Harry's Black Hole ...

BTW. 356 bills from the House that Reid has obstructed and not allowed a vote in the Senate, at last count..
I trust Aqua's number, she's smarter and happens to be far better looking......
I trust Aqua's number, she's smarter and happens to be far better looking......

Well, give or take 10, our numbers are correct according to Mike Huckabee, who only reports that which he can verify. :thup:

The girls and I thank you, though, fine Lumpy 1. :badgrin:
And somehow it's the Republican's fault nothing is getting done...

I am so sick of both parties I could spit...
So, I guess the point of the O. P. is that Harry Reid has killed as many or more Bills than John Boehner.

And, yet it seems that the Republican controlled House gets 80 or 90 per cent of the blame for doing nothing, as opposed to the Democrat controlled Senate, which is mainly responsible.

Is that about right?

And, what other explanation for that is there...other than Left-wing Loons control 80 or 90 per cent of the press? And my how they do adore that incompetent, lazy, Marxist Liar in the White House.

The decline of the great societies of the past has occurred so gradually that the process is imperceptible...like watching the hour hand of a clock.

I have been watching for a long time now, and I can see that it is getting late for the Great American Society. (Left-Wing Loons have perfected the art of borrowing money our children will have to pay back....to buy votes...and so they are winning.)

As long I have been watching this sad decline...(its been half a century since the Great Society and the War on Poverty)...Aqua Athena's avatars make me feel 20 years younger. Thanks for them.
The response that I have seen from the left is that Reid doesn't bring these bills to the floor of the
Senate is that the republicans would fillibuster them.
The response that I have seen from the left is that Reid doesn't bring these bills to the floor of the
Senate is that the republicans would fillibuster them.

Sheesh, that's unbelievable..and comical
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Why should Harry Reid bring GARBAGE to the Senate floor?

These so called "bills" are an attack on environmental protection, the government's ability at passing any regulation of business practices and a bunch of huge gifts to lobbyists.
The Left are ALWAYS bad mouthing Instruments of Democracy.

"If we only had More Power we could do what we want!"

THAT'S the reason our Government is set up the way it is. To prevent THEM or ANYONE ELSE in Government from "doing what they want".
Why should Harry Reid bring GARBAGE to the Senate floor?

These so called "bills" are an attack on environmental protection, the government's ability at passing any regulation of business practices and a bunch of huge gifts to lobbyists.

Bullshit. And you and Harry shouldn't get to determine what is garbage or not. Bring it to a vote with the elected members of the Senate.

He's blocking his own Democrats from passing bipartisan bills. It's on record. AND he's refusing to allow amendments.

Democrats such as Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — who wants to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax — and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — who has waged a highly publicized campaign to reform the way the military handles sexual-assault cases — have been denied votes on their proposed amendments to various bills.

Gillibrand had hoped to attach her sexual-assault amendment to the defense-appropriations bill that passed in December, but no amendments were allowed. Klobuchar has called for “a more open amendment process” because she’d like a vote on repealing the medical-device tax.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online
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Watch the perpetual crybaby fest begin Jan 2015 when Republicans once more control the Senate and do the same damn thing. LOL Libruls will meltdown all over the place and hear one thing over and over and over.. the same thing we've heard in regard to Obama- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH... We will all simply chant , DINGY HARRY did this, Dingy Harry, over and over and over and over and over and over for the next 12 yrs or so.. time to drink some of your own slop.
Why should Harry Reid bring GARBAGE to the Senate floor?

These so called "bills" are an attack on environmental protection, the government's ability at passing any regulation of business practices and a bunch of huge gifts to lobbyists.

This is exactly right, they are mostly a bunch of partisan political statements disguised as legislation no one in the house ever expected would be voted on in the first place. Other things certainly get passed but bills such as these have never been taken seriously as legislation by anyone involved, including their sponsors.
Why should Harry Reid bring GARBAGE to the Senate floor?

These so called "bills" are an attack on environmental protection, the government's ability at passing any regulation of business practices and a bunch of huge gifts to lobbyists.

Bullshit. And you and Harry shouldn't get to determine what is garbage or not. Bring it to a vote with the elected members of the Senate.

He's blocking his own Democrats from passing bipartisan bills. It's on record. AND he's refusing to allow amendments.

Democrats such as Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — who wants to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax — and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — who has waged a highly publicized campaign to reform the way the military handles sexual-assault cases — have been denied votes on their proposed amendments to various bills.

Gillibrand had hoped to attach her sexual-assault amendment to the defense-appropriations bill that passed in December, but no amendments were allowed. Klobuchar has called for “a more open amendment process” because she’d like a vote on repealing the medical-device tax.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online

What we have in this country is a group of domestic terrorists in the House of Representatives who want to dismantle the EPA and eliminate all regulation.

There have been at least 159 votes held against environmental protections -- including 83 targeting the Environmental Protection Agency -- on the House floor.

Here are 2 of these terrorist "bills"

H.R. 2250, the “EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011”

According to EPA’s analysis, this bill would allow up to:

20,000 additional premature deaths;
12,000 additional heart attacks; and
123,000 additional asthma attacks that could have been avoided.

H.R. 2681, the “Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011”

According to EPA’s analysis, this bill would allow tens of thousands of adverse health effects from particulate matter exposure alone, including up to:

12,500 additional premature deaths;
7,500 additional heart attacks; and,
85,000 additional asthma attacks that could have been avoided.

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