Hard Hitting commentary on Rand Paul (R) by Bill Schneider, formerly from CNN

Has Rand Paul ever given a speech at the CFR H.Q.?

The old Vagina camps out at NeoCon establishments and the Libs say nothing.

The problem for democrats is that anybody can beat Hillary and they don't seem to have anyone else even though Hillary seems coy about running. I'm not crazy about Paul's libertarianism but anybody is better than the spooky world class enabler for her husband's perverted abuse of women.
Ah, Schneider is just another Government/Corporate Media weasel. And he also worked for CNN (Communist News Network) for too many years. Can't give him much credibility. It is what it is.
Ah, Schneider is just another Government/Corporate Media weasel. And he also worked for CNN (Communist News Network) for too many years. Can't give him much credibility. It is what it is.
Apparently CNN is evolving it used to be Clinton News Network times back.
Sorry.....he's for American isolationism. We've seen how hugely that has failed under Obama. :( Next.
Oh, no doubt, Paul has an uphill battle on his hands. Start with Rove and the rest of the Country Club Blue-Blood Republicans who will savage him. Then the mainstream Democrats who will attempt to destroy him personally... I for the life of me don't understand why anyone would subject themselves and their families to any of this.
I wonder how much attention the left will give Rubio and Walker when they announce?

My guess is very little. The GOP nomination will go to Scott Walker, Rubio, or Jeb Bush. Any of those three can beat Hillary fairly easily as she is a terrible campaigner with mountains of baggage and huge ethical and (potentially) legal problems.

The Dems should be very worried. :)
Oh, no doubt, Paul has an uphill battle on his hands. Start with Rove and the rest of the Country Club Blue-Blood Republicans who will savage him. Then the mainstream Democrats who will attempt to destroy him personally... I for the life of me don't understand why anyone would subject themselves and their families to any of this.
I do not think he does it for prestige as of becoming Pres. (we know it is a very long shot) He does it because of his passion about his belief and he can do it. How many of us could regardless how passionate we are? How many of us could get enough exposure to run just for a county commissioner not mentioning higher elected offices?
I wonder how much attention the left will give Rubio and Walker when they announce?

My guess is very little. The GOP nomination will go to Scott Walker, Rubio, or Jeb Bush. Any of those three can beat Hillary fairly easily as she is a terrible campaigner with mountains of baggage and huge ethical and (potentially) legal problems.

The Dems should be very worried. :)

No worries, they are... as well they should be. When your only real pick is a 67 year old, ethically challenged retread from the 90's with health and legal issues... you've got a problem. Who else do they have?

That's right... nobody. Warren? Give me break.... O'Malley? lol....
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
And yet Ted Cruz supported it, along with three other Republicans.
Political world scenery changes and stances on issues have to be fluid to deal with them. He was originally for the Monroe Doctrine. Now, hypothetically: if we kept to the Monroe Doctrine, do you think Muslim countries would still hate the USA?
This is Rand Paul yesterday :
View attachment 39303
Rand Paul Pledges to 'Immediately' End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President

This is Rand Paul when it counted :

NSA Reform Stalls, Rand Paul Votes No - National Journal

Any Questions ?
NSA Reform Stalls Rand Paul Votes No - NationalJournal.com

"Sen. Rand Paul, who has long criticized the NSA, also voted against the measure. Last week, Paul's office said the Kentuckian would oppose the measure because it does not go far enough and would renew a portion of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, which grants the government expansive spying powers."
And yet Ted Cruz supported it, along with three other Republicans.
Actually I like it when representatives/senators do not follow party line blindly. It gives the appearance of representing the constituents what they supposed to do.
Actually I like it when representatives/senators do not follow party line blindly. It gives the appearance of representing the constituents what they supposed to do.
Sure sure but he does not follow his own line...the one he has been feeding you..

Then Guthrie asked about three ways he’s changed his “unorthodox” foreign policy views in recent years: He once said Iran wasn’t a threat, he opposed foreign aid to Israel and he favored defense cuts; he’s flipped on all three.

Before she could finish the question, though, Paul interrupted her: “Before we go, before we go, before we go through a litany…why don’t you let me explain before talking over me, ok?”

“Sure,” Guthrie said. But Paul continued to berate her.
Actually I like it when representatives/senators do not follow party line blindly. It gives the appearance of representing the constituents what they supposed to do.
Sure sure but he does not follow his own line...the one he has been feeding you..

Then Guthrie asked about three ways he’s changed his “unorthodox” foreign policy views in recent years: He once said Iran wasn’t a threat, he opposed foreign aid to Israel and he favored defense cuts; he’s flipped on all three.

Before she could finish the question, though, Paul interrupted her: “Before we go, before we go, before we go through a litany…why don’t you let me explain before talking over me, ok?”

“Sure,” Guthrie said. But Paul continued to berate her.
You envisioned the wrong picture of me. Paul doesn't feed me anything. I am watching and listening. I am trying to understand not only his but other candidates reasonings also as they emerge. On the other hand, I totally agree with him on not borrowing from China to give "foreign aid" to any country and yes, that includes Israel. If Israel needs financial help there are the Hollywood elite, media moguls and bankers to help.
he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book

Oh, I find it refreshing that he sticks to his views and have no problem with that in the world. Whether on not he pisses off "leftists" is, however, irrelevant. He won't need votes from "leftists" to win the GOP nomination. He will need votes from within your party to win the nomination.

See how that works?
I'm not a republican

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