Harris Impeached

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As much as I don't like her Marxist idealogy, I really doubt she will get/be impeached. I say that because, even though she lies repeatedly - it's really not a crime. Unless she was in front of Congress during a hearing. That would be a call for Impeachment.

Just because we may not like the person, doesn't mean they should get/be impeached.

By the way, is this your blog?
As much as I don't like her Marxist idealogy, I really doubt she will get/be impeached. I say that because, even though she lies repeatedly - it's really not a crime. Unless she was in front of Congress during a hearing. That would be a call for Impeachment.

Just because we may not like the person, doesn't mean they should get/be impeached.

By the way, is this your blog?

Harris was NOT the subject of an impeachment resolution simply for lying, but rather for violating federal immigration law. Just because you think 10,000,000 illegals coming into America, sucking off our system, getting a quick citizenship and voting Democrat is fine does not give you the right to mischaracterize and misunderstand.

This is one of my forty or more websites. I do not "blog" them daily but I do try to keep all of them updated.

Here is another:
Mathematical Proof of Nature's God

I wonder what was found in Cooper's background, because not one person in the Democracy cares what MAGA thinks.
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