady who was secretary to Joe during the hearings. She said he was a nice man, and she never saw him drunk. That lady would not lie!

I am a nice guy who always put the seat down, was polite to people he liked, and mowed his own lawn.

But he still ruined he careers of people who were not communist, they simply disagreed with his witchhunts.
I would have to revisit Senator McCarthy's actual speeches and agenda for an objective and comprehesive analysis. Certainly no rational person can deny the zionist infiltration of the US government at all levels today so was Communism at that early date of zionist infiltration a code word for zionism? OR was he put up to what he did by zionists to discredit those who observed government infiltration later?
I used to know an older lady who was secretary to Joe during the hearings. She said he was a nice man, and she never saw him drunk. That lady would not lie!

I am a nice guy who always put the seat down, was polite to people he liked, and mowed his own lawn.

But he still ruined he careers of people who were not communist, they simply disagreed with his witchhunts.

Except they were communists and the witch hunts were other people. ... if you're going to comment about something learn about it first

tapatalk post
I would have to revisit Senator McCarthy's actual speeches and agenda for an objective and comprehesive analysis. Certainly no rational person can deny the zionist infiltration of the US government at all levels today so was Communism at that early date of zionist infiltration a code word for zionism? OR was he put up to what he did by zionists to discredit those who observed government infiltration later?

Just blame it on the Jews huh you bigot?

tapatalk post
McCarthy was a paranoid lunatic who tried to take away people's freedoms.

Thankfully he is gone and I hope he rots in hell.

Everyone who loves our form of Government owes McCarthy a tip o' the cap at least.

What he did may be needed again sometime in the future but it's going to have to happen in a MUCH tougher environment.

We have let those who are Reds and those who support the Reds and those who are unaware of what evil has come from Communism thoroughly erase any possible good that might have come from Sen. Joe's efforts.

And the truth is a great deal of good came from his hearings.

Not to say there wasn't a bad side to it all, but there was ALSO a benefit that we should not diminish in its importance nor cover up or ignore.

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Nov 14, 1908 RIP.

If we had more guys like him around these days commie scum like president bisexual would be rotting on death row.

I don't know if I'd want full blown McCarthyism but obviously something is needed. Obama ran under the Democratic ticket when he obviously isn't a Democrate but a Commie douchebag. Now 60 years ago Democrates could smell a rat a mile away, but today they are such sheeple they are to stupid to realize their candidate is a commie and demand he leave office for someone who represents the party. Were it not for Republicans and other parties we'd be the United States Scholastic Republic.:mad:
Thanx to the union based left wing politically affiliated education system generations of low information Americans have been encouraged to blame a single republican senator for the logical systematic mostly democrat effort to uncover the communist threat in society. HUAC was a democrat party creation sanctioned by president Harry Truman. The so-called "black-listing" in Hollywood had nothing to do with senator McCarthy. HUAC (house un-American activities committee) had no power to "black list" Hollywood screen writers. Hollywood thought it might lose money when communists were exposed so they fired them and amazingly blamed the whole thing on a freaking republican.

90% wrong and not on OP

My 10% correct being that it was HUAC and not McCarthy which was responsible for Hollywood blacklists? How am I 90% wrong?

You are 10% right in that you are alive and breathing, which makes 90% of what you write wrong absolutely astounding.

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