Hard Work DOESN'T Pay

I know lots of people who felt exactly the same way until they lost a job, or had some other setback that they had no control over. Just because you are lucky enough to have not had that kind of reversal doesn't mean that you are smarter or work harder. It just means you are luckier.

If you can keep a roof over your head, have clean water and food, you are in good shape compared to a lot of the world. Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices (smaller house, cheaper cell phone, 1 TV instead of 4 etc.) There are people that are genuinely hurting, there are others that have put themselves in their own predicament....

Of course there are some who put themselves in a bad situation. Always have been. always will be. I just don't see those as the majority of the hurting.

I think a lot of it depends on your life experiences. Who you know that you are closest to. Most people I know cry poor, but, really could be quite well off if they weren't buying their kids everything in the world, and putting them in colleges they can't afford etc.

Again, I know plenty of them too. Those aren't the majority of people who depend on social programs.

I'll be honest, I don't know the people that are collecting welfare etc. I don't much about the system and what it takes to participate - you always hear about the people working the system, never those that truly need it. I am not doubting there are those that truly need assistance.....

I know a few. Good people who always worked at least as hard as I did. The bottom fell for all of us at about the same time. Luckily I recovered. It wasn't because I was better or more conscientious than them. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
It is quite easy to imagine a slave owner telling his slaves how well they have it. Or a less than minimum wage earner being told the same thing. It is a curious belief and one I even think is true that having everything you want makes you spoiled and a bit lazy - a libertarian sort. But then getting a federally or state mandated fair wage makes you some sort of dependent? What a great diversion and excuse. It is part of the narrative of the conservatives in America that one must be poor to be American. Sounds twisted but corporations love it. Consider the attitude of conservatives towards unions as an example. Huxley was right, when the people accept their fate and even praise it, power has won. Look at the graph in the following link and you know corporate republicans must be smiling. They need to change that song, 'I'm proud to be a poor uninsured American.....' lol


"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley wrote in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions." In 1984 Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us...This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right." Neil Postman 'Amusing Ourselves to Death'
It is quite easy to imagine a slave owner telling his slaves how well they have it. Or a less than minimum wage earner being told the same thing. It is a curious belief and one I even think is true that having everything you want makes you spoiled and a bit lazy - a libertarian sort. But then getting a federally or state mandated fair wage makes you some sort of dependent?
Yes, that's what those big ole words mean. You are relying on the power of big government to dictate what an employees time is worth. I've had many jobs, no one ever told me how good I have it. Having everything you want is fine, as long as you earn it. Government making you pay for someone that didn't is the definition of dependent.

What drugs are you shooting up?
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getting a federally or state mandated fair wage makes you some sort of dependent?

yes exactly, getting a wage set through liberal govt violence makes you dependent on liberal govt violence to improve your income rather than dependent on your value in a free market place.

Imagine a libcommie world wherein govt determines value or price rather than the free market. Does the liberal have the IQ to imagine freedom?
It is part of the narrative of the conservatives in America that one must be poor to be American.

This is pure liberal stupidity on display. The Conservative philosophy has no such narrative. Never has! We are ALL equally American. We deserve the respect of our own responsibility to self-govern and prosper as free market capitalists. Every... single... one... of us. Regardless of the "group" we may or may not belong to.

You see, whenever we use the powers of government to establish favorites, it removes this freedom from everyone else. It directly contradicts our principles. Our system depends on people being motivated to endeavor and prosper. You can't divide us into "class" as if we're graded cattle. We are all ONE... Americans.
It is part of the narrative of the conservatives in America that one must be poor to be American.

This is pure liberal stupidity on display. The Conservative philosophy has no such narrative. Never has! We are ALL equally American. We deserve the respect of our own responsibility to self-govern and prosper as free market capitalists. Every... single... one... of us. Regardless of the "group" we may or may not belong to.

You see, whenever we use the powers of government to establish favorites, it removes this freedom from everyone else. It directly contradicts our principles. Our system depends on people being motivated to endeavor and prosper. You can't divide us into "class" as if we're graded cattle. We are all ONE... Americans.

good point, once you identify labor, for example, as a class too stupid to get ahead on their own you encourage them to think they can't get ahead on their own and they indeed then become a separate and dependent class who must voted liberal to keep the welfare coming.
good point, once you identify labor, for example, as a class too stupid to get ahead on their own you encourage them to think they can't get ahead on their own and they indeed then become a separate and dependent class who must voted liberal to keep the welfare coming.

Exactly, and if you study the roots of Socialism you find this is the basis for it. The appeal to class. Back when the prevailing systems were not American free market capitalism and free enterprise, people were oppressed by a king or ruler and everyone belonged to their class from birth until death. Socialism cut it's teeth appealing to those trapped in hopelessness of the class they were born into and it became a thing.

So now, the same promoters of Socialism, devoid of a rational argument against free market capitalism and free enterprise, seek to establish this false perception of "class" that doesn't really exist.

The so-called "middle class" is like an escalator. It is constantly moving people up. It's not the same group year after year. Yes, some people will spend their whole lives on the escalator but it's largely because we've made it easy for them to do so. We've put up food courts and rest areas along the escalator so as to "help" some people.
You bet hard work pays it pays off in dividends as long as the hard work is accompanied by working smart. Never let go of your dream!
The so-called "middle class" is like an escalator.

True, but less and less so. Let's not forget that years and years of liberal programs have driven 30 million middle class jobs offshore and solidified a lower class that stays stuck on the bottom for generations.
The so-called "middle class" is like an escalator.

True, but less and less so. Let's not forget that years and years of liberal programs have driven 30 million middle class jobs offshore and solidified a lower class that stays stuck on the bottom for generations.

What we are doing is chaining people at the top of the escalator to those at the bottom or in the food court and rest area we created for their convenience. The escalator still moves upward, it is just more difficult to make progress.

I reject the concept that we must remain a part of whatever 'class' we are in. That is the beauty of our freedom and free enterprise. The Socialists would certainly like for us to be trapped in our class for life... that's where their message thrives. But there is another group as well, and they are the Corporatists. These are not to be confused with Free Market Capitalists. They are capitalistic but they seek to exploit advantage through coercion of government... not a free market principle. The Establishment politicians in D.C. are all in their pockets, BOTH PARTIES.
The Socialists would certainly like for us to be trapped in our class for life... that's where their message thrives..

Yes, if they can get the lower class to believe they are a lower class, not an upwardly mobile class, then they can get them to vote as a block for welfare to sustain them in the lower class. They are largely succeeding, not only with welfare programs but more importantly with the war on the family and schools. And, liberalism is a disease that is spreading, liberal hip-hop culture is now main stream American culture!!
The Socialists would certainly like for us to be trapped in our class for life... that's where their message thrives..

Yes, if they can get the lower class to believe they are a lower class, not an upwardly mobile class, then they can get them to vote as a block for welfare to sustain them in the lower class. They are largely succeeding, not only with welfare programs but more importantly with the war on the family and schools. And, liberalism is a disease that is spreading, liberal hip-hop culture is now main stream American culture!!

But it's not the lower class. Those at the bottom represent a small number. The big catch is the "middle class" and they play that for all it's worth. What's worse is, we buy into the argument constantly.

When some liberal puke starts slobbering all over me about the "stagnation of wages for the middle class" I just laugh and say... GOOD! Then they look at me like I grew a new head. Good? What the fuck, man? You think it's GOOD the middle class wages are stagnant? I reply "Sure!" Then I explain why our system depends on people in the middle or at the bottom being motivated to succeed. If your wages are stagnant in the middle, be part of the top instead! That's what I did and what millions of people do whenever they aren't satisfied with their stagnant wages. If we were content with our wages we'd never move up, we don't have any motivation.
If your wages are stagnant in the middle, be part of the top instead!.

well sure but these things are competitive so everybody cant win and move up. But more importantly, a liberal govt should not be working against people moving up, let alone pushing them down with stupid policies that , for example, off shore their jobs.
well sure but these things are competitive so everybody cant win and move up. But more importantly, a liberal govt should not be working against people moving up, let alone pushing them down with stupid policies that , for example, off shore their jobs.

Things ARE competitive and the liberal left HAS made it harder to move up. However, I reject the notion that everybody can't win and move up. But then, I was raised by parents who did not accept the word "can't" from any of their kids regarding anything. With the right motivation, you can do all kinds of things you thought you couldn't do.

You're right, the government shouldn't be working against the people and enacting policies to favor crony capitalists and political donors.... but that's a reality, it is happening and it's part of the deal. That doesn't mean we throw up our hands and say it's impossible to make it anymore, send me my welfare check!
Usually, in most cases, if you work hard or study hard earlier or later you will get the result. Maybe money, maybe interesting job or influence in society. or all together. That's a rule. However in some cases it doesn't work, e.g. people worked in concentration camps in germany or ussr... nothing have to say here.
Usually, in most cases, if you work hard or study hard earlier or later you will get the result. Maybe money, maybe interesting job or influence in society. or all together. That's a rule. However in some cases it doesn't work, e.g. people worked in concentration camps in germany or ussr... nothing have to say here.

But that is another great thing about our system as opposed to others. In a free enterprise, free market capitalist system, with an unrestrictive representative government held accountable to the people and a constitution establishing those freedoms, it's less likely you're going to find yourself working for a maniac dictator.

That said... a better example would be the Chinese who build the railroad. We know for a fact that thousands of them died... literally worked to death... Hard work certainly didn't pay off for them. Then, the slaves... OMG. So we see, it's not just about "hard work" but something else.

I can say this for a fact: Nothing worthwhile in accomplishing ever came easy.
Usually, in most cases, if you work hard or study hard earlier or later you will get the result. Maybe money, maybe interesting job or influence in society. or all together. That's a rule. However in some cases it doesn't work, e.g. people worked in concentration camps in germany or ussr... nothing have to say here.

But that is another great thing about our system as opposed to others. In a free enterprise, free market capitalist system, with an unrestrictive representative government held accountable to the people and a constitution establishing those freedoms, it's less likely you're going to find yourself working for a maniac dictator.

That said... a better example would be the Chinese who build the railroad. We know for a fact that thousands of them died... literally worked to death... Hard work certainly didn't pay off for them. Then, the slaves... OMG. So we see, it's not just about "hard work" but something else.

I can say this for a fact: Nothing worthwhile in accomplishing ever came easy.
yes, maybe it is possible to derive the conclusion: working hard is a necessary, but not sufficient condition. Like matematicians say.
... or does it? I think you are better off getting along with people to get ahead then to work hard.
Is that acceptable? Or do you disagree?

Have things changed or has it always been this way?

The American dream - that if you work hard, you'll get ahead - does not hold true anymore for a majority of American voters anymore. Fifty-seven percent say the principle that hard work brings reward once held true, but no longer does, while 34 percent say the American dream still holds true. A much smaller number - just 9 percent - say the American dream never held true in the first place. While half of financially secure voters believe in the tenet that working hard yields prosperity, 84 percent of voters facing economic hardship say it no longer works, or never did.
Majority of Voters Say the American Dream Is Dead

Working hard and working smart were always necessary. One can work hard at a dead end job and never get ahead. The people who get ahead the furthest are those that work the hardest and the smartest. Since hard work is fairly common these days the emphasis is switching overwhelmingly to working smart. The America Dream was always about whether you could get ahead by working hard and smart. Today that dream is very much alive but threatened by scummy liberals who vilify the 1% who get far ahead in their contribution to society by working hard and smart.
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I did it all wrong.. oh well! Should have married a rich guy!
Do millenials even know the meaning of hard work, 10_12 hr days endlessly just to survive like my dad did.....without complaint.

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