Harris: Of course we must regulate how much meat Americans are eating

So you agree with her that we should move towards a more plants based diet, especially as we grow older?
Older people should limit their cholesterol, sodium and calories. They should exercise, spend wisely, love their spouses and children, bathe regularly, brush their teeth after every meal, and Pray to God often.

Let's pass some laws.

Guidelines are not a law. You can argue as I did earlier that they really do little and I will not disagree but it seems in the end people really are not disagreeing with her point.
She said we "must regulate" what people eat.

That isn't what she said. That's what the article says she said. She might even believe that for all I know but that is not what she said.
And that was your choice right?

Do you want to be forced to do it?

And you have no idea what I eat. I'll bet I'm far healthier than you are.

So you agree with her that we should move towards a more plants based diet, especially as we grow older?

I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
This is just more of your dishonest horseshit that mimics the Townhall screed. She said nothing of the kind. You are either knowingly lying, or are so stupid that you just read the headline published by that right wing rag and decided it was accurate without reading further.

THIS is what she said.....from your own link:
Kamala Harris says Americans need to be "educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment," and says she would change the dietary guidelines to reduce the amount of red meat you can eat. #ClimateTownHall

Changing "guidelines" is not regulating meat consumption
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

Wait haven't liberals been whining about TRUMP's tariffs and how it's killing agriculture?
Yes, his tariffs are hurting agriculture But as far as the environment is concerned, agriculture itself is not the problem in and of itself is not the problem. The issue is making more efficient use of the land, and meat production is the least efficient use.
So you agree with her that we should move towards a more plants based diet, especially as we grow older?

I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat
Another lie...She never said anything about "banning behaviors" What the fuck is wrong with you people?
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
This is just more of your dishonest horseshit that mimics the Townhall screed. She said nothing of the kind. You are either knowingly lying, or are so stupid that you just read the headline published by that right wing rag and decided it was accurate without reading further.

THIS is what she said.....from your own link:
Kamala Harris says Americans need to be "educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment," and says she would change the dietary guidelines to reduce the amount of red meat you can eat. #ClimateTownHall

Changing "guidelines" is not regulating meat consumption
Progressives like yourself are spineless motherfuckers, who cannot tolerate anybody that disagrees with them. So shut the fuck up you worthless kunt
So you agree with her that we should move towards a more plants based diet, especially as we grow older?

I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat

I did not see her say she would ban anything there.
I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat
Another lie...She never said anything about "banning behaviors" What the fuck is wrong with you people?
No one should tell be telling anyone else what to eat for the good or bad for that matter, Fuck the collective, fuck the village.
Control freaks everywhere can pound sand
She never said she wants to force people to eat less meat. That is a lie from the OP 's link.

Still hanging onto "She just said she wants to limit the amount of meat available, not how much you can eat" line....

You trolls are so much fun.
We should be decreasing our red meat intake. It's bad for our health and it's bad for the environment. Not stop entirely, meat is GOOD, just decreasing our overall intake. I highly recommended the Impossible burger at Burger King. It's delicious!!!!

We should be decreasing our red meat intake.

Go for it.

Personally, I plan on having a Porterhouse for dinner tonight
/——/ We’re roasting baby seal with some sautéed snail darter
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat
Another lie...She never said anything about "banning behaviors" What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Did you look at the you tube link I posted?

She specifically said creating incentives and banning certain behaviors

I don't agree with her forcing people to do what she wants them to do.

If a person decides to change his diet it's none of my, yours, or the fucking government's business.

She forced no one. She advocated that we change the guidelines to one of less meat. You disagree?
She want to force people to change their diets.

And it doesn't matter if I agree or not because it is not up to me or you or the fucking government to tell other people what to eat.

It's a guideline. Ignore it if you wish.

Look it up on you tube

She says create incentives and ban certain behaviors when it comes to diet. If banning behaviors isn't forcing people to change what is?

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create “Incentives” For Americans to Eat Less Meat
Another lie...She never said anything about "banning behaviors" What the fuck is wrong with you people?
1:30 of the video

Creating incentives and banning certain behaviors

That is a direct quote of what she said

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