Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....

Wow, that's very interesting! Thank you!
All the people anticipating the wiki leaks dump were upset because Wikileaks announcement of the day they were going to be released had come and gone and all kinds of other rumors about Julian being dead or not able to expose them from the compound/embassy and he was threatened to be killed and that's why he didn't drop them and so on and so forth with one thread after another from the resident alternative right wing posters like Bromance on it....

But Roger Stone tweeting during everyone's despair on the wikileaks not being dumped on the date promised basically told everyone in the tweet, "Not to worry, he was working with Assange on when they would be released and they still would be released"

There must be investigations and prosecutions!
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....

Wow, that's very interesting! Thank you!
All the people anticipating the wiki leaks dump were upset because Wikileaks announcement of the day they were going to be released had come and gone and all kinds of other rumors about Julian being dead or not able to expose them from the compound/embassy and he was threatened to be killed and that's why he didn't drop them and so on and so forth with one thread after another from the resident alternative right wing posters like Bromance on it....

But Roger Stone tweeting during everyone's despair on the wikileaks not being dumped on the date promised basically told everyone in the tweet, "Not to worry, he was working with Assange on when they would be released and they still would be released"

There must be investigations and prosecutions!
prosecutions will never happen....
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
Harry's dead. Bury the asshole and be done with him.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

If Harry Reid says it, you can take it to the bank as the truth. :alcoholic:
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
Spineless Harry Reid has the credibility of a dictator
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

More fake news from the Dimocraps.....:lol:
Anyone who believes Harry Reid would also gulp down any drink handed to them by Bill Cosby.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

One day Dingy Harry is going to let his mouth loose off the Senate floor.

Then the lawsuits will take away his double-wide, his seeing-eye newt and even his stash of Depends.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
Tramp ally Roger Stone admits ties to RussiaLeaks/WikiLies.

Trump Ally Roger Stone Admits 'Back-Channel' Tie To WikiLeaks
Roger Stone, a self-described master of the political dark arts and the longtime ally of Donald Trump, admits he has had “back-channel communications” with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over the release of thousands of emails stolen from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
He says he has no doubt...
Unfortunately for dirty harry he has no proof either.
Actually, Roger Stone admitted it, so no proof is needed when you have a confession!!!

Trump Ally Roger Stone Admits 'Back-Channel' Tie To WikiLeaks
Roger Stone, a self-described master of the political dark arts and the longtime ally of Donald Trump, admits he has had “back-channel communications” with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over the release of thousands of emails stolen from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The outgoing Senate minority leader says the Electoral College has a “tremendous responsibility” on its hands.

Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with WikiLeaks in the runup to the presidential election to damage Hillary Clinton, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) charged on Monday.

Reid, who has sharply criticized FBI Director James Comey for sitting on intelligence connecting Russian operatives and the Trump campaign, said he was unsure if Trump himself was aware of the activity. But he said people in Trump’s orbit certainly were.

“Someone in the Trump campaign organization was in on the deal. I have no doubt. Now, whether they told [Trump] or not, I don’t know. I assume they did. But there is no question about that,” Reid said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “So there is collusion there, clearly.”

“Don’t put blindfolds on,” he said. “Here is the deal: We have a situation where during the campaign, especially the last few months of the campaign, WikiLeaks was heavily involved in trying to hurt Hillary Clinton and it helped Trump. And you have Trump who said he likes Putin better than he likes Obama.”

Requests for comment to WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign were not returned.

More: Harry Reid: The Trump Campaign ‘Was In On’ Russia’s Election Hacking

I agree! Thank you, Harry!
I do know Roger Stone, Trump's long time friend and 'hit man', was working with wikileaks on the timing of when the stolen emails should be dump on the net...

Roger Stone TWEETED about it....
He also admitted it in an interview!

Trump Ally Roger Stone Admits 'Back-Channel' Tie To WikiLeaks
Roger Stone, a self-described master of the political dark arts and the longtime ally of Donald Trump, admits he has had “back-channel communications” with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over the release of thousands of emails stolen from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

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