Hard Right Evangelical Radio Host; The CO Massacre Was Caused By "The Liberals"

Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

Do you have OCD? Seriously, you are incapable of posting on any topic without whining about Romney. But... you'd still be a rabid rightwinger if only Gingrich had won. Loser.

Only because you see in limited terms of "left" and "right", which is kind of hard to follow when the "left" suddenly discovers it like pre-emptive wars in the middle east and the "right" suddenly decides it hates private sector health care solutions.

On other points, I've been completely consistant. My dislike of religion in general and Mormonism in particular.

I'm against Romney because I think he's an unethical, evil person with no moral or political center. It's not whether I agree with him or not, the way that guy has flip-flopped, I can honestly say I've agreed with him at least 50% of the time.

My point is that Fischer is a complete troll and scumbag, essentially blaming the teaching of evolution for Holmes' rampage.

And this guy says "Jump", and Romney says "how High?"
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Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

I believe Willard also recently had a sit down with him or another extreme right evangelical nutcase.
I'm surprised Fischer didn't go after Willard for being a mormon, but I guess that's OK because he has an (R) next to his name,...

The Evangelicals whacks are all pretending that they really like the Mormons now... or something... because they hate the black guy so much.

Which just tells me that when you mix your theology with politics, the politics usually end up taking over.

Not to worry, when Romney loses in November, the Mormons will go back to being evil cultists in their eyes. And Willard can go back to actually admitting he's a Mormon openly.
It does appear that both ABC and now these people dont seem to grasp the concept that this has nothing to do with anyone's political feelings, nor do I care what Subject A's political feelings are. What I do care about is the victims and their families and offer my thoughts and prayers to them, and still further it's also my hope that the only fame the Subject gets from this is a short walk to meet his maker. I refuse like others to even dignify him with a name and both ABC and now these people do nothing but take away from the real focus here by playing the blame game for political gain and do a huge diservice to good people , and often times make even more vicitims even if they don't happen to be on the same political side which has nothing at all to do with this.

Can I just say.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Me too. And may I also say ANYBODY that listens to these idiots gets exactly what they deserve in the first place.:clap2:
There's only ONE more river to cross.

No, it's not the River Jordan.

And as tempted as I am to say it's the River Styx which is the river between Earth and Hades (even though the Greek Hades had a TOTALLY different connotation than the Christian one), it's not the River Styx either.

It's the Rubicon. That is, so to speak, to pass the point of no return.

When, I wonder, will RW conservative Christians accuse liberals of killing Jesus?

The libs have already blamed that on George Bush.
I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

I believe Willard also recently had a sit down with him or another extreme right evangelical nutcase.
I'm surprised Fischer didn't go after Willard for being a mormon, but I guess that's OK because he has an (R) next to his name,...

The Evangelicals whacks are all pretending that they really like the Mormons now... or something... because they hate the black guy so much.

Which just tells me that when you mix your theology with politics, the politics usually end up taking over.

Not to worry, when Romney loses in November, the Mormons will go back to being evil cultists in their eyes. And Willard can go back to actually admitting he's a Mormon openly.

Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.
In my humble opinion using this tragic event as means to pass Gun Control Laws is rather like trying to stop the ship from hitting the shore after it's sunk. The point is, that stricter Gun control will never stop those heartless individuals and groups that have no respect for life or decent society from getting them. Take for instance the current situation along the border in Mexico, most are not aware Mexico has some of the most strict gun laws in the world, but yet that does not stop those criminals who wish to use them for murder and mayhem from getting them. Strong law enforcement and a population that eventually tires of these thugs will. The framers of our constitution James Madison among them crafted the 2nd Amendment from English Law and most may not know that the 2nd Amendment is there more so " law abiding" people as a means to make sure their Govt. will not seek the path of tyranny and always insure that the rights in the constitution are respected. While it's true that these rights are not unlimited , even the most conservative Justice on the Supreme Court said as much in Heller, and most would agree it does not give an unlimited right to own any weapon anyone wishes to own. Existing laws support this as well. My personal feelings are that semi-automatic weapons like the AK-47 and the AR-15 serve no useful civilian purpose other than save for sport shooting and perhaps home defense, However, I would submit that anyone who is familier with the term CQB, a weapon like the AR-15 and the AK-47 are not the first weapon of choice for that and as for a homeowner in that situation they are not practical as well. I see no reason why these types of weapons could not be regulated the same way Class III weapons are regulated now, but to use this tragic event as an excuse to limit the rights of others seems like nonsense and unproductive and shows a real unwillingness to actually come up with solutions that not only respect the rights of the "people" and the 2nd Amendment but also provide some measure of public safety from those bent on these kinds of acts. I will leave you with this...

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.-Thomas Jefferson

If we as a people respect the rule of law and our constitution then we need give respect to the entire constitution until it is changed. Let's not wait till the deaths of our citizens or use them as political tools , rather no matter what side of the issue you may fall on, advocate for those who feel the way you do to change it and let those who suffer heal and prey for them to have some small measure of peace.
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I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

Do you have OCD? Seriously, you are incapable of posting on any topic without whining about Romney. But... you'd still be a rabid rightwinger if only Gingrich had won. Loser.

Only because you see in limited terms of "left" and "right", which is kind of hard to follow when the "left" suddenly discovers it like pre-emptive wars in the middle east and the "right" suddenly decides it hates private sector health care solutions.

Obamacare is a "private sector health care solution?" No wonder everyone thinks you're a moron.

A private sector healthcare solution doesn't require a 2700 page bill. It only requires government to get out of the way. That means state governments should get out of the way and allow insurance companies from other states to do business in their state.
Ultimately the Colorado shooting is the fault of liberals. They are the ones who passed the laws protecting the truly insane from an unfair societal judgment.
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?
Ultimately the Colorado shooting is the fault of liberals. They are the ones who passed the laws protecting the truly insane from an unfair societal judgment.

You're quite possibly an even bigger moron than Fischer...
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Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

Actually, I think the proper translation is " don't commit murder" not the same thing as "kill"
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

teh left embraces freedoms much like freedom of speech "you have the right to say what u want, but it better agree with me"

Freedom of speech is left's great enemy
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

teh left embraces freedoms much like freedom of speech "you have the right to say what u want, but it better agree with me"

Freedom of speech is left's great enemy

No one with even a single functioning braincell uses an ultra-right wing propaganda link to state any kind of point. Epic fail.
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

teh left embraces freedoms much like freedom of speech "you have the right to say what u want, but it better agree with me"

Freedom of speech is left's great enemy

Wow. Nice site.

NOT. But you might could use one of these.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

So the left does support violence and there is credibility to blaming the left for the recent act. Thanks for playing.
Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

Odd. I dont remember you objecting when ABC falsely claimed that James Holmes was a Tea Party member.

I've never heard of this person before, and I dont agree with him blaming liberals. But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

Of course, that's not really a political issue as teaching the Ten Commandments is a parents responsibility and not the governments.

What I think would be more appropriate conversation is focus not on who to blame and what are the issues contributing to the problem and practical solutions to the problems. Teaching and living the Ten Commandments, certainly would be a good start.
Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

teh left embraces freedoms much like freedom of speech "you have the right to say what u want, but it better agree with me"

Freedom of speech is left's great enemy

Wow. Nice site.

NOT. But you might could use one of these.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

debate it show me where the author is either wrong or infactual correct?
Wonder when liberals are going to suggest we regulate Hollywood and their violent movies?

Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

So the left does support violence and there is credibility to blaming the left for the recent act. Thanks for playing.

What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

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