Has Haiti improved at all during the last few years?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Has Haiti improved at all during the last few years? I sure as fuck hope so after we gave them all this money. :eusa_shifty:
This may come as a surprise, but I"D LOVE for Haiti to become a first world nation....If the third world is the best these people can do I'm sad.

Just don't expect other people to give Haiti it's wealth for them.
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Last I heard, about 2-3 months ago, most people were still living in rubble.

Most of the money got taken by the government.

brace yourselves

The liberal government.
Any aid that goes to third world countries needs to be
-Educational books
-Solar panels
-Books on farming

Used books would be worth more than money. Knowledge is worth its weight in gold to the third world.

Haiti has been screwed since the day the West took it over.

For a very brief time after the BLACKS threw out the FRENCH Haiti was exporting goods and really was starting to make an economic go of it.

But then the FRENCH used gunboat diplomacy and embargos to prevent that nation from being able to export, and thereby forced that nation to accept an enormous DEBTLOAD that kept Haiti virtuallly bankrupt for over 100 years.

It would take a near-fascist regime investing billions of dollars about two generations to overcome the many problems that society has right now.

And NOBODY is going to make that kind of investment in that place because the cost of repairing that society exceeds the society's potenial returns.

Haiti has been screwed since the day the West took it over.

Actually, Haiti is a European creation. Black were imported to work on sugar plantations. The banishment of whites explains why the vast majority of the country is still living in the 19th century.

For a very brief time after the BLACKS threw out the FRENCH Haiti was exporting goods and really was starting to make an economic go of it.

What happened was that when Haiti won independence in 1804 and blacks took over the sugar plantations everything went to hell in a handbasket. One of the arguments Southern plantation owners used to justify secession just before the civil war was the woeful state of Haiti 50 years after independence, proving, they said, that blacks were incapable of governing themselves.

But then the FRENCH used gunboat diplomacy and embargos to prevent that nation from being able to export, and thereby forced that nation to accept an enormous DEBTLOAD that kept Haiti virtuallly bankrupt for over 100 years.

Really? Under the Monroe doctrine, had the French attempted to use gunboat diplomacy to interfere in the affairs of Haiti they would have been blown out of the water by the U S Navy.

It would take a near-fascist regime investing billions of dollars about two generations to overcome the many problems that society has right now.

It took whites 40,000 years of evolution in ice-age Europe to evolve a population with the average intelligence necessary to produce and maintain an industrialized, technologically driven economy. I don't think two generation is enough for Haiti to catch up.

And NOBODY is going to make that kind of investment in that place because the cost of repairing that society exceeds the society's potenial returns.

Western companies would love to outsource factory work to a country with people willing to work for a few dollars an hour (where the average income is less than $2 per DAY). However, experience has shown they cannot make money doing business in a country that can't even keep the electricity running and has a work force that is by and large un-trainable.
Why throw money down this snake pit if it isn't going to improve? Wouldn't it be better to send used books on farming, science, etc?
Why throw money down this snake pit if it isn't going to improve? Wouldn't it be better to send used books on farming, science, etc?

I dont live in Haiti,or Africa,or China or any other country .I live in America and thats all I care about.So you keep on whining matt.:eusa_clap:
I certainly hope you're enjoying the wealth that the white population gives you. The first class educational system and the high standards of living.
there is nothing left in Haiti. at least the Dominican Republic saved some of their trees and were smart enough to have tourist safe areas to bring in outsiders to engender good will with the outside world. even if they were on of the main launching points of AIDS
Any aid that goes to third world countries needs to be
-Educational books
-Solar panels
-Books on farming

Used books would be worth more than money. Knowledge is worth its weight in gold to the third world.

What good are books if the people can't read them?
Haiti can't improve until they stop believing in voodoo.

Much like Africans should abandon Catholicism, seeing as it's the main reason that they refuse to use contraception, thus allowing/encouraging the spread of AIDS.
This is what they did in the first year.
"A lot of the money just wasn't responding to needs on the ground. Millions were spent on ad campaigns telling people to wash their hands. Telling them to wash their hands when there's no water or soap is a slap in the face."

Sound familar?
Like right here from Hurricane Sandy.
They tell them to tweet or use facebook for information and they don't have electricity.

Some of the good work includes removing half of the debris caused by the toppling of hundreds of buildings, creating 300,000 temporary jobs and helping more than 1,000 families return home, Haitilibre.com reports.

But as more than half a million people remain living in packed dismal tents, that are often overwhelmed with violence and disease, charities are trying to devise long-term solutions to get Haitians off the streets and into shelters.
Haiti can't improve until they stop believing in voodoo.

I don't think that has anything to do with it, Somalia is pretty much all Muslims and that country is maybe an even bigger shit hole than Haiti.

whitey needs to get out of Haiti,Africa.Those people have been living just great for hundreds of years.Soon as whites come into the picture all these different diseases start killing them off.Remember the indians and how whitey spread all those diseases,so they could grab their land. People of other lands dont want to live like Americans,they are used to living the way they are.

So get the hell out,whitey.:clap2:
Why throw money down this snake pit if it isn't going to improve? Wouldn't it be better to send used books on farming, science, etc?
Hey matt you always worrying about other people,why dont you go live in Haiti and teach them the american way.:D
Any aid that goes to third world countries needs to be
-Educational books
-Solar panels
-Books on farming

Used books would be worth more than money. Knowledge is worth its weight in gold to the third world.

Oh how to live like an american.Give me a break will you.America needs to mind its own business and take care of its own people,of which they are doing such a bang up job.
Has Haiti improved at all during the last few years? I sure as fuck hope so after we gave them all this money. :eusa_shifty:

None of the money got to the people it was intended for. Corrupt businessmen and bureaucrats took it all. Not that it mattered. Haitians are hopeless. Disease-ridden, lazy, and saddled with IQs in the 60s. Iif obozo has his way all 9 million of them will be allowed to come here and go on welfare.

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