Happy Victims of Communism Day

Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.

What about Pol Pot and Mao? Just another case of "not real Communism"? Well, maybe old uncle Adolph failed at fascism and we should give the real thing a try soon.
Tyrannical dictators much like the thousands of years of monarchies which killed people also..

There's not a lot of people in workers unions and on college campuses wishing for a return to Monarchy though...

If there was any justice in this world, displaying the hammer and sickle in public would be just as taboo as the swastika.
Where I live the Soviet flag will never fly.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.
Oh please. Enough already with the ‘but that wasn’t real Communism, we’ll do it right next time’ BS.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.
Oh please. Enough already with the ‘but that wasn’t real Communism, we’ll do it right next time’ BS.
I never stated anyone was going to do it again.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

Yes. Perhaps the most ancient and truest axiom of human civilization, from the family unit up across the centuries to our modern mega-civilizations. Might has always made right. Those who lack or fail to use "might" go quickly and often silently into history's eternal night. Water under the bridge along with much spilled blood.
Might has always made right.
Oh. My. God.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

Yes. Perhaps the most ancient and truest axiom of human civilization, from the family unit up across the centuries to our modern mega-civilizations. Might has always made right. Those who lack or fail to use "might" go quickly and often silently into history's eternal night. Water under the bridge along with much spilled blood.
Might has always made right.
Oh. My. God.

Quick! Someone get her some pearls to clutch and get the smelling salts and fainting couch ready, STAT
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

Yes. Perhaps the most ancient and truest axiom of human civilization, from the family unit up across the centuries to our modern mega-civilizations. Might has always made right. Those who lack or fail to use "might" go quickly and often silently into history's eternal night. Water under the bridge along with much spilled blood.
Might has always made right.
Oh. My. God.
It was the only book he hasn't read to quote from.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

Yes. Perhaps the most ancient and truest axiom of human civilization, from the family unit up across the centuries to our modern mega-civilizations. Might has always made right. Those who lack or fail to use "might" go quickly and often silently into history's eternal night. Water under the bridge along with much spilled blood.
Might has always made right.
Oh. My. God.

While I am fairly certain any and all explanations to the italicized quoted bit will be lost on an "old" Lady who seems to embody such stunning naïveté, as they say, "the ants must continue to march." When a child does wrong a parent uses the might of their authority to punish him. Should the parent choose not to use the might of their authority and ignore the child's offense, said child will use this weakness as authorization to transgress again, learning nothing in the process. When a police officer arrests a citizen, said police officer uses might to restrain, transport and process that citizen. If the same police officer stands idly by and allows that citizen to resist and/or flee arrest, society and justice has failed and the criminal escapes without punishment. Thus, might makes right. When the enemy is at the gate (metaphorically and/or literally) a nation's military mobilizes to use the might of its collective power to turn back and defeat the foe of its homeland. Might makes right.

Are you naïve enough to believe Stalin and his Bolshevik chums did not use brutal might to seize power, relocate mass swaths of the Russian population and murder/imprison tens of millions of them? How about the American Revolution? No might was used to make right there either? Tell me, what is the "glue" that holds modern day civilization together? Why don't warlords rise to power in each of our States, gather armies and march on D.C.? Because all would be warlords fear the might of our government. Same reason thousands of Americans don't make careers out of robbing banks or Walmart . . . fear of the might of our justice system. Might makes right. To the victors go the spoils. Fifty plus thousand years of humans using might to make right according whatever ideology rules the day. Accept it or don't. History could care less.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

Yes. Perhaps the most ancient and truest axiom of human civilization, from the family unit up across the centuries to our modern mega-civilizations. Might has always made right. Those who lack or fail to use "might" go quickly and often silently into history's eternal night. Water under the bridge along with much spilled blood.
Might has always made right.
Oh. My. God.

While I am fairly certain any and all explanations to the italicized quoted bit will be lost on an "old" Lady who seems to embody such stunning naïveté, as they say, "the ants must continue to march." When a child does wrong a parent uses the might of their authority to punish him. Should the parent choose not to use the might of their authority and ignore the child's offense, said child will use this weakness as authorization to transgress again, learning nothing in the process. When a police officer arrests a citizen, said police officer uses might to restrain, transport and process that citizen. If the same police officer stands idly by and allows that citizen to resist and/or flee arrest, society and justice has failed and the criminal escapes without punishment. Thus, might makes right. When the enemy is at the gate (metaphorically and/or literally) a nation's military mobilizes to use the might of its collective power to turn back and defeat the foe of its homeland. Might makes right.

Are you naïve enough to believe Stalin and his Bolshevik chums did not use brutal might to seize power, relocate mass swaths of the Russian population and murder/imprison tens of millions of them? How about the American Revolution? No might was used to make right there either? Tell me, what is the "glue" that holds modern day civilization together? Why don't warlords rise to power in each of our States, gather armies and march on D.C.? Because all would be warlords fear the might of our government. Same reason thousands of Americans don't make careers out of robbing banks or Walmart . . . fear of the might of our justice system. Might makes right. To the victors go the spoils. Fifty plus thousand years of humans using might to make right according whatever ideology rules the day. Accept it or don't. History could care less.
The examples you use of "might" to enforce good rules and laws is not the problem. It is not always "right," as you mention with Stalin. Or Hitler.
Might makes right is not accurate. Might makes might, is what it makes.
Seven years ago Venezuela was becoming an economic giant.

Then they confiscated the guns and went socialist.

Three years later Venezuelans are eating their pets to survive. Seven years later the government is shooting Venezuelans to prevent them from obtaining humanitarian aid.
Maduro did not prevent humanitarian aid EXCEPT for aid from the US. The EU, Red Cross International, and the allies you listed earlier are all supplying assistance. Maduro made it clear he would not accept humanitarian aid from the US and we ignored him and piled up our sacks of rice on the border tut-tut-ing about what a horrible guy he is, making it look as if he was doing nothing to help his people.
Our government can be pretty slimy when it wants, you know?
Um the slimy part is not accepting aid even if only selectively.

He did not care about helping his own people
Our government is opposed to Maduro. The people in Venezuela opposed to Maduro side with us and want our help. Maduro, who is in charge, does not. That is what it is about. Not feeding people. We wanted to make him look bad in a way that many Americans would swallow. No one cares if those people get fed. We just want Maduro gone.

We tried to help.

He refused it is on him not us.

If he wanted to help his people he would accept ANY aid.

He is the slimy criminal and your narrative is idiotic spin.
Seven years ago Venezuela was becoming an economic giant.

Then they confiscated the guns and went socialist.

Three years later Venezuelans are eating their pets to survive. Seven years later the government is shooting Venezuelans to prevent them from obtaining humanitarian aid.
Maduro did not prevent humanitarian aid EXCEPT for aid from the US. The EU, Red Cross International, and the allies you listed earlier are all supplying assistance. Maduro made it clear he would not accept humanitarian aid from the US and we ignored him and piled up our sacks of rice on the border tut-tut-ing about what a horrible guy he is, making it look as if he was doing nothing to help his people.
Our government can be pretty slimy when it wants, you know?
Um the slimy part is not accepting aid even if only selectively.

He did not care about helping his own people
Our government is opposed to Maduro. The people in Venezuela opposed to Maduro side with us and want our help. Maduro, who is in charge, does not. That is what it is about. Not feeding people. We wanted to make him look bad in a way that many Americans would swallow. No one cares if those people get fed. We just want Maduro gone.

We tried to help.

He refused it is on him not us.

If he wanted to help his people he would accept ANY aid.

He is the slimy criminal and your narrative is idiotic spin.
She represents the Lefts point well. Government shooting unarmed civilians for trying to feed their families is acceptable. It’s evil America that should be put on trial for sending food to starving people.
Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.
Oh please. Enough already with the ‘but that wasn’t real Communism, we’ll do it right next time’ BS.
I never stated anyone was going to do it again.
maybe not you BUT
Unfortunately we're under the impression That errrrr some in this country may wanna head in that direction

Golly i wonder whatever gave us that idea

Anyway for extended may day celebrations
May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead

Perhaps as many as a hundred million people were victims of communism in the last century, deliberately rounded up, shot, starved, or simply forced to march into snowy wasteland until dead, exterminated by communist regimes.

The most comprehensive statistical source for democide statistics, Death By Government, puts the toll at 106 million. Necrometrics estimates that Stalin and Mao alone killed 60 million. Wikipedia, defining democide more narrowly, puts the toll between 21 million and 70 million. The Museum of iCommunism estimates 100 million murdered. The Black Book of iCommunism estimates 80 to 100 million.

But these are just statistics. As psychologists have pointed out, it’s impossible for the human mind to grasp the magnitude of that level of horror through sheer numbers. Just as Schindler’s List was instrumental in getting the public to come to finally terms with the Holocaust, it is perhaps through film that death toll of communism can best be understood.

Every May 1st for the last several years, Ilya Somin has written an editorial for the Washington Postdeclaring the “May Day” so beloved by the Left to be renamed “Victims of Communism Day.” I concur, and so, while socialists blissfully celebrate their worker’s paradise this May Day, indifferent to the human cost of their political philosophy, I propose that well-meaning people consider watching a film on the subject, both out of respect for those lost and to be intellectually armed against the ignorance of those still in denial. Here are some recommendations.

May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead | MissLiberty.com

The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

How do you achieve real Communism, without the use of force upon civilians by government?

Capitalism, and class are natural, only an authoritarian government can stop that nature.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.

There's a stunning hypocrisy, on which might makes right events are okay, or not.

Might made right, until that Jew Lemkin founded, and demonized the term "Genocide"
Ever since, the Jewish & Goy Liberals alike have been screeching about the Holocaust.

Still, the irony about Communism, and Nazism is that the Holocaust was largely made possible due to Soviet raw materials in the German - Soviet credit agreement / German - Soviet commercial agreement.

So, Communism helped bring forward the Holocaust.

But, tell that to ignorant Cultural Marxists, who don't know they're @$$ from their elbows.
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.

Soviets wanted to become full allies of Hitler, it's Hitler who breached the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, in Operation Barbarossa.

German–Soviet Axis talks - Wikipedia
The US was founded on murder and theft yet you guys want to claim only communist kill people. What a joke.

Might makes right. Early America was explored, settled and made into a nation the same way every other great nation in history was.
Including communist Russia?
Well it wasn't real communism it was more a military dictatorship.

And the right is determined by the victors not the vanquished.

That's got to be the first time I've read someone say "not real communism" unironically.

Anyway, wasn't Russia already a pretty well established nation with like, roads and cities and everything before the Commies rolled into town? And I don't feel any more sympathy for those centuries-dead native Americans than I do for all the people Genghis Khan's Mongol hordes trampled to death.
The commies of had to fight the Germans which held parts of Russia from winning it through concessions and military victories in WWI and for a peace treaty with Germany. They had to fight White Russians and an allied force which included the US. So they had to fight or die like any movement.
It wasn't real communism because the workers had no part in deciding the means of production or the distribution. The Kremlin did that.

Soviets wanted to become full allies of Hitler, it's Hitler who breached the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, in Operation Barbarossa.

German–Soviet Axis talks - Wikipedia
They were allies with Hitler until Hitler decided otherwise.

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