Harvey Weinstein Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy of Weinstein can only be matched by the hypocrisy of these idiots.

Scum both.

The hypocrisy of Weinstein can only be matched by the hypocrisy of these idiots.

Scum both.
LOL Weinstein is not the Head of The Democratic Party but the Head of the GOP is an Orange Harvey Weinstein... Trump and Weinstein are mirror Images
After 9 years of Democrats foaming at the mouth about the GOP's war on women Dem's have major rapist egg on their faces.

Uh, for the record, Weinstein has denied the actual rape accusations.

As did Trump.

Heck yea, he's got to follow the Democrat mantra, deny, deny, deny.

Weinstein or Trump?
View attachment 153751

Was Trump accused of rape or not?
Not really. The phony was exposed.
:boobies:Trump:boobies:: 'We are stopping cold:boobies: the attacks on Judeo-Christian :boobies:values' :boobies:

:boobies:Trump:boobies:: 'We are stopping cold:boobies: the attacks on Judeo-Christian :boobies:values' :boobies:
How many women who voted for Hillary would have voted for Trump if they new she was pals with this rapist pig?

The same number as voted for her before. They would have made excuses, blamed the women and made Weinstein, and all the others victims just as they do with former rapist President Bill Clinton.
How many women who voted for Hillary would have voted for Trump if they new she was pals with this rapist pig?

Approximately ZERO.

Exactly! Because for decades Progressives have tried to pretend Bill Clinton was and always has been a choirboy.

This all came to light a year ago. What was happening then? A month to the Presidential Election.

Imagine the photo's of Hillary, Bill, Harvey, and Weiner had all come out weeks before the election.

Imagine, Hillary Clinton, self-proclaimed hero, and defender of women rights surrounded by two rapists and a pedophile.

The fact of the matter is that his behavior has been common it Hollywood and Washington for decades. Where did the phrase "Casting Couch" come from? Anyone in Hollywood or Washington who claim they just heard of this a year ago, such as Jane Fonda of all people, are flat out liars.
Heck yea, he's got to follow the Democrat mantra, deny, deny, deny.

Weinstein or Trump?
View attachment 153751

Was Trump accused of rape or not?
Report: Woman who accused Trump of rape ‘made it all up’
The woman, who sued Trump under the name Katie Johnson on April 26, claimed he raped her at a 1994 sex party hosted by billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Johnson said she was treated as a “sex slave” who was subjected to rape, criminal sexual acts, assault, battery and false imprisonment.

The big problem?

Johnson reportedly “made it all up.”
Accused yes, found guilty no. Keep it up NY , all you are doing in burying your side deeper and deeper, as you want so badly for the right to be wrong, and only the left is being wrong time and again.

So Trump was accused of rape, Clinton was accused of rape, but only Clinton is the rapist?

lol good one

Where was Trump accused of rape and where are they now?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Report: Woman who accused Trump of rape ‘made it all up’
The woman, who sued Trump under the name Katie Johnson on April 26, claimed he raped her at a 1994 sex party hosted by billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Johnson said she was treated as a “sex slave” who was subjected to rape, criminal sexual acts, assault, battery and false imprisonment.

The big problem?

Johnson reportedly “made it all up.”
Accused yes, found guilty no. Keep it up NY , all you are doing in burying your side deeper and deeper, as you want so badly for the right to be wrong, and only the left is being wrong time and again.

So Trump was accused of rape, Clinton was accused of rape, but only Clinton is the rapist?

lol good one

You bet good one, for some strange reason you left out that Clinton was also impeached and disbarred.

Never mind that man, Trump colluded with the Russians!

And he likes prostitutes to urinate on him.

At least, that's what the press tells me.

Not anymore. The TRUTH and FACTS have overwhelmed the rumors you love.
"Crooked Hillary says she wants to clean up Wall Street. how about she cleans up Hollywood?" - Jesse Watters
How about getting the Orange sex deviate the help he desperately need s

Seth Rogen destroys Trump Jr. over Harvey Weinstein comments
Hollywood star and comedic actor Seth Rogen once again trolled and slid into Donald Trump Jr.’s direct messages on Twitter Thursday.

View image on Twitter

Seth Rogen @Sethrogen

Sliding in to @DonaldJTrumpJr DMs to remind him his father is a sexual predator like:

11:07 AM - Oct 12, 2017
LMAO, really?
I'm sure all of these women are lying about Weinstein, unlike those women who came out against Trump.

Weinstein has indicated his own culpability in a general sense, as did Trump when he bragged about his power to grope women without objection.

But we have audio of Weinstein with his victim. No such thing exists for trump

Spin in 3.....2......1

did you need audio or video to declare Bill Clinton a rapist?
And then the liberals wonder why they start eating their own, when a blue dress shows up....Or movie stars start showing up against Harvey...

Clinton didn't rape Monica Lewinsky you idiot.

The rapes, as you know, came before he became President. It was back when Bill was having the Arkansas Highway Patrol bring Bill's handpicked women to his room. And Hillary didn't know about this either! :D
Filthy, nasty hypocrite Madonna, who Elton John said can't sing, with her hero, the sexual assaulter Harvey Weinstein (who often dresses like a Hassidic jew actually - everything but the yamica)!


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