Has Israeli action in Gaza ripped up western goodwill after the holocaust ?

But people do not take these actions on a whim. What caused palestinian folk to take these actions ?
The actions of the IRA seemed barbaric to me growing up because I was conditioned by the UK press.As I got older I learned more about the struggle and understood better. I might not agree with everything they did but I understood.
Israel is a pariah state and the cause of much of the trouble in the world. This isnt all the failt of a few palestinian extremists.
It wasn’t the Palestinians who attacked , it was an internationally known terrorist group, and as long as they are running the show, then I have no sympathy for Hamas. The Palestinians and Israelis are the ones I sympathize with.
The west bank attacks are not defensive at all. They are the product of an apartheid state.
The ones carried out against Hamas operatives? when 130 Hamas operatives were captured in the West Bank? Is that what you are talking about?

The reality is, you don't want Gaza or the West Bank liberated from Hamas. You just want the jews raped and murdered.

Its clear that the state of Israel is treated as a special case by the liberal west. Actions that would be condemned by other states are pardoned by the world.

I dont [sic] know if this is a sign of guilt. Hitler was able to murder people without any hindrance and it is right that we feel guilt that this happened. I think we can allagree [sic] on that,

But the systematic murder of Gazans is no different. The endgame seems pretty obvious with Gaza as the appetiser [sic] to the take over of the west bank.

Will the west stand by and watch ? Current politicians are too weak to make a stand so it is just possible.

But I dont [sic] see the younger generation putting up with it any more.Israel [sic] has lost its special case standing. They will be judged by the standards of the civilised [sic] world. Such as they are.

I hope that the repucussions [sic] for all of this are not visited on my children or their children. But I suspect that will happen. We will all pay the price.

NB = this thread was closed in the CDZ by meister for not being in the proper forum. I think it was the proper forum to discuss an important issue although I recognise [sic] the sensitivity of the topic.
I hope posters resepect [sic] that sensitivity.

That's nothing.

Look at what those evil Jews did to Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.

And by the way…

You conflate hamas with palestine. You have no evidence that I support hamas.

Well, none at all except for all your numerous posts openly taking the side of those terrorist filth, and condemning Israel for defending itself against them. Other than that, you're right. No evidence at all.

You spelt freedom fighters wrongly.
Yes, and your "freedom fighters" are baby-raping terrorists condemned by 90% of the world, because you're a piece of shit.

I doubt that. I think that 90% of the world doesn't know or cares that the one-legged British faggot even exists, and if they did, it would have no effect on their opinion of his “freedom fighters”. Tainted Tommy being a piece of shit has nothing to do with the rest of the world condemning the Hamas terrorists.

Well, none at all except for all your numerous posts openly taking the side of those terrorist filth, and condemning Israel for defending itself against them. Other than that, you're right. No evidence at all.

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I’ve never seen anything so evil as what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. What’s also evil are Americans who support Israel’s genocide.

I can only hope that much like how most Americans realize now the evil their government committed in places like Southeast Asia and Iraq, they'll come to realize the evil Israel is committing.
Not in my book, Hamas is guilty of starting a war without provocation and put millions of lives at risk.

Including—intentionally—their own women, children, elderly, and other noncombatants.

They value their own more, dead, as propaganda props, than alive, for whatever worth they might have had as human beings.
What the hell is "western goodwill"? Is it defined by the extortion policies and left wing agenda of NATO and the U.N.? Strong leadership defines goodwill and so far it seems that the US is lacking in both categories.
Dude, if you're being serious, you're revealing a great deal of ignorance. To make it more understandable, where have you been? They want Israel gone, end of sentence. They have no intention of EVER living peacefully with Israel existing beside them.

This is Tainted Tommy that you are addressing. However much ignorance he openly shows, here, he is, in fact, far more ignorant than that.

Ditto for intellectual dishonesty.

tommy t paper-gigapixel-art-scale-4_00x.jpg

Its clear that the state of Israel is treated as a special case by the liberal west. Actions that would be condemned by other states are pardoned by the world.

I dont know if this is a sign of guilt. Hitler was able to murder people without any hindrance and it is right that we feel guilt that this happened. I think we can allagree on that,

But the systematic murder of Gazans is no different. The endgame seems pretty obvious with Gaza as the appetiser to the take over of the west bank.

Will the west stand by and watch ? Current politicians are too weak to make a stand so it is just possible.

But I dont see the younger generation putting up with it any more.Israel has lost its special case standing. They will be judged by the standards of the civilised world. Such as they are.

I hope that the repucussions for all of this are not visited on my children or their children. But I suspect that will happen. We will all pay the price.

NB = this thread was closed in the CDZ by meister for not being in the proper forum. I think it was thealso proper forum to discuss an important issue although I recognise the sensitivity of the topic.
I hope posters resepect that sensitivity.
Has Israeli action in Gaza ripped up western goodwill after the holocaust ?


Also, I know for a fact you will support the terrorist group HAMAS because a Communist would do so in that conflict.
No. You are just trying to silence debate. I have always condemned violence on all sides. but you only consider one side to be violent. You will always be disappointed.

You've been given many opportunities to specifically denounce Hamas.
Why can't you do it?
Why haven't you demanded that Hamas lay down their arms and surrender? You want this war to end, right?
KKK's have new and very effective recruiters.
Democrat members.

Everything comes full circle in life.
Slow genocide. So slow that the number of Palestinians keeps going up. Are you sure you've thought this through?

We did much the same to Japanese-Americans after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Heck, we even put them in actual camps, not a wide-open area where they could build their own cities. There's something about people belonging to a people group that has launched surprise attacks.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
No your stance is love Palestinians and Hamas is them
My stance is Palestinians are people to have have rights. You're just some dumbass, Israeli kiss-ass! And yes, Israel is ruining its ties to the rest of the world with their Nazi-like intrusion into Gaza.

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