harmonica said: FK POOR children! IT'S parents' responsibility TO PROVIDE LUNCH--not you or me!

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Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?

Shotgun Argumentation - Definition & Examples | Logical Fallacies

"Shotgun Argumentation
The shotgun argumentation fallacy occurs when one chooses so many arguments, firing many shots as it were, in order to disable your opponent from answering them all."

It is the type of thing to do, when you know you can't actually defend your position. It is what a cowardly liar does.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford,
Exactly how are conservatives forcing people to have babies?? ... :dunno:
They REFUSE to instruct teenagers on how NOT to start an wanted pregnancy. They have spent millions of taxpayer dollars on this nonsense. The technology has been available for decades to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Every teenager should be instructed on this.

That;s a lie.
conservatives promote the only way that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancies.
So both side agree this country needs another 3 million abortions annually that are not paid for by the state or federal government.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!

And the brilliant Democrats solution as always is to just kill the unborn to sweep the problem out of their way. Heartless scum with no respect for human life.
If you could prove only democrats have abortions I might support that statement but you can't prove it.
Why didn’t you challenge Lysitrata’s stupidness?
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford, then yell at them for not taking care when these people have already said that they can't afford it. These "conservative" people are nuts!

And the brilliant Democrats solution as always is to just kill the unborn to sweep the problem out of their way. Heartless scum with no respect for human life.
If you could prove only democrats have abortions I might support that statement but you can't prove it.
Why didn’t you challenge Lysitrata’s stupidness?
I can only answer one while wiping.
I hire and and hired poor souls who never learned how to provide for themselves and were always broke and miserable and they had every chance to further themselves but never had the self motivation to do it. There are some humans who have no desire to actually do what is necessary, and unfortunately they have children...They can't work regular enough to feed the kids.. Well I have always had a soft spot for kids and I personally do not mind feeding them and I have for over thirty years freely and without complaint..But if you feel you can be mean to a kid who's only sin was being born then go ahead. I'll do that dirty deed you hate so much with a glad heart..Good day..
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford,
Exactly how are conservatives forcing people to have babies?? ... :dunno:
They REFUSE to instruct teenagers on how NOT to start an wanted pregnancy. They have spent millions of taxpayer dollars on this nonsense. The technology has been available for decades to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Every teenager should be instructed on this.

That;s a lie.
conservatives promote the only way that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancies.

It's not a lie. The technology exists to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and we know this. What is the problem with instructing people on this issue so that they can decide for themselves? You know, give people a choice?

Ask women and men out there. Ask people of both sexes about whether they want to have a baby every time that they have sex. Take a vote. Go ask those in the military or your local bar. Ask married couples. Ask boyfriends and girlfriends.

Fundies don't like sex for some reason. It's sicko, but they don't.
Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?
We know that the last time the government was shut down was the crazy Democrats. They claimed that it was because no one wanted to talk about DACA. When given a chance to talk but were told that none of DACA was going to be allowed to vote immediately they shrugged and said they were only kidding.

What do Democrats have for a platform?
That's simple. Hate Trump. Hate anyone that does not agree with them.
Increase taxes. Force more companies out of the country. Hate anyone not on welfare. Have more illegals in the country. Follow California so that the disease outbreaks, feces on the sidewalks and trash will be common place. Oh and let's not forget hate Trump.
Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?
We know that the last time the government was shut down was the crazy Democrats. They claimed that it was because no one wanted to talk about DACA. When given a chance to talk but were told that none of DACA was going to be allowed to vote immediately they shrugged and said they were only kidding.

What do Democrats have for a platform?
That's simple. Hate Trump. Hate anyone that does not agree with them.
Increase taxes. Force more companies out of the country. Hate anyone not on welfare. Have more illegals in the country. Follow California so that the disease outbreaks, feces on the sidewalks and trash will be common place. Oh and let's not forget hate Trump.
Are you aware the GOP let the CHIP program expire to use those children as a political bargaining chip?

How do we know? Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leaders sent out a Tweet.

Here it is:


Why choose between this group of children or that group of children? Why not help both?

Because Republicans don't help people unless they are corporations or billionaires.

How do we know?

House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform

GOP lawmaker: Donors are pushing me to get tax reform done

See? Republicans don't even keep it a secret. They tell us what they are doing, why and who it benefits.

That's how sure they are of their ignorant base. Because for the base, it's all about race. Nothing else matters to them. Not even children.
And yet it is idiots like you that yell holler and scream when the budget is not balanced, when people want those on welfare to actually work and contribute instead of cling to welfare.

Talk about ignorant. You post some of the craziest stuff anyone has ever thought up.

You people always talk about being inclusive, being tolerant and all the other lies. The only time all that matters is during an election year. You keep minorities subjugated then trot up to them and tell them how happy you are with them. You and your kind are the biggest hypocrites there are. You care only about human life if it can benifit you. Mow your lawn or clean your house for pennies. You then point to others and try to make them out to be the bad guy.

First of all those on DACA are here illegally. They were brought here and placed ahead of those who did it the proper way. Do I feel sorry that their terrible families did that to them? Yes. Do I feel that we should have our country go broke and be in ruin because of them? No. Do I feel sorry for a rapists family? Yes. Do I feel that we need to put our country in jeopardy for the Most? No. Just because 44 felt that it was better to give a prize to someone for breaking the law does not mean they should have top priority.
The problem is that "conservatives" want to force people to have babies that they know they can't afford,
Exactly how are conservatives forcing people to have babies?? ... :dunno:
They REFUSE to instruct teenagers on how NOT to start an wanted pregnancy. They have spent millions of taxpayer dollars on this nonsense. The technology has been available for decades to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Every teenager should be instructed on this.

That;s a lie.
conservatives promote the only way that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancies.

It's not a lie. The technology exists to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and we know this. What is the problem with instructing people on this issue so that they can decide for themselves? You know, give people a choice?

Ask women and men out there. Ask people of both sexes about whether they want to have a baby every time that they have sex. Take a vote. Go ask those in the military or your local bar. Ask married couples. Ask boyfriends and girlfriends.

Fundies don't like sex for some reason. It's sicko, but they don't.

Is that technology abortion?
Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?
The sad part here is that at least 3 people read that and rated it "funny".
dean is one of the funnier posters here....
There is nothing funny about that post.

Except that it is funny.
The sad part here is that at least 3 people read that and rated it "funny".
Only because there's no way to rate it "retarded".
------------------------------- and thats a very TRUE comment . Its why i use the funny button and some say i use it too often . But sometimes a person just has to say something eh ??
Wrong, you use the "funny" button so often because you are trying to be insulting and can't even be bothered to out out the effort.
The sad part here is that at least 3 people read that and rated it "funny".
Only because there's no way to rate it "retarded".
------------------------------- and thats a very TRUE comment . Its why i use the funny button and some say i use it too often . But sometimes a person just has to say something eh ??
Wrong, you use the "funny" button so often because you are trying to be insulting and can't even be bothered to out out the effort.
-------------------------------- Kinda , but really i am just showing my disdain for a posters thinking and reasoning on a particular post . its easy and makes more sense than arguing with another posters stupidity Crep .
This is the just latest propaganda filled hate thread by the possessed, lyin Left.

What happened to the OP's massive outrage over Dr. Ford's "rape" ? He stopped caring that she was "raped" ?

Seems Deanrd (and the entire left) ONLY gave a damn about the allegations AND Dr. Ford's case ....up to the point it could have stopped Kavanaugh's confirmation.

If Deanrd cared so much and really believed all the lies, (like today's BS thread) why did Deanrd drop it all so suddenly after his confirmation?

Like Greg Gutfield says, we all know why.....

VOTE TUESDAY to strip these asshats of power.
Last edited:

That's a good point. Who is responsible for feeding children if it's not the parents?
I would not have a baby if I did not think I could feed it! That’s the reality of being an adult!

Democrat morons say.....
"F responsibility.....if it feels good. Imma do it...somebody else gots to pay for ALL MY CHIRUNS"

That's the reality of being a Democrat idiot. The following mentality is brought to you by the Left.

Wrong, you use the "funny" button so often because you are trying to be insulting and can't even be bothered to out out the effort.

Nope, he uses the Funny button because you say so many stupid things that you've become a joke.
Because Black People don't know how to follow instructions.

no one is taking healthcare away
this is the same shit like ''Trump is hitler''
END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
FK the POOR children!


We know that Republicans voted over 50 times to end healthcare for millions.

We know dozens of Red States have filed a suit that will end protections for pre existing conditions.

We know that Republicans ended subsidies that help the poor afford healthcare.

We know these things.

So why do USMB Republicans insist it's not true? When we know it's true?

And this:

FK the POOR children!

Why do so many USMB Republicans feel this way? For many poor children, the lunches they get at school are the best meals they get for the entire week. We know that. It's no secret.

Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

Let's explain this again:

62% of Americans have either a living wage job or a hardship job.

Living wage means as a single adult, you can only support yourself and no one else.

Hardship means you can't even support yourself without help.


The only people in this country that are doing really good are billionaires and millionaires. Republicans knew when they cut taxes for billionaires that the money needed to come from somewhere. Mitch McConnell already said that means we need to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. He wasn't kidding. It wasn't a joke.

And all of this is the entire fight that defines this election.

Republicans ARE the middle class. Why do they believe "fk hungry children" and it's important to help needy billionaires at the expense of the rest of the country.

We know infant mortality is rising and life expectancy is falling in ruby red Appalachian states.

Why can't we get a good discussion from Republicans who feel this way? Why do they think it helps the country? Do they want to help the country? If not, why not?

Instead, all we get is attacked, told lies and called names.

What do these Republicans stand for and why do they think it is good for the country and makes the country stronger?
We know that the last time the government was shut down was the crazy Democrats. They claimed that it was because no one wanted to talk about DACA. When given a chance to talk but were told that none of DACA was going to be allowed to vote immediately they shrugged and said they were only kidding.

What do Democrats have for a platform?
That's simple. Hate Trump. Hate anyone that does not agree with them.
Increase taxes. Force more companies out of the country. Hate anyone not on welfare. Have more illegals in the country. Follow California so that the disease outbreaks, feces on the sidewalks and trash will be common place. Oh and let's not forget hate Trump.
The OP listed the actual policies that Democrats oppose. Tight fisted Republicans who take from the working poor and the disabled, and give to the rich. Instead of calling Democrats schmucks for pointing that out, try figuring out a way to run the country WITHOUT going back to an Ebeneezer Scrooge economy.
Ultimately the Republican view is for everyone to take personal responsibility for your own life and choices...…

if you want to live here then you have to abide by it's laws,

if you want to have a great career, then you might have to get your hands dirty to support yourself while you get the education, training & skills needed for that career,

if you're going to have sex, then either be prepared to raise and provide for a child or get birth control to avoid that possibility

It's really a simple concept...…..if you want something, then you're going to have to do something to get it.

You recommend birth control. The use of it is called accepting responsibility. So tell me, why do "conservatives" want to shut down clinics that help people with birth control? Why are "conservatives" against birth-control methods? Look at the pissbucket who now occupies the VP chair. Going to Capitol Hill to end funding for PP, one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to preventing unwanted pregnancies. And many thanks to it from all the girls who graduated from my Catholic-run university without a pregnancy because PP took care of us so many years ago.

Birth control should be available to all who want it. But "conservatives" have some sick obsession with women and sex. They can't think. They just follow jeffress or graham or focus on the family or something. Please, "conservatives," lose your obsession with sex. It's natural, even if you are a fundie and find it dirty. And you know, people have emotions and enter into relationships. People fall in love. They kiss. And more. They also marry. Do you think that every couple is a Duggar?

Your ramblings are very strange. Are you ok?

I'm fine. But I'm practical and live in the real world along with millions of other women and men. I will never understand the fundie sex thing. What's the deal with "abstinence only" and the chewed gum on the floor? What's the deal with this whore huber over at HHS and her previous boss manning lying like hell to American women that birth control doesn't work, when it does?

We humans invent tools and use them to help avoid problems. Yes, we build dams, we get flu shots, we develop antibiotics, we drive cars. You fundies don't seem to understand the basics of human life as it is lived by heterosexuals.
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