Has a new precedent been set? When Trump runs in 2024 will foolish suburban women expect him to run with someone with a vagina?

Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
NOBODY sane believes Trump lost a straight-up election...NOBODY

Would you like a tissue? :itsok:

No wetbacks = No almost dead dude
No scamdemic = No almost dead dude
No George Floyd = No almost dead dude

Face it bud....no bullshit = no Mexicrat win...EVER
Soo...tissue then?

Hahaha...The truth scares you doesn’t it?
Face it, you’re affiliated with the party of filth and foreigners...you can’t win core Americans.

You realize Biden got 81 million votes from Americans, right?
No wetbacks = No almost dead dude
No scamdemic = No almost dead dude
No George Floyd = No almost dead dude

Face it bud....no bullshit = no Mexicrat win...EVER!

Let that shit sink in.
No one cares you're a nut. Biden still got 81 million votes from Americans.
No wetbacks = No almost dead dude
No scamdemic = No almost dead dude
No George Floyd = No almost dead dude

Face it bud....no bullshit = no Mexicrat win...EVER!
And 81 million votes from Americans.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
If Hunter isn't there, you think Biden does this or just shrugs? Honest question. It is opinion based since we will never know.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
If Hunter isn't there, you think Biden does this or just shrugs? Honest question. It is opinion based since we will never know.
Yes of course he does it. There was a congressional declaration signed and it was US policy and it was called for by the IMF. Of course he still does it
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
If Hunter isn't there, you think Biden does this or just shrugs? Honest question. It is opinion based since we will never know.
Yes of course he does it. There was a congressional declaration signed and it was US policy and it was called for by the IMF. Of course he still does it
What other countries did he do that to please? Thanks
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?

You're deranged, ShortBus. I never said you can't have an opinion. I am saying it's a retarded opinion based on bullshit.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
If Hunter isn't there, you think Biden does this or just shrugs? Honest question. It is opinion based since we will never know.
Yes of course he does it. There was a congressional declaration signed and it was US policy and it was called for by the IMF. Of course he still does it
What other countries did he do that to please? Thanks
Why does that matter?! I'm sure if I took the time to dig into all his foreign relations actions I could find several example of how he leverage the power we have as the US to get other governments to comply with our agenda... But again, why does that even matter. Congress, the Executive admin, and our allies were all calling for this to be done without a spec of interest in Hunter. Why do you keep ignoring that and pretending like this was some random rogue thing that Joe did for his son. STUPIDITY
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?

You're deranged, ShortBus. I never said you can't have an opinion. I am saying it's a retarded opinion based on bullshit.
Really? You are one OCD ridden fat fuck stalker. Don't say shit here you would not say to my face. I am not saying I am 100% convinced but it looks shaky. Hunter had zero experience in O&G, didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and got a sweet gig with high $$$ in payments. He admitted that the name has helped him garner such gigs. So please spare me your outrage you fat loser. If this were Trump and Don Jr., you would be singing a different tune. This is my OPINION. I am not stating this as a fact. So you are telling my opinion is wrong. You are one dumb mother fucker. Thankfully you won't be alive that much longer. You're 64 and a complete idiot.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin — who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine to fire him as he investigated a company, Burisma, that employed Biden’s son, Hunter — says that he was told to back off the investigation into the company before he was fired.

Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
IT WAS USA FOREIGN POLICY AS DECIDED BY OUR CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION AND WORLD ALLIES... Hunter was a non factor in setting that policy. You trying to tie Joe's execution of that policy, which was his job, to Hunters job with an energy company is stupidity.
If Hunter isn't there, you think Biden does this or just shrugs? Honest question. It is opinion based since we will never know.
Yes of course he does it. There was a congressional declaration signed and it was US policy and it was called for by the IMF. Of course he still does it
What other countries did he do that to please? Thanks
Why does that matter?! I'm sure if I took the time to dig into all his foreign relations actions I could find several example of how he leverage the power we have as the US to get other governments to comply with our agenda... But again, why does that even matter. Congress, the Executive admin, and our allies were all calling for this to be done without a spec of interest in Hunter. Why do you keep ignoring that and pretending like this was some random rogue thing that Joe did for his son. STUPIDITY
It matters because he did it to help his little boy, who admitted that nepotism has helped him, live on TV.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin — who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine to fire him as he investigated a company, Burisma, that employed Biden’s son, Hunter — says that he was told to back off the investigation into the company before he was fired.

Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?

You're deranged, ShortBus. I never said you can't have an opinion. I am saying it's a retarded opinion based on bullshit.
Really? You are one OCD ridden fat fuck stalker. Don't say shit here you would not say to my face. I am not saying I am 100% convinced but it looks shaky. Hunter had zero experience in O&G, didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and got a sweet gig with high $$$ in payments. He admitted that the name has helped him garner such gigs. So please spare me your outrage you fat loser. If this were Trump and Don Jr., you would be singing a different tune. This is my OPINION. I am not stating this as a fact. So you are telling my opinion is wrong. You are one dumb mother fucker. Thankfully you won't be alive that much longer. You're 64 and a complete idiot.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin — who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine to fire him as he investigated a company, Burisma, that employed Biden’s son, Hunter — says that he was told to back off the investigation into the company before he was fired.


You're such a dumbfuck, ShortBus. :lmao:

ShortBus, that's what Shokin says now. Meanwhile, the record shows he wasn't aggressively investigating Burisma. The record shows he helped Zlochevsky. He helped Zlochevsky recover some $23 million in assets. I wouldn't be surprised if Shokin got a nice kickback for that. And when he was forced out of the Prosecutor General's Office, he wasn't actively investigating Zlochevsky or Burisma.

Then after Shokin was sacked, his replacement did go after Zlochevsky. Winning a case against him on tax related charges and getting Zlochevsky to pay a hefty fine. If anything could have hurt Hunter Biden's position with Burisma, it would have been that, which was a result of Biden coercing Poroshenko to push Shokin out.

So Biden didn't do it for his son. He did it because it was U.S. policy to clean up corruption in Ukraine.
Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.
That would hand the Dems another 4 years. And the scariest thing listed in your post is the fact you believe the election was stolen. What a moron
I said it was stolen? You’re one dumb mother fucker. Never said that. You’re a leftist.
Your words… “Not sure what is scarier. The election was stolen or that 81mil voted for a corpse. Take your pick. I expect DeSantis/Haley to be the 2024 ticket.”
Right...saying what is scarier doesn't mean I believe it was stolen. LOL. It means I believe it wasn't and that we have a lot of stupid voters.
Ok good, I agree we have a lot of stupid voters and we have a lot of extra stupid idiots out there who actually think the election was stolen
People are saying it because they can’t believe so many voted for an incompetent corpse
Is that what your skills of observation and deduction have told you? You have Trump saying it was stolen and slinging all kinds of false accusations yet you think people believe it because they can't believe that more people voted for an ex VP?! Come on AZ you are embarrassing yourself. At least you are admitting that Trump is out there lying to his supporters. Thats a start and its a main reason why he lost... People don't tend to enjoy being lied to so consistently and blatantly like Trump does.
Truth over Facts. Biden didn't take any kick backs and didn't get the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine cause of Burisma and his kid. Politicians are dirty. I prefer that conniving Biden. This Biden is a shell of his former self. Anyone who voted for that idiot is a moron. Don't talk down to me leftist. People believe it was stolen because they can't believe 81mil voted for that moron. Not because of what Trump says.
Biden got the prosecutor fired because it was US policy, signed off by Congress members of both parties. Your spin is pathetic. If What Biden did was criminal then Barr could have prosecuted him. He didn't. Yes Biden is a shell of his former self and should be retired, be it as it is, he is much much much better than another 4 years of the disaster called Trump and unfortunately our system only gave us 2 competitive candidates to choose from.
Pay for play. There wasn't enough time. Election was over. Criminal IDK. In American you're innocent until proven guilty but the action helped his son. You cannot argue that point honestly. If you believe Biden is squeaky clean you're naive. Not a surprise. Trump was way better than the walking corpse but if he truly signs the reported executive orders, I will give him kudos. It is about time.
You moron, it did nothing to help his son. Had it done anything, it could have hurt his son; but it didn't do that either.
So now I am not entitled to have an opinion? OCD ridden fat fuck, why are you so obsessed with me that you stalk me on this board?

You're deranged, ShortBus. I never said you can't have an opinion. I am saying it's a retarded opinion based on bullshit.
Really? You are one OCD ridden fat fuck stalker. Don't say shit here you would not say to my face. I am not saying I am 100% convinced but it looks shaky. Hunter had zero experience in O&G, didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and got a sweet gig with high $$$ in payments. He admitted that the name has helped him garner such gigs. So please spare me your outrage you fat loser. If this were Trump and Don Jr., you would be singing a different tune. This is my OPINION. I am not stating this as a fact. So you are telling my opinion is wrong. You are one dumb mother fucker. Thankfully you won't be alive that much longer. You're 64 and a complete idiot.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin — who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine to fire him as he investigated a company, Burisma, that employed Biden’s son, Hunter — says that he was told to back off the investigation into the company before he was fired.


You're such a dumbfuck, ShortBus. :lmao:

ShortBus, that's what Shokin says now. Meanwhile, the record shows he wasn't aggressively investigating Burisma. The record shows he helped Zlochevsky. He helped Zlochevsky recover some $23 million in assets. I wouldn't be surprised if Shokin got a nice kickback for that. And when he was forced out of the Prosecutor General's Office, he wasn't actively investigating Zlochevsky or Burisma.

Then after Shokin was sacked, his replacement did go after Zlochevsky. Winning a case against him on tax related charges and getting Zlochevsky to pay a hefty fine. If anything could have hurt Hunter Biden's position with Burisma, it would have been that, which was a result of Biden coercing Poroshenko to push Shokin out.

So Biden didn't do it for his son. He did it because it was U.S. policy to clean up corruption in Ukraine.

Asshole, so I am not entitled to have an opinion? Yes or no.

To me its two things:

#1) Hunter wasn't qualified so this looks suspicious.
#2) If this were Trump and Don Jr. You would sing a different tune.

Stop stalking me. I am giving an opinion, you OCD ridden fat fuck. So you would have paid Hunter $50k per month? Only reason Burisma did that was due to who his dad was. Moron.

A newly released email allegedly shows that then-Vice President Joe Biden, now the Democrat nominee for president, met with a top executive at Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that his son was working for, less than a year before he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor that was investigating the company.

The email comes from a laptop computer that was dropped off at a computer repair store last April in Biden’s home state of Delaware. The person who brought the laptop into the store never paid for service and never retrieved the device. Federal law enforcement officials reportedly seized the laptop in December after the store owner alerted them to it, but not before the store owner made a copy of the hard drive.

The New York Post, which was given a copy of the hard drive on Sunday, reported:

The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

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