Harry Reid mentions Trump...

That shot from his exercise machine (snicker, yeah right) did some damage to the old phucker
I would give my left arm if that piece of gutter trash Harry Reid died in his sleep tonight. What a piece of human excrement that "man" is.
I Just saw the clip on the news. it was the most pathetic thing they can go do. and they have done many. Like whipping hate on the Koch bothers. so they are claiming Trump is spewing hate. well what did they just go and do to Trump. these people really take their voters for idiots
This is what I have been longing for. Can't wait for Donald's reply....this will carry him thru Iowa and New Hampshire for sure. Call him a wimpy pimp, Donald! Let's get giggly with the fuggin moron, yo...

Harry Reid Links House Refugee Bill To Donald Trump - Breitbart
From your link:
The Senate is expected to take a procedural vote Wednesday afternoon on the House legislation. The proposal would effectively freeze the acceptance of Syrian and Iraqi refugees until the administration could certify they aren’t a national security threat.

Reid said Democrats will help Republicans get the 60 votes needed to move forward if Majority Leader
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
(R-Ky.) will allow votes on a handful of Democratic amendments, including one related to Trump’s proposal.

Trump is a factor in Congress already!
I Just saw the clip on the news. it was the most pathetic thing they can go do. and they have done many. Like whipping hate on the Koch bothers. so they are claiming Trump is spewing hate. well what did they just go and do to Trump. these people really take their voters for idiots

It's a republican bill, and it's exactly what the republican front runner says he wants. Why are they afraid to vote on it now? Cowards?
I Just saw the clip on the news. it was the most pathetic thing they can go do. and they have done many. Like whipping hate on the Koch bothers. so they are claiming Trump is spewing hate. well what did they just go and do to Trump. these people really take their voters for idiots

It's a republican bill, and it's exactly what the republican front runner says he wants. Why are they afraid to vote on it now? Cowards?
Here ya go, dufus...

ABC News - 1 hour ago
The House legislation would require new FBI background checks and individual sign-offs from three high-ranking federal officials before any refugee from Syria or Iraq could come to the United States.

The Democrats: "The horror! Background checks on Syrians and Iraqis!!!" what a waste of a party! Let all the radicals in...no vetting of them!
I think the years Harry spent as a drug mule for the Las Vegas Mafia has caught up with him
I think the years Harry spent as a drug mule for the Las Vegas Mafia has caught up with him
they should kick his ass again. that is a pathetic excuse for a man. Making a fool of himself by Hillary's orders I'm sure, they have nothing so it's back to division and spreading hate
I posted on Trump's FB page that it's time for him to eviscerate Reid. Maybe we all should do that.

he's going out with the rest of them, thanks to Obama. that's the only freaking thing we can be thankful for the ugly thug
I think the years Harry spent as a drug mule for the Las Vegas Mafia has caught up with him
Yep, ole Harry has finally set sail on the Senility Boat, last time he caught sight of the President he called for the slave catchers.

"Obama a ‘light-skinned’ African-American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." -- Harry Reid getting in touch with his inner Grand Wizard.
This is what I have been longing for. Can't wait for Donald's reply....this will carry him thru Iowa and New Hampshire for sure. Call him a wimpy pimp, Donald! Let's get giggly with the fuggin moron, yo...

How exciting for you.

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