Harris and the Border

By this metric? She is not qualified for the position of POTUS. Trump did a better job.



Harris didn't want to work... she didn't want to do anything... she thought being VP was like being the first lady and just holding tea parties and other functions....
I will never forget the look on her face when Joe said she was going to be in charge of the border....
. . the only question to remain? Was Kamala's efforts on the border just a fail, or an, "epic fail?"

She is also the same idiot that let an innocent man rot in prison even though she had the evidence that would exonerate him... she wanted to be the AG again so she hid that evidence...

Is that the kind of person you want as president?....
Close the border so we can pay $10 for a head of lettuce?
I think some people would be surprised to learn that not everyone hates Hispanics who come here for better lives as my 4 grandparents did. Yes, my ancestors did the proper paperwork. So what?
Only a moron could think that they risk fines, prison and or deportation to cast a vote.
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Yeah, you're lying.

You believe that Harris convincing U.S companies to invest $5B IN ANOTHER COUNTRY TO EMPLOY THEIR CITIZENS, is not shipping jobs outside of the U.S?

How about they invest that money is the lowly American worker who some seem to not like?

Furthermore, does she or you for that matter, believe that sending $5B outside of your borders is going to stop traffickers and cartel members from charging thousands of dollars to help Mexicans and Central Americans enter America illegally?

No wonder the West is in decline. China is going to stream roll the world if America keeps following the Establishment. Going to absolutely steamroll us.
So her dealing with the border was to ship U.S jobs to Mexico in hopes that all the cartel members and human traffickers would now work in a former U.S job that has been transplanted over to Mexico?


How did that work out?
You don't understand

First Joe Biden and Obama had to arm the drug cartels with guns using their Fast and Furios program

Once you factor this in, all their policies start to make a little more sense.
Close the border so we can pay $10 for a head of lettuce?
Fighting is happening between the migrants that have been here working the fields for decades and the new comers who will work for less.... and the mega farms get richer.... and food costs you more....

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