Harry Reid's Pet Bullet Train Project


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
“Woo! Woo! Next stop, bankruptcy!”

Early last year Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced the administration’s intention to sink $53 billion into high speed rail systems in the coming years. That news must have invigorated Harry Reid more than a cowboy poetry reading under his pomegranate trees, because now taxpayers might end up on the hook for an amount of money that could make Solyndra look insignificant:

On a dusty, rock-strewn expanse at the edge of the Mojave Desert, a company linked to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to build a bullet train that would rocket tourists from the middle of nowhere to the gambling palaces of Las Vegas.

Privately held DesertXpress is on the verge of landing a $4.9 billion loan from the Obama administration to build the 150 mph train, which could be a lifeline for a region devastated by the housing crash or a crap shoot for taxpayers weary of Washington spending.

The vast park-and-ride project hinges on the untested idea that car-loving Californians will drive about 100 miles from the Los Angeles area, pull off busy Interstate 15 and board a train for the final leg to the famous Strip.[...]

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has publicly blessed the train — it means jobs, he says — and it’s cleared several regulatory hurdles in Washington.

Yet even as the Federal Railroad Administration considers awarding what would be, by far, the largest loan of its type, its own research warns it’s difficult to predict how many people will ride the train, a critical measure of financial survival, an Associated Press review found.Michelle Malkin
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.
If we ignored the idiot environmentalist crackpots and drilled our own oil we would not need to buy foreign oil. See, a better solution. I say lets piss the socialist backed environuts off and drill anyway.
Cutting spending is what the European Union has done, leading to disaster.
High Speed Rail would boost our economy in so many ways.
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.

yes....vote Republican to kick out the marxist destroyer of America....the US already has the BEST rail freight system in the world.....high speed rail would only destroy it....BO would just love to come in with his new rail regulations and wreck our SUPERB rail freight business....
Cutting spending is what the European Union has done, leading to disaster.
High Speed Rail would boost our economy in so many ways.

how, exactly.....?

you do realize that every high speed rail system in the world is SUBSIDIZED.....

AND i highly doubt that Americans are going to give up their cars readily...like this Reid boondoggle....who in their right mind is going to drive half way to Las Vegas and then park their car to hop a train....? there would have to be some real extras thrown in....
What We Learned From The Stimulus | Smart Growth America
^Public transportation creates twice the amount of jobs that roads and highway infrastructure dose.

^1) Public transportation reduces the use of gasoline by 4.2 billion gallons a year, or the equivalent of 12.6 billion dollars a year.
^2) Public transportation also reduces congestion by taking people off the road.
According to T.T.I. public transportation saved travelers 541 million hours of additional driving time, or the equivalent of 10.2 billion dollars a year.
^3) A 50 billion dollars investment into public transportation in the next two years would create 1.3 million jobs.
^4) Public transportation saves the country around 20 billion dollars a year by reducing congestion and reducing the use of gasoline.

Congestion and the real value of public transit - The Washington Post
^New report shows that the reduced congestion caused by increased public transportation effectively pays for itself. This means when you include the other benefits and specific use of public transportation , public transportation saves the economy more money than it costs.

Little engine that saves money | StarTribune.com
^MN transit rail is 30 cents per mile cheaper than using cars/busses.

Environmental Law & Policy Center : Benefits of high speed rail
^Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent.

Study: Economic benefits of Kansas-Oklahoma rail service would far outweigh cost | High Speed Rail Updates
^The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2.

^High speed rail in Midwest would create tens of thousands of jobs.

High-Speed Rail Would Save Oil, Create Jobs, Study Finds
^High speed rail would create 55,000 jobs in Los Angeles 20,000 in Orlando, and 5,00 new jobs in Albany.
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.

Trains burn diesel oil. Moron.
What We Learned From The Stimulus | Smart Growth America
^Public transportation creates twice the amount of jobs that roads and highway infrastructure dose.

^1) Public transportation reduces the use of gasoline by 4.2 billion gallons a year, or the equivalent of 12.6 billion dollars a year.
^2) Public transportation also reduces congestion by taking people off the road.
According to T.T.I. public transportation saved travelers 541 million hours of additional driving time, or the equivalent of 10.2 billion dollars a year.
^3) A 50 billion dollars investment into public transportation in the next two years would create 1.3 million jobs.
^4) Public transportation saves the country around 20 billion dollars a year by reducing congestion and reducing the use of gasoline.

Congestion and the real value of public transit - The Washington Post
^New report shows that the reduced congestion caused by increased public transportation effectively pays for itself. This means when you include the other benefits and specific use of public transportation , public transportation saves the economy more money than it costs.

Little engine that saves money | StarTribune.com
^MN transit rail is 30 cents per mile cheaper than using cars/busses.

Environmental Law & Policy Center : Benefits of high speed rail
^Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent.

Study: Economic benefits of Kansas-Oklahoma rail service would far outweigh cost | High Speed Rail Updates
^The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2.

^High speed rail in Midwest would create tens of thousands of jobs.

High-Speed Rail Would Save Oil, Create Jobs, Study Finds
^High speed rail would create 55,000 jobs in Los Angeles 20,000 in Orlando, and 5,00 new jobs in Albany.

that all sounds warm and fuzzy but where does it say that high speed rail will pay for itself......? it doesn't.....so GUESS WHO is going to have to pay for all those high speed trains and high paying jobs......to carry around a few people......? and when you consider how many problems a high speed rail system overlapping our most excellent rail freight system would cause....it just isn't worth it....

light rail is another matter......many cities already have light rail in areas that have demand for it.....light rail has its own lines and does not interfere with freight lines....even a high speed line for a busy corridor would be fine IF it has its own tracks...and if the state in question wants to pay for operating it....(unlike Harry Reid's little project)
ScreamingEagle said:
5022237]-------------------What We Learned From The Stimulus | Smart Growth America
^Public transportation creates twice the amount of jobs that roads and highway infrastructure dose.

^1) Public transportation reduces the use of gasoline by 4.2 billion gallons a year, or the equivalent of 12.6 billion dollars a year.
^2) Public transportation also reduces congestion by taking people off the road.
According to T.T.I. public transportation saved travelers 541 million hours of additional driving time, or the equivalent of 10.2 billion dollars a year.
^3) A 50 billion dollars investment into public transportation in the next two years would create 1.3 million jobs.
^4) Public transportation saves the country around 20 billion dollars a year by reducing congestion and reducing the use of gasoline.

Congestion and the real value of public transit - The Washington Post
^New report shows that the reduced congestion caused by increased public transportation effectively pays for itself. This means when you include the other benefits and specific use of public transportation , public transportation saves the economy more money than it costs.

Little engine that saves money | StarTribune.com
^MN transit rail is 30 cents per mile cheaper than using cars/busses.

Environmental Law & Policy Center : Benefits of high speed rail
^Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent.

Study: Economic benefits of Kansas-Oklahoma rail service would far outweigh cost | High Speed Rail Updates
^The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2.

^High speed rail in Midwest would create tens of thousands of jobs.

High-Speed Rail Would Save Oil, Create Jobs, Study Finds
^High speed rail would create 55,000 jobs in Los Angeles 20,000 in Orlando, and 5,00 new jobs in Albany.-----------------

that all sounds warm and fuzzy but where does it say that high speed rail will pay for itself......?
It doesn't it says it pays for itself and then some.
"The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2."
"Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent."

COme back when you are able to read
ScreamingEagle said:
5022237]-------------------What We Learned From The Stimulus | Smart Growth America
^Public transportation creates twice the amount of jobs that roads and highway infrastructure dose.

^1) Public transportation reduces the use of gasoline by 4.2 billion gallons a year, or the equivalent of 12.6 billion dollars a year.
^2) Public transportation also reduces congestion by taking people off the road.
According to T.T.I. public transportation saved travelers 541 million hours of additional driving time, or the equivalent of 10.2 billion dollars a year.
^3) A 50 billion dollars investment into public transportation in the next two years would create 1.3 million jobs.
^4) Public transportation saves the country around 20 billion dollars a year by reducing congestion and reducing the use of gasoline.

Congestion and the real value of public transit - The Washington Post
^New report shows that the reduced congestion caused by increased public transportation effectively pays for itself. This means when you include the other benefits and specific use of public transportation , public transportation saves the economy more money than it costs.

Little engine that saves money | StarTribune.com
^MN transit rail is 30 cents per mile cheaper than using cars/busses.

Environmental Law & Policy Center : Benefits of high speed rail
^Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent.

Study: Economic benefits of Kansas-Oklahoma rail service would far outweigh cost | High Speed Rail Updates
^The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2.

^High speed rail in Midwest would create tens of thousands of jobs.

High-Speed Rail Would Save Oil, Create Jobs, Study Finds
^High speed rail would create 55,000 jobs in Los Angeles 20,000 in Orlando, and 5,00 new jobs in Albany.-----------------

that all sounds warm and fuzzy but where does it say that high speed rail will pay for itself......?
It doesn't it says it pays for itself and then some.
"The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2."
"Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent."

COme back when you are able to read

i already read it....at the very end of the article it said only this.....with no facts to support the claim....
•Once built, high-speed rail in the Midwest will pay for itself.
•Every dollar of cost yields between $1.70 and $2.50 of benefits

this unsubstantiated claim reminds me of Obama spending a trillion dollars on a stimulus plan to create jobs.....and "benefits" do not necessarily mean "profits".....

i'm sure Obama would love to bring high speed rail to the Chicago area.....but i sure would like to know how high speed rail is going to be "high speed" in the Chicago area.....:lol:

other than maybe two very busy lines (one in France, one in Japan)......every high speed rail line in the world is SUBSIDIZED.....meaning it does NOT pay for itself.....i certainly would not trust building one in the Chicago area...land of corruption and graft....:cuckoo: ...let Illinois pay for its own system if the "benefits" are so great......
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---------------------------------------------------What We Learned From The Stimulus | Smart Growth America
^Public transportation creates twice the amount of jobs that roads and highway infrastructure dose.

^1) Public transportation reduces the use of gasoline by 4.2 billion gallons a year, or the equivalent of 12.6 billion dollars a year.
^2) Public transportation also reduces congestion by taking people off the road.
According to T.T.I. public transportation saved travelers 541 million hours of additional driving time, or the equivalent of 10.2 billion dollars a year.
^3) A 50 billion dollars investment into public transportation in the next two years would create 1.3 million jobs.
^4) Public transportation saves the country around 20 billion dollars a year by reducing congestion and reducing the use of gasoline.

Congestion and the real value of public transit - The Washington Post
^New report shows that the reduced congestion caused by increased public transportation effectively pays for itself. This means when you include the other benefits and specific use of public transportation , public transportation saves the economy more money than it costs.

Little engine that saves money | StarTribune.com
^MN transit rail is 30 cents per mile cheaper than using cars/busses.

Environmental Law & Policy Center : Benefits of high speed rail
^Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent.

Study: Economic benefits of Kansas-Oklahoma rail service would far outweigh cost | High Speed Rail Updates
^The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2.

^High speed rail in Midwest would create tens of thousands of jobs.

High-Speed Rail Would Save Oil, Create Jobs, Study Finds
^High speed rail would create 55,000 jobs in Los Angeles 20,000 in Orlando, and 5,00 new jobs in Albany.-----------------

that all sounds warm and fuzzy but where does it say that high speed rail will pay for itself......? ---------------------
It doesn't it says it pays for itself and then some.
"The cost benefit ratio for a high speed rail from Kansas to Oklahoma would be 1: 3.2."
"Rail spending creates 1.7-2.5 dollars in benefits for every dollar spent."

COme back when you are able to read----------------------------

i already read it....at the very end of the article it said only this.....with no facts to support the claim....
•Once built, high-speed rail in the Midwest will pay for itself.
•Every dollar of cost yields between $1.70 and $2.50 of benefits
Yes that it was the half dozen studest they are reporting on show

Yes because rail lines create economic benefits that are not seen in ticket prices. For example they reduce pollution, congestion and gas use of which when totaled trains cost less then cars.
ScreamingEagle said:
other than maybe two very busy lines (one in France, one in Japan)......every high speed rail line in the world is SUBSIDIZED.....meaning it does NOT pay for itself.....i certainly would not trust building one in the Chicago area...land of corruption and graft....:cuckoo: ...let Illinois pay for its own system if the "benefits" are so great......
Yes because rail lines create economic benefits that are not seen in ticket prices. For example they reduce pollution, congestion and gas use of which when totaled trains cost less then cars.

yeah sure thing....and man is causing global warming.....and people will willingly abandon their cars.....Obama will stop spending.....the rise of the oceans will recede.....the planet and stars will will align......and i will win the lottery tomorrow.....:D
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.

Trains burn diesel oil. Moron.
Nope, electricity.
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.

Trains burn diesel oil. Moron.
Nope, electricity.

most locos are HYBRIDS.....diesel-electric.....trains have been GREEN for years....:D
If we switched from over the road trucking to cross country trains, we wouldn't need to buy foreign oil. But, since the GObP/R's are in the pockets of Big Oil, they'll never allow it. The very last thing they want is "independence from foreign oil".

Before you rw's start whining, it makes uncommonly good sense to retrain AMERICANS for jobs of the future instead of keeping them dirt poor and tied to the past. Truck drivers, as well as others associated with the trucking industry could do very well with a modern train system. Everyone from the drivers themselves to those who now sell tires, mechanics and on and on and on.

But no ... The GObP/R's pay huge oil companies tax-funded subsidies and then Boehner hands out their kickbacks. He doesn't do it on the floor of congress any more. Now its at the congressional tavern.

Vote Republican - Keep China green and Big Oil rolling in our tax money.

You are uncommonly stupid.
Everyone remembers how a high speed rail ballot measure passed in FL and Jeb bush killed it anyway?

it wasn't Jeb Bush, Jeb was just "confused".....it was Florida's governor Rick Scott who rejected the federal funds to build it because Florida would go broke trying to pay for the ongoing UPKEEP of the system.....the feds weren't going to pay for maintenance....

so the Obama fed money went elsewhere.......obviously Harry Reid is getting his share.....

Today, a veto-proof majority of 26 state senators wrote a letter rebuking Scott's decision, while even former Republican Governor Jeb Bush seems confused by the decision.

Scott's decision appears to be steeped in Tea Party ideology. The decision came just weeks after he met with two seemingly random Tea Party "leaders" from Tampa who urged him to kill the plan, and the studies he cited in his decision come from a study conducted by a Libertarian think tank. Scott says he's worried that the state Government may be saddled with paying for overrun and maintenance costs associated with the project.

Even Republicans are Angry Rick Scott Declined High-Speed Rail Funds - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

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