Happy July 4th


What the hell is there to be happy about????

You're a Democrat, huh?
No. Far from it. But I refuse to celebrate something long lost to us all when men were men, women were women, we were strong and free and Americans. Now we are ruled by a drooling thieving idiot, a ho as a VP, and there is nothing free to celebrate anymore. Unless you have pink hair, holes in yer face, eat a diet of soy and wear a dress with your dick hanging out.

But you go ahead and party on. While you can, cuz we all will be locked up again, businesses closed, towns burned and looted.
Pray for our leaders. Only GOD has the power to change hearts and lives.
Do we have a waiving your hand over your head emoticon?

Does not pertain to me. Maybe to you.

The rest of what you said? Agreed. We all should enjoy what freedom we have left, which isn't much...and it will only get worse the longer libs have control. So don't expect me to celebrate along with ya because it's disgusting we got where we are and I ain't celebrating it.
Alexander Fraser Tytler
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

According to Tytler, we got an extra 45 years!
What the hell is there to be happy about????

You're a Democrat, huh?
No. Far from it. But I refuse to celebrate something long lost to us all when men were men, women were women, we were strong and free and Americans. Now we are ruled by a drooling thieving idiot, a ho as a VP, and there is nothing free to celebrate anymore. Unless you have pink hair, holes in yer face, eat a diet of soy and wear a dress with your dick hanging out.

But you go ahead and party on. While you can, cuz we all will be locked up again, businesses closed, towns burned and looted.
Pray for our leaders. Only GOD has the power to change hearts and lives.

We aren't going to get anywhere with the leaders we have. They have proven what they are. We need better ones.

The problem is the voters. Americans have over half the population now that if they were given a credit card with a higher limit will just go spend it. After they spent it, they will have debt and nothing to show for it. That shucks for the rest of us who are unfortunately less than half the country but recognize what's going on.

I'm going to pray that I lose my mind and become a Democrat so it stops driving me insane that our country has become so immoral and irresponsible
What the hell is there to be happy about????

You're a Democrat, huh?
No. Far from it. But I refuse to celebrate something long lost to us all when men were men, women were women, \

Blah, blah, blah

Shouldn't you be busy in the kitchen or something?

You'll make some lucky girl a fine husband one day ...
^Missed the point. Wooosh, right over the noggin.

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