Harvard Liberalism: Tax Cuts NEVER work ?But? Obama Gave TAx Cuts to Billionaires


Mar 29, 2011
When push came to shove and the economy really needed saving; Obama and Democrats cut taxes on the rich. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Wall St Fat Cats, Evil Capiltalists, Big Wigs received Obama Tax Cuts to boost growth, create jobs and get Democrats re-elected.

If Tax cuts caused the debt, unemployment, bubbles, and collapse, why would Harvard genious cut taxes to stimulate and rectify the problem?

Proof positive that socialist economic policy is for the classroom and not real life
Harvard Liberalism: Tax Cuts NEVER work ?But? Obama Gave TAx Cuts to Billionaires
When push came to shove and the economy really needed saving; Obama and Democrats cut taxes on the rich. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Wall St Fat Cats, Evil Capiltalists, Big Wigs received Obama Tax Cuts to boost growth, create jobs and get Democrats re-elected.

Your issue with Obama and democrats isn’t whether tax cuts work or not but the fact that Obama lacked the guts to stand up to GOP gangsters holding funding the Federal government hostage.

When it’s time to raise the debt ceiling, the GOP mobsters will pull the same trick again – and why not, it worked the last time.
So Democrat uber-educated Obama was tricked by idiots?

Like when the entire democrat party voted for the war in Iraq but then said they were tricked by idiot bush?
No. They didn't give tax cuts to the rich. They kept the tax rates the same. For everyone.

There was no increase. There was no cut. Thus, there will be no real effect on the economy.
So wait?

How can keeping taxes the same cost the US money from one year to the next?


Democrats are lying scum
Harvard Liberalism: Tax Cuts NEVER work ?But? Obama Gave TAx Cuts to Billionaires
When push came to shove and the economy really needed saving; Obama and Democrats cut taxes on the rich. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Wall St Fat Cats, Evil Capiltalists, Big Wigs received Obama Tax Cuts to boost growth, create jobs and get Democrats re-elected.

Your issue with Obama and democrats isn’t whether tax cuts work or not but the fact that Obama lacked the guts to stand up to GOP gangsters holding funding the Federal government hostage.

When it’s time to raise the debt ceiling, the GOP mobsters will pull the same trick again – and why not, it worked the last time.

I sure hope so, someone has to curb this runaway government of ours.
When push came to shove and the economy really needed saving; Obama and Democrats cut taxes on the rich. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Wall St Fat Cats, Evil Capiltalists, Big Wigs received Obama Tax Cuts to boost growth, create jobs and get Democrats re-elected.

If Tax cuts caused the debt, unemployment, bubbles, and collapse, why would Harvard genious cut taxes to stimulate and rectify the problem?

Proof positive that socialist economic policy is for the classroom and not real life

I don't understand why right wingers keep playing the game of "dumbass". Obama extended tax cuts because millions of unemployed Americans were held hostage by the GOP. Quit saying "Obama caved" because he cared more for the middle class than Republicans, who obviously look at regular Americans with, not only "disdain", but true "contempt".

You people are sickening. You gloat every time you make the president do something. Whether it's holding Americans hostage to get tax breaks for the super rich, or carding him like he was someone not American, or spreading a terror campaign to get him to keep Gitmo open. You people are truly sickening. I don't see how you call yourselves "American". Seriously, I don't see it.


1.1 million workers are scheduled to have their unemployment benefits expire in the next month, with 2.7 million on track to lose them by April, while unemployment is still at 9.7 percent and there are six unemployed workers for every job opening. 6.3 million Americans have been unemployed for six months or longer, which is the most since the government began keeping track in 1948 and “more than double the toll in the next-worst period, in the early 1980s.” Yet Kyl is willing to hold unemployment benefits hostage in order to fashion a tax cut for heirs of the very wealthiest estates.

Kyl Threatens To Block Unemployment Benefits To Push Tax Cut For Multi-Millionaires

"In this case, the hostage was the American people, and I was not willing to see them get harmed," he said.

At the end of this month, about 2 million people are going to lose their jobless benefits."

Budget estimates predict the tax cut extension will add over $700 billion to the national debt.

President Obama agreed to extend the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans for two years, but said he continues to oppose the tax cuts and plans to fight their extension again in two years.

Obama: GOP threatened ‘collateral damage’ if wealthy didn’t get tax cuts
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When push came to shove and the economy really needed saving; Obama and Democrats cut taxes on the rich. Billionaires and Trillionaires, Wall St Fat Cats, Evil Capiltalists, Big Wigs received Obama Tax Cuts to boost growth, create jobs and get Democrats re-elected.

If Tax cuts caused the debt, unemployment, bubbles, and collapse, why would Harvard genious cut taxes to stimulate and rectify the problem?

Proof positive that socialist economic policy is for the classroom and not real life

so he's wrong for not giving rich people tax breaks but now you say he gave rich people money piss's you off ? is there anything that would not cause ire to you ?
do you have a clue on what you posted ?
I thought "Rachael Madcow" was a reference to "Racheal Maddow" but now I see that this poster might actually have contracted Madcow Disease and is now living with the consequences.

I'm terribly sorry, condolences to the family, and get well soon. :)

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