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Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control Read more


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What a shock! Not!!

This has been known for some time. No way in hell congress members are unaware of the fact that an armed populace means less crime. So, it isn't about our safety. Never was about that. Armed people are the only thing that dictators fear.

The truth is, and always shall be, that whoever wants to disarm you wants to control you. I wish the idiot leftists would understand that. There is a reason for the 2nd amendment. Our forefathers knew that we needed the ability to fight for our freedom and liberty against a corrupt government. When I see the likes of Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and others praising a one world government and wanting to disarm us, I realize that they are the very kind of people our forefathers ran from and the ones they warned us about.

Used to be anyone who talked about one world order or one world government was told to take their tin foil hat off. Now, Hillary and the others openly talk about the virtures of one world government.

We have the U.N. trying to make international laws and forcing us to follow them, despite the fact that they go against our constitution. They want to control the world, literally. That is where a one world government would begin and where all of our freedom and liberty would end. One government ruling over a socialist/communist world. The wet dream of today's left.

Trump had every right and reason to refuse entry to those trying to sneak through the border. The liberal puke who stopped him is just another activist judge making his own rules from the bench. Doesn't give a shit about our nation's laws. This kind of shit is why Dems have to cheat to win elections these days. While there are too many indoctrinated idiots running around, there aren't quite enough to hand them control over the world yet. That is why they want all these ignorant people to flood the country. The Alinsky rule is to allow illegals to pour in and overwhelm our system. That is well underway. Another rule is to indoctrinate youth by teaching social justice instead of actual skills, like math and science. Common Core took care of that. Math scores at an all-time low since that was implemented. Another rule is to promote abortions (population control), government-run healthcare (more population control), encourage more dependency on government by promoting an entitlement mentality, and government slowly seizing control over the private sector by increased interference and regulations, and control over energy (fake solutions for global warming). It was suggested for the latter that they conjure up a problem that affects the entire world and then take over power and energy as a supposed solution.

Every damn thing the left is doing is straight from Cloward-Piven or Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. It's clear that liberals don't read much. Otherwise, they would have a fucking clue about what government is actually up to since it's literally straight from the radical's handbook.

Guns are always a high priority because as long as the populace is armed, they won't give up their freedoms.

It would not surprise me in the least if some of the shooters (all with crazy eyes) were coaxed into doing it just so the left could instill fear in everyone when it comes to guns.

It's not the guns that cause the problems. Guns are only a huge problem for wannabe dictators.

When people are armed, there is less crime. Many of us have known this for years. Of all places, this study came out of Harvard, which is undoubtedly liberal. But, facts are facts and they cannot be denied.

"In other words, more firearms, less crime, concludes the virtually unpublicized research report by attorney Don B. Kates and Dr. Gary Mauser. But the key is firearms in the hands of private citizens.

“The study was overlooked when it first came out in 2007,” writes Michael Snyder, “but it was recently re-discovered and while the findings may not surprise some, the place where the study was undertaken is a bit surprising. The study came from the Harvard Journal of Law, that bastion of extreme, Ivy League liberalism. Titled Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?, the report “found some surprising things.”

The popular assertion that the United States has the industrialized world’s highest murder rate, says the Harvard study, is a throwback to the Cold War when Russian murder rates were nearly four times higher than American rates. In a strategic disinformation campaign, the U.S. was painted worldwide as a gunslinging nightmare of street violence – far worse than what was going on in Russia. The line was repeated so many times that many believed it to be true. Now, many still do.

Today violence continues in Russia – far worse than in the U.S. – although the Russian people remain virtually disarmed. “Similar murder rates also characterize the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and various other now-independent European nations of the former U.S.S.R.,” note Kates and Mauser . Kates is a Yale-educated criminologist and constitutional lawyer. Dr. Mauser is a Canadian criminologist at Simon Fraser University with a Ph.D. from the University of California Irvine. “International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths. Unfortunately, such discussions are all too often been afflicted by misconceptions and factual error.”

Read more at Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control
You won’t get any gun control idiot to admit anything it would mean they had to admit their gods were lying to them and admit how stupid and uneducated they really are. The thing they don’t have any idea about and are too stupid to understand is the FACT that there will be no ground invasion of this country as long as the gun owners can have what the idiots call assault weapons. It would be a short war even for China. Take them and there is no deterrent whatsoever to a large scale conventional war.
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What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

BULLSHIT link is just a liberal lie pump.
REAL statistics prove beyond any doubt that every lie you liars pump out of your shit pump is patently FALSE. You dumbassed messiah worshipers are just too ignorant to know how to correlate the information.
You won’t get any gun control idiot to admit anything it would mean they had to admit their gods were lying to them and admit how stupid and uneducated they really are. The thing they don’t have any idea about and are too stupid to understand is the FACT that ther will be no ground invasion of this country as long as the gun owners can have what the idiots call assault weapons. It would be a short war even for China. Take them and there is no deterrent whatsoever to a large scale conventional war.
Many people who support the 2nd also support gun controls/regulations. They are just not the loud mouths and squeaky wheels
BULLSHIT link is just a liberal lie pump.
REAL statistics prove beyond any doubt that every lie you liars pump out of your shit pump is patently FALSE. You dumbassed messiah worshipers are just too ignorant to know how to correlate the information.
Facts: "The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions."

you did not refute a single fact because you can't


I bet you are one of those people who confuse correlation, and conflation with cause and effect LOL
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Well thank you very much for that. You've convinced me to relinquish my firearms and take up knitting.

Said no gun-owner ever.
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Well thank you very much for that. You've convinced me to relinquish my firearms and take up knitting.

Said no gun-owner ever.
Stop being a Randian Dolt. I support gun ownership you imbecile
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Well thank you very much for that. You've convinced me to relinquish my firearms and take up knitting.

Said no gun-owner ever.
Stop being a Randian Dolt. I support gun ownership you imbecile

You wouldn't support the kind of guns I have. I'm just sayin'.
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Well thank you very much for that. You've convinced me to relinquish my firearms and take up knitting.

Said no gun-owner ever.
Stop being a Randian Dolt. I support gun ownership you imbecile

You wouldn't support the kind of guns I have. I'm just sayin'.

You don't know that. This is what is so sad about you. A dear friend owns Tommy Guns. He has collections of guns in NH and in Washington states.

your world view is warped by your inability to see past your own nose
JGalt Logic is not your strong suit, nor is argument

Logic has nothing to do with anything. And my right to own military-grade weapons, high-capacity magazines, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition, body armor, gas masks, and night-vision equipment is not up for debate. Period.

I'm a big boy, I'm not breaking any laws, have no intent on hurting anyone, and am a vetted and trusted individual in the eyes of my federal, state, and local governments.

So go pound sand.
BULLSHIT link is just a liberal lie pump.
REAL statistics prove beyond any doubt that every lie you liars pump out of your shit pump is patently FALSE. You dumbassed messiah worshipers are just too ignorant to know how to correlate the information.
Facts: "The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions."

you did not refute a single fact because you can't


I bet you are one of those people who confuse correlation, and conflation with cause and effect LOL

Explain how conflagration has anything whatsoever to do with correlation and compiling data. your liberal self professed intellect fails you. Trying the “smarter than you”
Line is not your strong suit in fact you have none.
Facts: "The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions."

you did not refute a single fact because you can't
Hello? separate issue: "Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes, according to a novel analysis released this week by the University of Pittsburgh."

It does not mean more gun owners would equal less crime. For that to happen, criminals would have to become non criminals

get it":?

No it would mean that criminals have to wish to die to commit a crime. Killing a criminal is not a crime, it is not a murder, it is lawful intervention. It would also mean an idiot gun grabber would have to take responsibility for their own safety and protection.

Oh there are NO facts to refute. As I posted all liberal rags of shit are not based on facts. They never are. The idea that snopes researched the facts is not a complete review of the facts, peer review does not mean factual review it means peer review. The peer review at the source would be only a rejection with no review.
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What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Snopes is purposely confusing SCIENCE with Law.. Public legal policy papers are not "studies". Which is the convenient excuse that Snopes used to discredit the work. The 6 or 8 Harvard advisor have about 40 books on public policy between them and NONE of those were "peer reviewed" either.
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Well thank you very much for that. You've convinced me to relinquish my firearms and take up knitting.

Said no gun-owner ever.

Yea, if some gang members choose your house for a home invasion, you can poke their eyes out with your knitting needles. Of course, some liberal lawyer will take up their case and sue you. Naw, on second thought, just shoot the bastards. The left would prefer that gun owners turn into victims instead of being able to protect themselves.
What's True
Gun rights advocates Gary Mauser and Don Kates jointly authored a 2007 paper in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy arguing that higher rates of gun ownership correlated with lower crime rates.

What's False
The paper in question was not peer-reviewed, it didn't constitute a study, and it misrepresented separate research to draw shaky, unsupported conclusions.


FALSE: Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Snopes is purposely confusing SCIENCE with Law.. Public legal policy papers are not "studies". Which is the convenient excuse that Snopes used to discredit the work. The 6 or 8 Harvard advisor have about 40 books on public policy between them and NONE of those were "peer reviewed" either.
wtf? convoluted argument?

You go to motive (Snopes is purposely), which you could not possibly know. That is you carrying forth and positing a bias and probably an agenda

The so-called study was a paper, not a book. Are books peer reviewed? Are scholarly books peer reviewed?

factual quotes: While identifying details were curiously absent on the five pages that followed, it was clear the “study” in question was an item titled “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?” originally published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy

Of primary importance is the subsequent, widely misapplied label of the word “study” with reference to the 2007 item in question. The Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy describes itself as “one of the most widely circulated student-edited law reviews and the nation’s leading forum for conservative and libertarian legal scholarship.” Papers published in that journal are (while perhaps competitively sourced) in no way equivalent to peer-reviewed research published in a credible science-related journals as “studies.” Use of the term “study” to refer that 2007 article dishonestly suggested that the assertions made by its authors were gathered and vetted under more rigorous study conditions, which didn’t appear to be the case.

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