Harley Davidson going Green

^ big Urn giving Thanogynist144 a run for his money w/ his own weak brand of misogyny :thup:

BTW- why does a self-admitted, pip squek (5'4" +/- tall) need to ride a full-sized, Harley? You could just as easily ride one of their smaller Harley Hummers. You're compensating for something.
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^ big Urn giving Thanogynist144 a run for his money w/ his own weak brand of misogyny :thup:

BTW- why does a self-admitted, pip squek (5'4" +/- tall) need to ride a full-sized, Harley? You could just as easily ride one of their smaller Harley Hummers

I worked with a 4'9" woman who rode a Hayabusa superbike. My mother's 5'1" neighbor rides a big touring bike. One of the dudes I ride with rides a Victory...his 5'3" wife rides a full-dress Goldwing!
Oh Gawd.....you read this thread and realize that there are some who reside in a bubble in Disney and some................do not.

Pull your heads out...........EV's will be a fringe form of transport for decades to come. The stats show it now..........all future projections on energy use other than fossil fuels are laughable!!!

The AGW crowd gets giddy just hearing the word "electric"..............a joke...............and like I said, the AGW climate crusaders have been foretelling all kinds of spectacular event stuff for decades and none have come to pass. Which is also why all the polls are a Jonestown for these cheesedicks.
^ big Urn giving Thanogynist144 a run for his money w/ his own weak brand of misogyny :thup:

BTW- why does a self-admitted, pip squek (5'4" +/- tall) need to ride a full-sized, Harley? You could just as easily ride one of their smaller Harley Hummers

I worked with a 4'9" woman who rode a Hayabusa superbike. My mother's 5'1" neighbor rides a big touring bike. One of the dudes I ride with rides a Victory...his 5'3" wife rides a full-dress Goldwing!

did they put blocks on the foot pegs :rolleyes: . Sounds like a Napolean Complex to me. What does a dwarf need w/ a bike like those? Come on. :dunno: What they are doing is referred to as overkill carbon boi :thup: I got nuthin against pip squeks but sheesh.
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If I have to explain it to you, Dorothy, you just won't understand.

People who own Jeeps tell me that as well, usually as I'm giving them another ride to pick up their vehicle from the repair shop.

I sold my Cherokee with 220,000 miles...untouched drivetrain, even on the original water pump. It's still going...though the woman I sold it to had the bad taste to desecrate it with a New York Yankees hitch cover! :eek:

My wife retired her Cherokee with 523,000 miles.
^ big Urn giving Thanogynist144 a run for his money w/ his own weak brand of misogyny :thup:

BTW- why does a self-admitted, pip squek (5'4" +/- tall) need to ride a full-sized, Harley? You could just as easily ride one of their smaller Harley Hummers

I worked with a 4'9" woman who rode a Hayabusa superbike. My mother's 5'1" neighbor rides a big touring bike. One of the dudes I ride with rides a Victory...his 5'3" wife rides a full-dress Goldwing!

did they put blocks on the foot pegs :rolleyes: . Sounds like a Napolean Complex to me. What does a dwarf need w/ a bike like those? Come on. :dunno: What they are doing is referred to as overkill carbon boi :thup: I got nuthin against pip squeks but sheesh.

Vuy loved sportbikes...and had wanted a Hayabusa ever since they came out. (IIRC, the plates on her truck are "BUSAGRL".) She's done many track days...when she had her GSXR750, I saw a picture from Watkins Glen--on one corner, there were a bunch of black streaks from tires...and one purple streak. The knee protectors on her riding suit are purple.

The GW is because they go on long trips (like: NH to Arizona) together...she wanted a bike with good wind/weather protection, plenty of storage, bulletproof reliability...and the Wing (despite 120,000 miles) has all of it! (The Victory has almost no storage.)
What is so fucked about solar power?

Not affordable my friend......in the real world, costs matter. That's why when you look at ANY energy projections graph, solar is a tiny sliver. To far left guys......to person.....costs do not matter. But to policy makers all over the globe, costs are everything. Solar power is a fantasy my friend.....not just rhetoric.

Don't take my word for it......google "energy", "projections", "graphs". Except for green energy idiot projections, you will see........shit......even Obama's Energy Information Agency paints a laughable future for solar.

Matthew......I could pop a solar roof in tomorrow but at a cost of nearly 60K. I'll likely be dead long before it delivers a return. Only folks who are well off are installing them......should tell you a little something.

Simply not true.

Sharp Solar Systems - Low Wholesale System Price

What's included?

Photovoltaic solar modules
Grid tie inverter
Prosolar mounting rails and clamps
Prosolar 1.5" Tile Trac or 3.0" Fast Jacks
Solar MC cables
Grounding lugs
Array combiners in larger systems
AC/DC solar disconnect
Site specific electrical single and three line schematics
AC/DC wire sizing/type will be specified in our electrical schematics
CA stamped structural testing reports for Prosolar mount system
Component installation manuals
Technical assistance

Sharp Solar ND-Q250F7 5 KW Grid-Tie System with Sunny Boy 5000TL
List Price

Sharp 12 KW Solar System with 48 ND-Q250F7 and Fronius IG Plus 11.4
List Price

The 5 kw would supply a normal home, the 12 kw would supply a very large home.

That is residential system in which case it can work. That is not the same as running a whole power grid.
Not affordable my friend......in the real world, costs matter. That's why when you look at ANY energy projections graph, solar is a tiny sliver. To far left guys......to person.....costs do not matter. But to policy makers all over the globe, costs are everything. Solar power is a fantasy my friend.....not just rhetoric.

Don't take my word for it......google "energy", "projections", "graphs". Except for green energy idiot projections, you will see........shit......even Obama's Energy Information Agency paints a laughable future for solar.

Matthew......I could pop a solar roof in tomorrow but at a cost of nearly 60K. I'll likely be dead long before it delivers a return. Only folks who are well off are installing them......should tell you a little something.

Simply not true.

Sharp Solar Systems - Low Wholesale System Price

What's included?

Photovoltaic solar modules
Grid tie inverter
Prosolar mounting rails and clamps
Prosolar 1.5" Tile Trac or 3.0" Fast Jacks
Solar MC cables
Grounding lugs
Array combiners in larger systems
AC/DC solar disconnect
Site specific electrical single and three line schematics
AC/DC wire sizing/type will be specified in our electrical schematics
CA stamped structural testing reports for Prosolar mount system
Component installation manuals
Technical assistance

Sharp Solar ND-Q250F7 5 KW Grid-Tie System with Sunny Boy 5000TL
List Price

Sharp 12 KW Solar System with 48 ND-Q250F7 and Fronius IG Plus 11.4
List Price

The 5 kw would supply a normal home, the 12 kw would supply a very large home.

That is residential system in which case it can work. That is not the same as running a whole power grid.

I don't believe that I have ever seen anyone suggest that solar run the whole power grid. It should be part of a mix of wind, solar, geothermal, and 5th generation nuclear.
Lets put all the fantasy conjecture into perspective shall we?? ( something people on the far left HATE to do because it makes their points laughable )

Hybrid electric vehicles in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LMAO.....since 1999, there have been 2 million hybrid vehicles sold.

How many vehicles are registered in the US in 2009?

:D:D254 million +:D:D

Do the math and you laugh your balls off.......and 10 years ago, every AGW k00k was saying that most Americans would be driving hybrids by now!!!

No need to elaborate.......Im laughing too hard anyway!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

At least for the next several decades, fossil fuel driven motor vehicles will dominate the market.:itsok:
Well......I hate to do it but some threads absolutely need to be adorned with the bitter sobering truth about all this electric car bs......solar bs.......wind bs......and it is done with one simple graph!!!

The analogy is, its like a precision guided missile hitting a commercial jetliner, the jetliner representing the whims, hopes and twilight zone type fantasies of the committed AGW crowd.

Oh.......I could produce the 2013 Obama EIA graph by request, but it only shows the same exact thing. time to put this thread to rest and start a real Harley Davidson thread.
I see petroleum and coal both dropping while renewables climb. Did you not notice that? I think they call that "a trend".

BTW, really, truly and seriously, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) gives a shit what you think. About anything. You're a fucking troll, nothing more, nothing less.
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I see petroleum and coal both dropping while renewables climb. Did you not notice that? I think they call that "a trend".

BTW, really, truly and seriously, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) gives a shit what you think. About anything. You're a fucking troll, nothing more, nothing less.

Indeed s0n.....you are 100% correct. Nobody does give a flying fuck what I think......opinions and conjecture are gay in here.

Ahhhhh but........the graph like I posted above is beyond refute of any kind. And when I post up shit like that its the equivalent of you sitting in front of your computer smack dab on a red hot poker up your pooper. I get it.....if IM on your side, I'd be hooting pissed as hell too!!

Look.....like I say to people in her all the time......"don't take my word for it" and post up the link to speak for me. Shit s0n.....even your hero Obama puts out energy data through 2040 that says.........





Go check for yourself s0n.......go.......go.......go!!!:funnyface:

Then come back to me and say, "Troll":D:D:D:2up:

Too........my and my cohorts on here have ridiculous amounts of fun in here while you and the 2 or 3 other assholes are miserable all the time.

What can you say son..........your experience in here is gay.:coffee: I cant help you.
I see petroleum and coal both dropping while renewables climb. Did you not notice that? I think they call that "a trend".

BTW, really, truly and seriously, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) gives a shit what you think. About anything. You're a fucking troll, nothing more, nothing less.

^ that
I see petroleum and coal both dropping while renewables climb. Did you not notice that? I think they call that "a trend".

BTW, really, truly and seriously, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) gives a shit what you think. About anything. You're a fucking troll, nothing more, nothing less.

^ that

Well take a bow s0n!!!

But that old graph 3 or 4 posts above makes you look like a confused dickhead.:2up: But I get it.....being a social oddball, one gets real used to being at the fringe of the social spectrum!!!

DO I hit the nail on the head or do I hit the nail on the head s0n??:D
I see petroleum and coal both dropping while renewables climb. Did you not notice that? I think they call that "a trend".

BTW, really, truly and seriously, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) gives a shit what you think. About anything. You're a fucking troll, nothing more, nothing less.

^ that

Well one AGW cult member agree with another AGW cult member proves nothing.

So it may increase 6% in the next 30 or so years..

It is hardly the replacement it is made out to be by the AGW cult..
I don't believe that I have ever seen anyone suggest that solar run the whole power grid. It should be part of a mix of wind, solar, geothermal, and 5th generation nuclear.

LOL you need to read a bit more. That's what most of the resident tree huggers here suggest. Matthew prattles on about it more than anyone.
If I have to explain it to you, Dorothy, you just won't understand.

People who own Jeeps tell me that as well, usually as I'm giving them another ride to pick up their vehicle from the repair shop.

I sold my Cherokee with 220,000 miles...untouched drivetrain, even on the original water pump. It's still going...though the woman I sold it to had the bad taste to desecrate it with a New York Yankees hitch cover! :eek:

My wife retired her Cherokee with 523,000 miles.

Dang that is impressive as hell. My 2V Mustang just hit 132,000. I pop in fresh Royal Purple every 4K and a K&N oil filter.....I want this unit going strong for another 5 years. Love having no car payment ftmfw.:D

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