harmonica said: FK POOR children! IT'S parents' responsibility TO PROVIDE LUNCH--not you or me!

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Is Appalachia Trump Country?

Trump won 95 percent of Appalachian counties, and 69 percent of West Virginia voters chose him - the highest percentage of any state.


His biggest supporters are the people who screws over the most. It's tragic.

Seems Republicans on the USMB think it's hilarious. I don't get it.

Surviving Appalachia - Wallace House

Galofaro was there to tell the stories of local residents at a time when many were feeling forgotten. In her series “Surviving Appalachia” Galofaro examines the rise of Donald Trump, captures the despair of hundreds of people betrayed by a crooked lawyer’s disability fraud scheme and documents a day in a small West Virginia city where 28 people overdose in a four-hour period.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!
That is a total winner. The point I have been making over and over again.

What happens to the children when the parents get sick or dies? USMB Republicans say put them in an orphans home or something.

It's that determined ignorance..........or something.

Food Bank Warns Against Cuts

Food Stamp Cuts Could Hurt Thousands of Service Members

The cruelty of the GOP knows no bounds.

That's a good point. Who is responsible for feeding children if it's not the parents?
Why do billionaires pay a smaller percentage than me in taxes?

Beside, if the parents can't feed their kid, oh, say, they are dead or have cancer, do we get rid of the kid? After all, it's not a fetus. So that should be OK, right?
Ultimately the Republican view is for everyone to take personal responsibility for your own life and choices...…

if you want to live here then you have to abide by it's laws,

if you want to have a great career, then you might have to get your hands dirty to support yourself while you get the education, training & skills needed for that career,

if you're going to have sex, then either be prepared to raise and provide for a child or get birth control to avoid that possibility

It's really a simple concept...…..if you want something, then you're going to have to do something to get it.
Ultimately the Republican view is for everyone to take personal responsibility for your own life and choices...…

if you want to live here then you have to abide by it's laws,

if you want to have a great career, then you might have to get your hands dirty to support yourself while you get the education, training & skills needed for that career,

if you're going to have sex, then either be prepared to raise and provide for a child or get birth control to avoid that possibility

It's really a simple concept...…..if you want something, then you're going to have to do something to get it.

You recommend birth control. The use of it is called accepting responsibility. So tell me, why do "conservatives" want to shut down clinics that help people with birth control? Why are "conservatives" against birth-control methods? Look at the pissbucket who now occupies the VP chair. Going to Capitol Hill to end funding for PP, one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to preventing unwanted pregnancies. And many thanks to it from all the girls who graduated from my Catholic-run university without a pregnancy because PP took care of us so many years ago.

Birth control should be available to all who want it. But "conservatives" have some sick obsession with women and sex. They can't think. They just follow jeffress or graham or focus on the family or something. Please, "conservatives," lose your obsession with sex. It's natural, even if you are a fundie and find it dirty. And you know, people have emotions and enter into relationships. People fall in love. They kiss. And more. They also marry. Do you think that every couple is a Duggar?
Ultimately the Republican view is for everyone to take personal responsibility for your own life and choices...…

if you want to live here then you have to abide by it's laws,

if you want to have a great career, then you might have to get your hands dirty to support yourself while you get the education, training & skills needed for that career,

if you're going to have sex, then either be prepared to raise and provide for a child or get birth control to avoid that possibility

It's really a simple concept...…..if you want something, then you're going to have to do something to get it.

You recommend birth control. The use of it is called accepting responsibility. So tell me, why do "conservatives" want to shut down clinics that help people with birth control? Why are "conservatives" against birth-control methods? Look at the pissbucket who now occupies the VP chair. Going to Capitol Hill to end funding for PP, one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to preventing unwanted pregnancies. And many thanks to it from all the girls who graduated from my Catholic-run university without a pregnancy because PP took care of us so many years ago.

Birth control should be available to all who want it. But "conservatives" have some sick obsession with women and sex. They can't think. They just follow jeffress or graham or focus on the family or something. Please, "conservatives," lose your obsession with sex. It's natural, even if you are a fundie and find it dirty. And you know, people have emotions and enter into relationships. People fall in love. They kiss. And more. They also marry. Do you think that every couple is a Duggar?

Your ramblings are very strange. Are you ok?
Where are all these people calling themselves "Christians"? Hungry children. Caravans of people walking to safety. Where are the bible-bullshit types to help? Are pigpence and graham and jeffress and focus on the family down on the border passing out sandwiches and blankets? They have not made any secret of wanting more and more babies, but they can't seem to take of those who are here.

Where are all the tax payers? Only 50% of us pay for all this benevolent bullshit you libtards keep handing out! Where are all the taxpayers?
that harmonica is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and what's with that name ''harmonica''????
Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?
The sad part here is that at least 3 people read that and rated it "funny".
yes I know!!!!!
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!

And the brilliant Democrats solution as always is to just kill the unborn to sweep the problem out of their way. Heartless scum with no respect for human life.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!

And the brilliant Democrats solution as always is to just kill the unborn to sweep the problem out of their way. Heartless scum with no respect for human life.
If you could prove only democrats have abortions I might support that statement but you can't prove it.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!

And the brilliant Democrats solution as always is to just kill the unborn to sweep the problem out of their way. Heartless scum with no respect for human life.

"Killing the unborn"?? What bullshit.

How about using the technology that has been around for decades to make sure that unwanted pregnancies do not occur? Making it available to anyone who needs it, like advanced countries do? Look at what these "abstinence only" pissbuckets do. Using available technology, there should be very little unwanted pregnancies in this country, but these piss artists want more unwanted pregnancies. They refuse to instruct teenagers on how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and they have wasted millions of our tax money on it, all because fundies refuse to prepare our children. I don't understand what occurs in a fundie's head.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford,
Exactly how are conservatives forcing people to have babies?? ... :dunno:
They REFUSE to instruct teenagers on how NOT to start an wanted pregnancy. They have spent millions of taxpayer dollars on this nonsense. The technology has been available for decades to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Every teenager should be instructed on this.
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