Harris visits Walter Reed for 'routine' doctor appointment days after meeting with infected Texas Democrats

This, while being the second consecutive Democratic President who is trying to clean up a fucking mess left behind by the outgoing Republican President. Before the pandemic, this nation was in the best shape it had seen for decades.

Trump still left a mess that needed to be cleaned up. Just like Captain Edward John Smith, he was doing great until he totally f***ed everything up.
When they talk about Trump it's like he was in a race.
He was the lead car, out in front, setting a record pace.
Then he spun out, hit the wall, and they had to tow his car back to the pits. A complete wreck.

Instead they talk about how great his car looked. And how
he was doing great before he crashed. That's the spin, they put on his spin.
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When they talk about Trump it's like he was in a race.
He was the lead car, out in front, setting a record pace.
Then he spun out, hit the wall, and they had to tow his car back to the pits. A complete wreck.

Instead they talk about how great his car looked. And how
he was doing great before he crashed. That's the spin, they put on his spin.
Nope, he just had more followers
When the former guy was president COVID was overlbown. Now that Biden is in it's a problem and they want it to get worse just so they can blame him for it (instead of their own dumbasses passing it on amongst themselves).

You and Democrats cheered every death until Trump left office like you won the lottery
He was talking about doing a Josef Mengele on people.

Maybe start with twins. One gets injected with disinfectant, the other with a placebo.
So you think the medical community do "Mengele" research. Trump clearly did not say that, which means you either made that up completely or it's your view of medical research. Either way, you're a Nazi.

Thanks for your propaganda, Goebbels
Actually Trump recommended people ingest hydroxychloroquine.

Like Trump did, in order to prophylactically protect himself from COVID.

BTW: How did that work out. Seems hydroxychloroquine didn't prevent Trump from getting COVID, nor lessened the severity of it.

You're going to have to quote where anyone said hydroxychloroquine prevented Covid. I never heard that. I only remember them saying it lessened it. The data backed that up.

Provide quotes to back up your shit. You can't of course, you're spreading leftist disinformation
"Routine" appointment on a Sunday, check! I've been to Walter Reed on a Sunday with a broken ankle. The place was deserted on that Sunday like any other hospital in America. Still had to wait 3 hours to be seen. Kameltoe has clout, I didn't.
Presidents and Vice Presidents like to visit on those days as it doesn't interfere too much with the normal running of the place...

Some of ye are fucking idiots... Trump's last one was ona Saturday but he got one on a Sunday...
Pass the popcorn!
View attachment 514385 It just keeps getting better.
It seems that she is nowhere to be found today.

Tomorrow morning, she is supposed to have a working breakfast with Jordan's King Abdullah. If that doesn't happen, something is fishy.
Why? My wife, two daughters and daughter-in-law all are Republicans. In fact, I only know one female friend that is a Democrat and I think she suffered a traumatic brain injury.
God bless you and wifey for telling them they were Republikkinz at an early age.
I hope you didn't tell them they were Muslim ??
LOL, you don't know what a Johnson is? You think it's a Trump phrase? LOL. So you're a preteen then, huh?

Nope, that wasn't it.

"Trump's Johnson" is what wingnuts call a lollypop.
Another leftist who doesn't know what consenting adults are.

You morons sure are obsessed with Trump's Johnson

I don't know what thread you're reading, but the morality bigots in this thread are Democrats
Pretty sure it was ALL in response too RWI Calling Harris names

Why are you so sensitive.
Keep calling Biden and Harris names you can certainly expect a reaction to that POS trump

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