happy turtle day......


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
May 23 is World Turtle Day, celebrating the tortoise and the turtle. Started by the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR) in 2000, the annually celebrated day shines a spotlight on care, conservation and awareness of the oldest living reptiles in the world.

Based in Malibu, California, ATR is the leading advocate for the care, rescue and protection of these ancient reptiles. Placing over 1,000 tortoises and 2,000 turtles into caring homes over the past 25 years, ATR also rescues abandoned pets and offers helpful advice for looking after sick turtles. Dedicated to the day, ATR promotes the education of turtles and tortoises, encouraging discussion and research into further safeguarding practices.

The two are often confused. Generally, turtles live and swim in the sea while tortoises are land-based. However, scientifically, "turtle" is used to describe any member of the order Testudine, which includes both turtles and tortoises!

There are seven species of turtle: The flatback sea turtle (Natator depressus), olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) and hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), of which the latter four are classified as endangered or critically endangered.

Turtles can be found in most of the world's oceans, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic. As adults, these omnivores can measure up to between 0.61 meters and 2.7 meters (2-9 feet) in length and can weigh up to 680 kilograms (1,500 pounds). All have a carapace (hard shell) except the leatherback, which has bony plates underneath leathery skin.

Happy World Turtle Day IFLScience

the link has a turtle eating a raspberry ...slowly very very slowly
I love turtles. Got a bunch here in the pond, and others either coming ashore to forage or living outside the pond. See em walking up the walkway most every morning or coming by the unit bushes to get bits of food left for th ebirds and squirrels. Had one walk right past my feet last year. Took an interests in my wiggling toes and had to move em back worried it might take a nibble from them. :)
Baby sea turtles are so cute!

Where I live we let the kids shoot them off cypress logs in the lake behind my house all the time during the spring and summer, usually during weekend BBQs or get togethers for ball games. They've gotten good at it killing them with head shots at about 100ft with 2 powerful Beeman pellet guns I bought. Since its a holiday and people are coming over this weekend, the grandkids will probably have another turtle slaughter like last year. And that reminds me, I've got to go to the sporting goods store today and load up on pellets for them.
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We also get to see turtles a lot where we are. Love them. They're so benign and harmless and charming. We stop all the time to move them off the roads so they don't get squished.

Steve McAsshole isn't the only one who likes to kill innocent things. I've seen fishermen catch and behead them before throwing the bodies back in the water to rot and foul it for others.

Since turtles can't fight back, it makes Steve feel like the man he's not and will never be. Actually, this is probably a good thing. If he didn't have access to such brainless slaughter, its very likely he would be beating up on little kids and women.
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If it weren't for Steve McGarrett and his ilk, this country might be at risk of running out of sociopaths.
What do you mean. Turtles are a delicacy where I live. Pot-Fried Turtle and especially cajun turtle bisque is the best.




Where I live we let the kids shoot them off cypress logs in the lake behind my house all the time during the spring and summer, usually during weekend BBQs or get togethers for ball games. They've gotten good at it killing them with head shots at about 100ft with 2 powerful Beeman pellet guns I bought. Since its a holiday and people are coming over this weekend, the grandkids will probably have another turtle slaughter like last year. And that reminds me, I've got to go to the sporting goods store today and load up on pellets for them.

Hey McRacist, I just figured out what you should dress up as for Hallowe'en. A turtle.
No reason to wait for the calendar -- start now.

You could always dress as a troll, but everybody would recognize that.

Piss the fuck off.
I like turtles. Nice thread, thanks for posting.

And seeings how it's Memorial Day weekend...
God bless our troops and a big thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.
If it weren't for Steve McGarrett and his ilk, this country might be at risk of running out of sociopaths.
What do you mean. Turtles are a delicacy where I live. Pot-Fried Turtle and especially cajun turtle bisque is the best.







You very clearly said that inbred, sub-human, cracker, trailer trash, knuckle dragging assholes blast them off the logs they're on. You don't eat them. You yourself said you "slaughter" them for sick ass sport.

You're very angry and impotent in your real life. Every post you write proves that. You blame Blacks and Hispanics for your failures. That's exactly the sort who kills the most benign and harmless creatures for sport. If you had balls and if you could make a decent living, you would not be so angry and afraid.
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If it weren't for Steve McGarrett and his ilk, this country might be at risk of running out of sociopaths.
What do you mean. Turtles are a delicacy where I live. Pot-Fried Turtle and especially cajun turtle bisque is the best.







You very clearly said that inbred, cracker, trailer trash, knuckle dragging assholes blast them off the logs they're on. You don't eat them. You yourself said you "slaughter" them for sick ass sport.

You're very angry and impotent in your real life. Every post you write proves that. You blame Blacks and Hispanics for your failures. That's exactly the sort who kills the most benign and harmless creatures for sport. If you had balls and if you could make a decent living, you would not be so angry and afraid.
I do eat them when I'm hungry for them. They serve them in restaurants here and when we do catch them in fishing nets we clean them and make turtle bisque.
We also get to see turtles a lot where we are. Love them. They're so benign and harmless and charming. We stop all the time to move them off the roads so they don't get squished.

Steve McAsshole isn't the only one who likes to kill innocent things. I've seen fishermen catch and behead them before throwing the bodies back in the water to rot and foul it for others.

Since turtles can't fight back, it makes Steve feel like the man he's not and will never be. Actually, this is probably a good thing. If he didn't have access to such brainless slaughter, its very likely he would be beating up on little kids and women.
Old women. Younger ones would probably kick the shit out of him. Unlike turtles, you are not allowed to shoot them.

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