Has ISIS Infiltrated The Alt-Right?

They're the same religious
The way that car was used as a weapon - I can't help but wonder.


NEW VIDEO: Charlottesville Car Attack Graphically Captured in New Video

Considering that the far left loves ISIS, then they should love this.

However, you have to prove that the intent of this man was he had this planned all along and not a snap decision. Like a true ISIS follower.

Funny how none of the far left drones have ever condemned ISIS, yet want to compare what happened to ISIS..
Why so many "young" white racists? I thought they were mostly old and dying off. Apparently I was mistaken.
First you base your organization on hatred. Then you adopt a willingness to act violently. Next, take aspects of your religion, like a cross, and twist it so that the virtues of that faith are no longer recognizable. Bomb a church, or mosque.

What do you have? In the Middle East, they call it ISIS. In America, they call it the Alt-Right.

If combat tactics, like driving into a crowd, get shared, it was inevitable.
What religion do you think most white supremacists are?
Fundamentalist Christians, yet they do not practice it well. Fundamentalist Islam is what is professed by ISIS, but they don't practice that well either.
You have never even touched a Quran, idiot.

You have no idea what Islam believes.

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