Hard Hitting commentary on Rand Paul (R) by Bill Schneider, formerly from CNN


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Schneider makes some points I don't agree with, but alone the fact that the points exists does show some hills that Rand Paul will need to climb. Please actually READ the article before commenting, you know, kind of like Rand Paul's READ THE BILL Act before congress! :lol:

Rand Paul Contender or Curiosity Bill Schneider

What are the chances that Sen. Rand Paul will get elected President next year? Look at it this way: Sen. Paul's is running for re-election to the Senate at the same time he is running for President. That doesn't show a lot of confidence in his presidential prospects.

Paul is more of a curiosity than a contender. He's trying to maintain his libertarian creds and at the same time reassure conservatives that he really is one of them. His explicit objective is to change the Republican Party so that it can be competitive in the New America. Paul's goal is to bring in more minorities, more young people and more poor people. ``...

...Nominations are controlled by partisans, and you're not likely to win their favor by telling them what's wrong with their party. John McCain tried to do that when he first ran for the Republican nomination in 2000. It didn't work.

Paul calls himself a conservative, but his views on a number of issues are suspect to the conservative establishment. Like military intervention and government surveillance and criminal justice reform. Paul has tried to mend fences with conservatives, but the more he does that, the more he alienates the libertarian base he inherited from his father. He has reassured Christian conservatives that he is opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage. That won't sit well with many libertarians and may limit his appeal to women and to young people.

The only way Paul can get the Republican nomination is by bringing in huge numbers of new primary voters to overwhelm Republican regulars. And the only way to do that is by stirring their passion. Diluting the message won't help.

Still, Paul is likely to do well in several of the early contests...

...With Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, running against Washington means running against Republicans as well as Democrats. No problem for Sen. Paul.He said on Tuesday that ``when Republicans won, we've squandered our victory by becoming part of the Washington machine.'' That is not music to the ears of Republican partisans...

...But it is his foreign policy views that present the biggest hurdle. Republican hawks are deeply suspicious of Paul's isolationist past and his hostility to military intervention, foreign aid and government surveillance. One group is already spending $1 million on ads that say, ``Rand Paul is wrong and dangerous.''...

Bill Schneider used to do lots of commentary on CNN and did lots of polling extractions on election night. If you watched him in both 2004 and 2008, you will see that he is hard on everyone. He currently works at George Mason University.

I've bolded what I think are 7 main points that Schneider is making.I disagree strongly with no. 1 and no. 6.

Please list a point and discuss/debate.
there was a time when you could believe the news, but not no more.
Paul like Romney would be such a breath of fresh after this freak show
“Suppose Paul shakes up the GOP as Pat Robertson did in Iowa in 1988 and Pat Buchanan did in New Hampshire in 1996. The empire will strike back. Establishment Republicans don't want loony libertarians in their board rooms or their country clubs.”


“Moreover, some of Paul's peculiar views are likely to haunt his campaign. He has supported the right of parents to refuse to vaccinate their children (Paul is an eye doctor by profession). He called the Ebola virus ``incredibly contagious'' and said you could get it by attending a cocktail party -- something denied by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and by world health authorities. He has spooked financial authorities by calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve and a commission to study returning to the gold standard.”

“Some” of Paul's peculiar views?

Try most.

A 'balanced budget amendment,' 'term limits,' and a paranoid, delusional perception of an American 'police state' are just as unfounded and bizarre as the nonsense quoted above.

Loony libertarian, indeed.
he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
As was expected O'Reilly started to ridicule Paul. It was subtle but the tone and phrasing indicated what was coming from this "unbiased and fair" commentator. He said: "Rand Paul wants to be president" with a tone of sarcasm. Watch when he will announce his more favorable candidates. I expect him to say: "So and so announced that s/he is running for president."
Anyone who can get Rove to drain his piggy bank is ok in my book. I'm not a huge Paul fan but evidently he worries some in the establishment which I'm all for.
he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
Rand Paul Changes His Tune On Defense Spending
For years, Paul distinguished himself among Senate Republicans by actually advocating for a reduced military presence overseas and a downsized military budget. His image as a strident critic of the military industrial complex was further solidified in his nearly 13-hour filibuster on the Senate floor in which he mounted a lengthy protest against the secrecy surrounding drone strikes and delayed the confirmation of CIA Director John Brennan.

Now, as he competes with other Republicans for the conservative base’s allegiance, Paul has shifted from a libertarian senator who wants to completely eliminate war spending to a likely presidential candidate who has rallied Republicans around the need to defend the country against ISIS and Islamic extremists.
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
The establishment GOP had a brief fling with the sort of paleo-conservatism that the Pauls were in the forefront of;

that's gone. The neocons are back in all their idiotic splendor and Rand Paul is desperately compromising his principles to avoid becoming the permanent ten percenter his father was.
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
He voted against reform.....
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
He voted against reform.....
Yes, did you read why? "does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
He voted against reform.....
Yes, did you read why? "does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
He had his cake and ate it
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
He voted against reform.....
Yes, did you read why? "does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."

Understand something...he is not a maverick he is a politician..... he voted against reform....
“Suppose Paul shakes up the GOP as Pat Robertson did in Iowa in 1988 and Pat Buchanan did in New Hampshire in 1996. The empire will strike back. Establishment Republicans don't want loony libertarians in their board rooms or their country clubs.”


“Moreover, some of Paul's peculiar views are likely to haunt his campaign. He has supported the right of parents to refuse to vaccinate their children (Paul is an eye doctor by profession). He called the Ebola virus ``incredibly contagious'' and said you could get it by attending a cocktail party -- something denied by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and by world health authorities. He has spooked financial authorities by calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve and a commission to study returning to the gold standard.”

“Some” of Paul's peculiar views?

Try most.

A 'balanced budget amendment,' 'term limits,' and a paranoid, delusional perception of an American 'police state' are just as unfounded and bizarre as the nonsense quoted above.

Loony libertarian, indeed.
plus he backpedaled on empire building on the taxpayer dime.
Rand Paul Channels His Inner Tom Cotton Calls For Defense Spending Hike

The proposal marks a notable reversal for Paul, a libertarian-leaning senator with Tea Party cred who swept into office with promises to slash defense spending. In his first five-year budget, introduced in 2011, Paul called for a draw-down and restructuring of the Department of Defense that would have reduced its budget to $548 billion by fiscal year 2016. "Military funding has often far outpaced not only our most likely enemies, but has often outpaced the entire world’s military spending combined," he wrote at the time. By comparison, his new stance would boost spending to approximately $697 billion in the same year.
Ron Paul was content to shape the debate, knowing he was never a serious candidate.

I think the analysis is right, Rand wants more than that. I don't think it's possible this time, though.
Maybe Huckabee or Hillary would be the perfect candidate for you. I love single issue voters.

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