Hard Hitting commentary on Rand Paul (R) by Bill Schneider, formerly from CNN

he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book

Oh, I find it refreshing that he sticks to his views and have no problem with that in the world. Whether on not he pisses off "leftists" is, however, irrelevant. He won't need votes from "leftists" to win the GOP nomination. He will need votes from within your party to win the nomination.

See how that works?
I'm not a republican

Well, ok...
Actually I like it when representatives/senators do not follow party line blindly. It gives the appearance of representing the constituents what they supposed to do.
Sure sure but he does not follow his own line...the one he has been feeding you..

Then Guthrie asked about three ways he’s changed his “unorthodox” foreign policy views in recent years: He once said Iran wasn’t a threat, he opposed foreign aid to Israel and he favored defense cuts; he’s flipped on all three.

Before she could finish the question, though, Paul interrupted her: “Before we go, before we go, before we go through a litany…why don’t you let me explain before talking over me, ok?”

“Sure,” Guthrie said. But Paul continued to berate her.
You envisioned the wrong picture of me. Paul doesn't feed me anything. I am watching and listening. I am trying to understand not only his but other candidates reasonings also as they emerge. On the other hand, I totally agree with him on not borrowing from China to give "foreign aid" to any country and yes, that includes Israel. If Israel needs financial help there are the Hollywood elite, media moguls and bankers to help.

You are becoming one of the sanest people in USMB, in my eyes. Damn, you really can debate and you really do listen. Kudos. I don't agree with all that you say, but I definitely like your style.

I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
Actually I like it when representatives/senators do not follow party line blindly. It gives the appearance of representing the constituents what they supposed to do.
Sure sure but he does not follow his own line...the one he has been feeding you..

Then Guthrie asked about three ways he’s changed his “unorthodox” foreign policy views in recent years: He once said Iran wasn’t a threat, he opposed foreign aid to Israel and he favored defense cuts; he’s flipped on all three.

Before she could finish the question, though, Paul interrupted her: “Before we go, before we go, before we go through a litany…why don’t you let me explain before talking over me, ok?”

“Sure,” Guthrie said. But Paul continued to berate her.
You envisioned the wrong picture of me. Paul doesn't feed me anything. I am watching and listening. I am trying to understand not only his but other candidates reasonings also as they emerge. On the other hand, I totally agree with him on not borrowing from China to give "foreign aid" to any country and yes, that includes Israel. If Israel needs financial help there are the Hollywood elite, media moguls and bankers to help.

You are becoming one of the sanest people in USMB, in my eyes. Damn, you really can debate and you really do listen. Kudos. I don't agree with all that you say, but I definitely like your style.

It is good to see somebody so eloquent in starting treads and having real arguments, when presenting opposing views from someone else, without being an idiot slinging unfounded mud around. I admire your well rounded knowledge about multiple subjects, including current affairs.
I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
I was not aware of the ritzy part. However, the name is also Ayn Rand's hero John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
The name Galt itself would suggest Rand Paul's philosophical belief and sending a subliminal message to people with the same ideology by choosing a place with that name to announce his candidacy.
I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
You are not going to believe this! I just found this article:
"Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky announced his candidacy for the presidency yesterday in a hotel ballroom in Louisville. The hotel was aptly named: The Galt Hotel. Presumably, the name is merely fortuitous as the hotel predates Ayn Rand’s writing Atlas Shrugged in which her libertarian hero is named John Galt."
Sen. Paul Enters the Race the Totalitarian Itch of Libertarianism National Catholic Reporter
From the Civil Rights Act to Israel to vaccinations, below is a list of five issues where Paul has performed some verbal gymnastics - if not full flip-flops.
Short term memory loss?
Rand Paul Has His Own History of Flip-Flops - NBC News

Then: Said Iran isn't a threat

I think people want to paint my father into some corner, but if you look at it intellectually, look at the evidence that Iran is not a threat. Iran cannot even refine their own gasoline. Over 50 percent of their gasoline is imported from Europe." (Interview with Alex Jones, 12/07)

Now: Signed letter to Iran sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that tried to undercut President Obama's negotiations with Iran

"There's no one in Washington more against war and more for a negotiated deal than I am," Paul said in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas. "But I want the negotiated deal to be a good deal. So my reason for signing onto the letter, I think it reiterates what is the actual law, that Congress will have to undo sanctions. But I also signed onto the letter because I want the president to negotiate from a position of strength which means that he needs to be telling them in Iran that 'I've got Congress to deal with.'"
Just one of a few ways that rand doesn't stick to his "guns."

he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
From the Civil Rights Act to Israel to vaccinations, below is a list of five issues where Paul has performed some verbal gymnastics - if not full flip-flops.
Short term memory loss?
Rand Paul Has His Own History of Flip-Flops - NBC News

Then: Said Iran isn't a threat

I think people want to paint my father into some corner, but if you look at it intellectually, look at the evidence that Iran is not a threat. Iran cannot even refine their own gasoline. Over 50 percent of their gasoline is imported from Europe." (Interview with Alex Jones, 12/07)

Now: Signed letter to Iran sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that tried to undercut President Obama's negotiations with Iran

"There's no one in Washington more against war and more for a negotiated deal than I am," Paul said in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas. "But I want the negotiated deal to be a good deal. So my reason for signing onto the letter, I think it reiterates what is the actual law, that Congress will have to undo sanctions. But I also signed onto the letter because I want the president to negotiate from a position of strength which means that he needs to be telling them in Iran that 'I've got Congress to deal with.'"
Just one of a few ways that rand doesn't stick to his "guns."

he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
The good thing is that leftists do.
I like boilermaker myself. Especially the Irish Car Bomb. That gets you to the destination pretty fast.
:beer: :booze::cheers2:
My estimate is that he'll be among the earliest to see the handwriting on the wall and will walk quietly away.
No, you don't understand. The comment was made that randy boy doesn't flip flop and sticks to his guns.
To bad it was proved wrong and you don't get the idea .

From the Civil Rights Act to Israel to vaccinations, below is a list of five issues where Paul has performed some verbal gymnastics - if not full flip-flops.
Short term memory loss?
Rand Paul Has His Own History of Flip-Flops - NBC News

Then: Said Iran isn't a threat

I think people want to paint my father into some corner, but if you look at it intellectually, look at the evidence that Iran is not a threat. Iran cannot even refine their own gasoline. Over 50 percent of their gasoline is imported from Europe." (Interview with Alex Jones, 12/07)

Now: Signed letter to Iran sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that tried to undercut President Obama's negotiations with Iran

"There's no one in Washington more against war and more for a negotiated deal than I am," Paul said in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas. "But I want the negotiated deal to be a good deal. So my reason for signing onto the letter, I think it reiterates what is the actual law, that Congress will have to undo sanctions. But I also signed onto the letter because I want the president to negotiate from a position of strength which means that he needs to be telling them in Iran that 'I've got Congress to deal with.'"
Just one of a few ways that rand doesn't stick to his "guns."

he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
The good thing is that leftists do.
I like boilermaker myself. Especially the Irish Car Bomb. That gets you to the destination pretty fast.
:beer: :booze::cheers2:
I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
I was not aware of the ritzy part. However, the name is also Ayn Rand's hero John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
The name Galt itself would suggest Rand Paul's philosophical belief and sending a subliminal message to people with the same ideology by choosing a place with that name to announce his candidacy.

Darned, I didn't even consider that, but now that you mention it. Wow.

Good connecting of the dots, there!
I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
I was not aware of the ritzy part. However, the name is also Ayn Rand's hero John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
The name Galt itself would suggest Rand Paul's philosophical belief and sending a subliminal message to people with the same ideology by choosing a place with that name to announce his candidacy.

Darned, I didn't even consider that, but now that you mention it. Wow.

Good connecting of the dots, there!
It is funny how I got to read the book some 25 yrs ago. The person, suggesting to me to read the book, was a college student supporting herself financially while attending to school.
I am, however, still wondering why he picked the Galt House to announce.
"Atlas Shrugged" connection?

The Galt House is an upper-end, ritzy Hotel, but often receives complaints of racism from people who have stayed there. At first I thought it was just a couple of complaints, but actually, there are a lot of them. Now, whether they are justified or not, I just don't know. And maybe Paul knew nothing of this

That being said, Rand Paul's announcement had a definitely much more mixed crowd than they have generally seen at GOP functions of any type. So, I consider that a positive sign.
I was not aware of the ritzy part. However, the name is also Ayn Rand's hero John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
The name Galt itself would suggest Rand Paul's philosophical belief and sending a subliminal message to people with the same ideology by choosing a place with that name to announce his candidacy.

Darned, I didn't even consider that, but now that you mention it. Wow.

Good connecting of the dots, there!
Do you think the first name Rand is a coincidence or is it Ron's idea to show his admiration of Ayn Rand? (Well this doesn't contribute anything to the conversation I just don't know how to cancel/get rid of the "reply" window.)
From the Civil Rights Act to Israel to vaccinations, below is a list of five issues where Paul has performed some verbal gymnastics - if not full flip-flops.
Short term memory loss?
Rand Paul Has His Own History of Flip-Flops - NBC News

Then: Said Iran isn't a threat

I think people want to paint my father into some corner, but if you look at it intellectually, look at the evidence that Iran is not a threat. Iran cannot even refine their own gasoline. Over 50 percent of their gasoline is imported from Europe." (Interview with Alex Jones, 12/07)

Now: Signed letter to Iran sponsored by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., that tried to undercut President Obama's negotiations with Iran

"There's no one in Washington more against war and more for a negotiated deal than I am," Paul said in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas. "But I want the negotiated deal to be a good deal. So my reason for signing onto the letter, I think it reiterates what is the actual law, that Congress will have to undo sanctions. But I also signed onto the letter because I want the president to negotiate from a position of strength which means that he needs to be telling them in Iran that 'I've got Congress to deal with.'"
Just one of a few ways that rand doesn't stick to his "guns."

he's an offbeat guy that seems to stick to his guns instead of evolving (lying) his views.

and if he pisses off leftist, which he does, he's alright in my book
why are leftist so illiterate?

Is reading comprehension really that damn hard?

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