Has Anyone Taken Notice? Have We Yet To Witness A TSA Agent Pat Down A Black Child?

Sure it does- which is why you ran from it...

unless you want to argue that Blacks, Whites and Asians can say the same exact thing to each other and regardless of what is said, the race does not factor into determining if the
statement is racist, rude or something else

No one is buying that one
I can think of several things that would fall into that category

You know not what my intentions where nor do you know my race
therefore your argument is a specious one, at best.

As for how you take it and all the "implications"
you see in it or want to see it - I can not help for that...
You are a liberal and like most liberals tend to see "racism" everywhere.
even when none exists- like in this case.

The only "proof" you offer is the implications you see in it
that is not proof- that is tin foil hat adjustment time
In fact using your level of "proof" I can find the same level of racism in
the other poster's statement. But you choose to ignore that because he is
a liberal poster

As usual playing the race card is all the left and their concerned trolls

Cowman, I find you rather boorish
and the inability to man up to your false accusations, a poor statement on you

So please keep using profanity and crying that the "racist" sky is falling
It looks good on you

But don't worry I'm sure you will have some leftist or one of their concerned trolls
come along and tell you are right- that should make you feel better

Oh my god... is this a complaint that white people can't call black people ****** but black people can call each other that?


I wouldn't be that harsh on yourself

Read much
the statement is inclusive of many things
you choose to focus on slurs - again what race I am would
factor into what words I can use-- What is that race?

No, it is the implication you want to see in it
Again too subjective to be of any use

Your claim of racism is still false

(lets see if our friend the stalker concerned troll comes back)

Is that concerned troll creepy or what?
Did you know this guy has over 26,000 posts
and he never started one thread- pretty strange

tsk tsk

lets see if he comes back
Most people put these kind of trolls on ignore but...
This is too entertaining
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"Stalking" is answering your racist comments in an online message board? Really, NeoBot? Only a far right or far left wing nut, far out of the American narrative, would suggest such a thing. :lol:

You insist that racism comes only from "liberals" and ignore those on our far right -- from the Strom Thurmonds to our Obama haters; that's racist.

Your race has nothing to do with racism itself. None at all. You cannot demonstrate it does not.

The claim of racism against you is forever true until you renounce it and restitute for it.

I know... stalking? I've been replying to him in one thread. By his own stupid logic he's stalking me as much as I am him.

Though I guess he's stalking himself now since he's taken to quoting his own posts repeatedly.

Anyway I'm out of here for now. I have better things to do with my time today than deal with somebody who is unwilling to give an answer to what is asked of him. It's not even a specific answer I'm looking for, it was his own opinion.
NeoBot is so afraid of me now that he thinks my answers are stalking. :lolL

NeoBot thinks that his failed threads are more signficant than my posts. :lol:

NeoBot will tell you that only liberals, instead of liberals and conservatives and libertarians, are racist.

NeoBot will pretend to you that he is not racist.

Neobot thinks that not knowing his race is somehow proof that his racism is not . . . racism.

Now let's see if he spams and stalks. He has done that so many times before.

Let's watch.
"Stalking" is answering your racist comments in an online message board? Really, NeoBot? Only a far right or far left wing nut, far out of the American narrative, would suggest such a thing. :lol:

You insist that racism comes only from "liberals" and ignore those on our far right -- from the Strom Thurmonds to our Obama haters; that's racist.

Your race has nothing to do with racism itself. None at all. You cannot demonstrate it does not.

The claim of racism against you is forever true until you renounce it and restitute for it.

I know... stalking? I've been replying to him in one thread. By his own stupid logic he's stalking me as much as I am him.

Though I guess he's stalking himself now since he's taken to quoting his own posts repeatedly.

Anyway I'm out of here for now. I have better things to do with my time today than deal with somebody who is unwilling to give an answer to what is asked of him. It's not even a specific answer I'm looking for, it was his own opinion.

Let's give him the last word for a while. When he starts slipping he spams and stalks. Watch.
I know... stalking? I've been replying to him in one thread. By his own stupid logic he's stalking me as much as I am him.

Though I guess he's stalking himself now since he's taken to quoting his own posts repeatedly.

Anyway I'm out of here for now. I have better things to do with my time today than deal with somebody who is unwilling to give an answer to what is asked of him. It's not even a specific answer I'm looking for, it was his own opinion.


Well, sorry you feel that way

No doubt you will "see" much racism with your

but, believe it or not it has been fun

side note:
my stalker is getting creepier by the post
and ever so desperate
concerned trolls are like that
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