Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

^^^^^^^^^^The big nose, bushy curly hair, and Ivy league scum bag liberal...oh and the typical large dark rimmed studious glasses, with that obnoxious know it all, arrogant face.

Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed | The Daily Caller

If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps.

Her name is Sandra Korn. She is a senior at Harvard and columnist for the Harvard Crimson.

In a recent column, Korn unambiguously insisted that the university should stop guaranteeing professors and students the right to hold controversial views and pursue research that challenges liberalism.

“If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” asked Korn in her column.

The column’s subtitle was even more direct: “Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice.”

Korn cited several instances of perspectives that clashed with her own being banned from campus as triumphant examples of the way Harvard should be run. The firing of Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard summer school instructor who was dismissed for his anti-Islamic views, was one such triumph.

She also invoked the academic boycott of Israel — something condemned by Harvard President Drew Faust and numerous other university presidents — as an example of the kind of tactics leftists should defend and use in order to get their way on campus.

Korn did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The cesspool of shit these universities are producing is truly frightening. Basically, all liberal scumbags.
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Shirley, Obama has a place in his Cabinet for her.
She's an up and coming star! :thup:
Spoken like a true facist, communist, progressive. She stated what us politically astute knew all along about speech codes and political correctness and its purpose

I make comment to the libs on here all the time that is applicable. All for the cause!
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^^^^^^^^^^The big nose, bushy curly hair, and Ivy league scum bag liberal...oh and the typical large dark rimmed studious glasses, with that obnoxious know it all, arrogant face.

Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed | The Daily Caller

If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps.

Her name is Sandra Korn. She is a senior at Harvard and columnist for the Harvard Crimson.

In a recent column, Korn unambiguously insisted that the university should stop guaranteeing professors and students the right to hold controversial views and pursue research that challenges liberalism.

“If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” asked Korn in her column.

The column’s subtitle was even more direct: “Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice.”

Korn cited several instances of perspectives that clashed with her own being banned from campus as triumphant examples of the way Harvard should be run. The firing of Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard summer school instructor who was dismissed for his anti-Islamic views, was one such triumph.

She also invoked the academic boycott of Israel — something condemned by Harvard President Drew Faust and numerous other university presidents — as an example of the kind of tactics leftists should defend and use in order to get their way on campus.

Korn did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The cesspool of shit these universities are producing is truly frightening. Basically, all liberal scumbags.

She doesn't sound Liberal when she states this: "Yet the liberal obsession with “academic freedom” seems a bit misplaced to me. After all, no one ever has “full freedom” in research and publication. "
First, she assumes that liberalism is truly about justice. Starting with that false narrative as a base makes the rest of the argument moot.

Liberals are always the first to tell you that they are the only ones who care about people. Of course, they also believe that every other person is a victim who needs government to do battle for them.

Their policies are nothing more than sneaky ways to bring in socialism with the age-old argument that it's all for the greater good. And every time, their nice sounding policies backfire, but they don't hold themselves responsible for the damage. They claim their good intentions are what count, not the devastation left behind. They fight poverty and we end up with more people in poverty than ever before, though most live better than those who subsidize them. They fix health care and now it's more expensive than ever and less people have it.

We really can't afford any more help.

I say we threaten liberalism by continuing to practice free speech. Liberalism must be destroyed and replaced with common sense.
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First, she assumes that liberalism is truly about justice. Starting with that false narrative as a base makes the rest of the argument moot.

Liberals are always the first to tell you that they are the only ones who care about people. Of course, they also believe that every other person is a victim who needs government to do battle for them.

Their policies are nothing more than sneaky ways to bring in socialism with the age-old argument that it's all for the greater good. And every time, their nice sounding policies backfire, but they don't hold themselves responsible for the damage. They claim their good intentions are what count, not the devastation left behind. They fight poverty and we end up with more people in poverty than ever before, though most live better than those who subsidize them. They fix health care and now it's more expensive than ever and less people have it.

We really can't afford any more help.

I say we threaten liberalism by continuing to practice free speech. Liberalism must be destroyed and replaced with common sense.
WMD in Iraq?
First, she assumes that liberalism is truly about justice. Starting with that false narrative as a base makes the rest of the argument moot.

Liberals are always the first to tell you that they are the only ones who care about people. Of course, they also believe that every other person is a victim who needs government to do battle for them.

Their policies are nothing more than sneaky ways to bring in socialism with the age-old argument that it's all for the greater good. And every time, their nice sounding policies backfire, but they don't hold themselves responsible for the damage. They claim their good intentions are what count, not the devastation left behind. They fight poverty and we end up with more people in poverty than ever before, though most live better than those who subsidize them. They fix health care and now it's more expensive than ever and less people have it.

We really can't afford any more help.

I say we threaten liberalism by continuing to practice free speech. Liberalism must be destroyed and replaced with common sense.
WMD in Iraq?

The Clinton Administration believed there were, as did Hillary Clinton Reid Pelosi and a slew of Democratic Congresspersons and Senators. As did Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia. Further there is now evidence that as noted the stockpile was moved from Iraq to Syria. Further we have the records of the Fallen Government which proves that Saddam Hussein maintained the Nuclear team to return to Nuclear research as soon as the sanctions were lifted, that he maintained dual use facilities to return to production of chemical and biological agents as soon as the sanctions were lifted and that he maintained samples of said things for rapid production when sanctions were lifted.
Read her article and the OP , misses her overall point. She is basically saying not all opinions should be seen as a legit opinion.
Example. Obama not beimg a natural born citizen should not be respected with a dignified answer which would give said question an air of legitimacy.

Her point is correct, but she may be pushing it a little to far. Id need to read more opinions from her to get a good overall perspective.

Naturally the OP didnt understand her point and the dailycaller failed again.
First, she assumes that liberalism is truly about justice. Starting with that false narrative as a base makes the rest of the argument moot.

Liberals are always the first to tell you that they are the only ones who care about people. Of course, they also believe that every other person is a victim who needs government to do battle for them.

Their policies are nothing more than sneaky ways to bring in socialism with the age-old argument that it's all for the greater good. And every time, their nice sounding policies backfire, but they don't hold themselves responsible for the damage. They claim their good intentions are what count, not the devastation left behind. They fight poverty and we end up with more people in poverty than ever before, though most live better than those who subsidize them. They fix health care and now it's more expensive than ever and less people have it.

We really can't afford any more help.

I say we threaten liberalism by continuing to practice free speech. Liberalism must be destroyed and replaced with common sense.
WMD in Iraq?

The Clinton Administration believed there were, as did Hillary Clinton Reid Pelosi and a slew of Democratic Congresspersons and Senators. As did Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia. Further there is now evidence that as noted the stockpile was moved from Iraq to Syria. Further we have the records of the Fallen Government which proves that Saddam Hussein maintained the Nuclear team to return to Nuclear research as soon as the sanctions were lifted, that he maintained dual use facilities to return to production of chemical and biological agents as soon as the sanctions were lifted and that he maintained samples of said things for rapid production when sanctions were lifted.
Blah blah blah blah fucking blah.

No WMD in Iraq. Fuck you and your war.
It's not like this is a new stance for Harvard's newspaper. Back in 1975 they endorsed and supported the Khmer Rouge's efforts to rebuild Cambodia via the Killing Fields. Cambodia | News | The Harvard Crimson

Now sharp eyed readers might notice that the editorial staff acknowledges the reports of mass killings and reeducation camps, but dismiss them out of hand. Sure, they might be real and we'll officially condemn them, sort of. That's bad enough, but this line is chilling:

The new government of Cambodia may have to resort to strong measures against a few to gain democratic socialism for all Cambodians. And we support the United Front in the pursuit of its presently stated goals.

Human rights only exist so long as our betters can use them in their efforts to reshape society.
If that bitch was living in 1930s Germany, she would be out there protesting "The Jews are going to ruin our collective national socialism and undermine our leader Adolf Hitler, so we must arrest them and put them in camps."
If that bitch was living in 1930s Germany, she would be out there protesting "The Jews are going to ruin our collective national socialism and undermine our leader Adolf Hitler, so we must arrest them and put them in camps."

She's probably Jewish herself. Not that I'm arguing against what you write, you understand.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGDT7wKvdRk]"Love Me, I'm A Liberal" Jello/Mojo - YouTube[/ame]
Actually many Jews helped round up other Jews for the Nazis, see George Soros.

She definitely would be one that would help kill off other Jews to save her own nose. :eusa_whistle:

If that bitch was living in 1930s Germany, she would be out there protesting "The Jews are going to ruin our collective national socialism and undermine our leader Adolf Hitler, so we must arrest them and put them in camps."

She's probably Jewish herself. Not that I'm arguing against what you write, you understand.
She isn't a liberal. She's someone that wants her opinion to be never debated and can't think logically enough to win on those issues.

She's a fascist *****.
If that bitch was living in 1930s Germany, she would be out there protesting "The Jews are going to ruin our collective national socialism and undermine our leader Adolf Hitler, so we must arrest them and put them in camps."

She's probably Jewish herself. Not that I'm arguing against what you write, you understand.

Her last name is Korn, and she has the face of an ugly beagle. I would say she is Jewish.

Then again, most Jews I know are not Jews. They certainly do not observe any of the 613 mosaic laws. Most here in the US are dedicated liberals, which means they are enemies to Israel.

The ironies.

This know it all hippy is a precise example of the 75% of those Jews, that probably wear the little hats on special holidays, but their hearts are far from any God their people believe in.

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