Has Israeli action in Gaza ripped up western goodwill after the holocaust ?

KKK's have new and very effective recruiters.
Democrat members.

Everything comes full circle in life.

The Ku Klux Klan ceased to exist, in any meaningful form, in the late 1980s. The final stake in its heart was when Beulah Mae Donald sued what was left of it into bankruptcy, in the 1980s, over the death of her son.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

This is another opportunity to say, that it always astounds me that we have millions of people around the world, who openly want to see the Arab Islamic world, to control every stinking square inch of the Mideast. They cannot deal with the Jews being able to have their own homeland, they demand to have it all!
Palestinians openly want to completely destroy Israel, and you want them to have full citizenship rights in Israel? That's your solution to the problem?
First of all, that is a lie that the Palestinians want to "destroy" Israel. All the Palestinians want, is the freedom the rest of the world enjoys. And Israel has no right keeping them from it.

Secondly, Israel either needs to end the occupation, or takeover all the areas giving Palestinians full citizenship rights and freedom of movement.

One last thing, this 'destruction of Israel' mantra is getting old. Let's say for the sake of argument, you are right about what the Palestinians want? Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. There is no country in that part of the world (including Palestinians), that has the capability of taking Israel out.
First of all, that is a lie that the Palestinians want to "destroy" Israel. All the Palestinians want, is the freedom the rest of the world enjoys. And Israel has no right keeping them from it.

Secondly, Israel either needs to end the occupation, or takeover all the areas giving Palestinians full citizenship rights and freedom of movement.

One last thing, this 'destruction of Israel' mantra is getting old. Let's say for the sake of argument, you are right about what the Palestinians want? Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. There is no country in that part of the world (including Palestinians), that has the capability of taking Israel out.
You seem to forget how many Israelis are injured and killed by Palestinian bomber, IEDs and rockets fired indiscriminately into Israel, and now by outright attacks. And I'll believe they want to co-exist with Israel when they start talking like they do.
You seem to forget how many Israelis are injured and killed by Palestinian bomber, IEDs and rockets fired indiscriminately into Israel, and now by outright attacks. And I'll believe they want to co-exist with Israel when they start talking like they do.
Israel has killed over 15,000 Palestinians and displaced over 1.9 million people. When it comes to that much suffering, Hamas is not even on the same planet as Israel.
Israel has killed over 15,000 Palestinians and displaced over 1.9 million people. When it comes to that much suffering, Hamas is not even on the same planet as Israel.
And when they explicitly state that they want to co-exist with Israel, they can move forward. Israel's not going anywhere, and for the Palestinians to continue demanding that they do just prolongs things the way they are. If they publicly and unequivocally state that they will co-exist with Israel and follow it up with 2 years straight of no attacks, no IED's, no suicide bombers, and no rockets, they would demonstrate they mean business and Israel would have to respond likewise. I won't, however, hold my breath waiting on them to do so.

BTW, 15,000 out of millions is a pretty lame genocide. You might want to revisit your rhetoric, because it doesn't fit the situation.
This is an astute question. I have certainly never seen the likes of this anti-Zionist sentiment although I have been anti-Zionist most of my life. Especially among young people. It is heartening to see.
I’ve never seen anything so evil as what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. What’s also evil are Americans who support Israel’s genocide.

I can only hope that much like how most Americans realize now the evil their government committed in places like Southeast Asia and Iraq, they'll come to realize the evil Israel is committing.
Calling the win.
This is an astute question. I have certainly never seen the likes of this anti-Zionist sentiment although I have been anti-Zionist most of my life. Especially among young people. It is heartening to see.
And when they explicitly state that they want to co-exist with Israel, they can move forward. Israel's not going anywhere, and for the Palestinians to continue demanding that they do just prolongs things the way they are. If they publicly and unequivocally state that they will co-exist with Israel and follow it up with 2 years straight of no attacks, no IED's, no suicide bombers, and no rockets, they would demonstrate they mean business and Israel would have to respond likewise. I won't, however, hold my breath waiting on them to do so.

BTW, 15,000 out of millions is a pretty lame genocide. You might want to revisit your rhetoric, because it doesn't fit the situation.
Apparently you’re blind to the truth. Israel has no intention of living peacefully with the Palestinians. Never has.

How does one minimize the deaths of 15,000 people, many of whom are children?

PS. Look up the definition of genocide, then maybe you’ll understand.
The more these Palestinian supporting lunatics express their hate for Israel, the more they convince the sane world to strengthen its resistance to them, and knock them down.

It is heartening to see the Gazans (who voted for Hamas) getting their asses handed to them by Israel, and just as that is happening, it will also happen worldwide, when Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, ISIS, or any other of these Ummah gooneybirds try to fulfill the crazy ideals of imperialist Islam.
Apparently you’re blind to the truth. Israel has no intention of living peacefully with the Palestinians. Never has.

How does one minimize the deaths of 15,000 people, many of whom are children?

PS. Look up the definition of genocide, then maybe you’ll understand.
Well, I checked, and here it is:

the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

Like I said, killing 15,000 out of millions is hardly "destroying that nation or group". If Israel was truly bent on genocide, Gaza would be a parking lot right now. Instead, they politely agree to a cease-fire so Hamas can regroup and re-arm and hide behind more schools and hospitals.
Well, I checked, and here it is:

the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

Like I said, killing 15,000 out of millions is hardly "destroying that nation or group". If Israel was truly bent on genocide, Gaza would be a parking lot right now. Instead, they politely agree to a cease-fire so Hamas can regroup and re-arm and hide behind more schools and hospitals.
From the Geneva Convention:

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7]
But you have to admit the backlash is unprecedented. The number of people marching in support of Palestinians is proof of that.
The political class has completely missed the mood on this. They seem out of touch. Biden could lose an election pn this issue alone.
It is the same in the UK where the labour party leadership has misread the people.
I think younger people do not have the collective guilt of older people on the issue. Israel needs to understand this as well .

Dang........you always were the most prolific deep matrix bubble dweller on the entire board.

Most of those protesters are either 1) paid disrupters or 2) young bozo's supporting the current thing.

Apparently you’re blind to the truth. Israel has no intention of living peacefully with the Palestinians. Never has.

How does one minimize the deaths of 15,000 people, many of whom are children?

PS. Look up the definition of genocide, then maybe you’ll understand.
Idiot, it is the Palestinians who have no intention of living peacefully with Israel. And THAT never has. Of course not, The nutjob Palestinans are Muslims, who believe the doctrine of the Koran (believing it to be the word of God), and the legacy of Mohammed (conquest).

The Palestinians were offered a state of their own 92 state solution) on at least two seperate occasions - they REJECTED it both times. Of course, the Hmas charter itself called for th destruction of Israel. The Palestinians, like generally all Muslims, have no tolerance for any "infidels" (non-Muslims). The will reject anything that incudes Israel's right to exist.

Israel is the main country to bear the brunt of Islamic hatred, only because of where they are. If Hamas et al jihad lunatics were strong enough, they would bulldoze over Israel and then start attacking other non-Muslim countries justas they did in the 1980s with the previously Christian Lebanon. For true Muslims, conquest never ends until the whole world is Muslim.

The past 1400 years is a complete record of Islamic genocide, and it's obvious why you pin the genocide label on Israel, when you claim 15,000 people dead in Palestine ( a number that comes from the Gaza Health Ministry - run by Hamas) :rolleyes:
Idiot, it is the Palestinians who have no intention of living peacefully with Israel. And THAT never has. Of course not, The nutjob Palestinans are Muslims, who believe the doctrine of the Koran (believing it to be the word of God), and the legacy of Mohammed (conquest).

The Palestinians were offered a state of their own 92 state solution) on at least two seperate occasions - they REJECTED it both times. Of course, the Hmas charter itself called for th destruction of Israel. The Palestinians, like generally all Muslims, have no tolerance for any "infidels" (non-Muslims). The will reject anything that incudes Israel's right to exist.

Israel is the main country to bear the brunt of Islamic hatred, only because of where they are. If Hamas et al jihad lunatics were strong enough, they would bulldoze over Israel and then start attacking other non-Muslim countries justas they did in the 1980s with the previously Christian Lebanon. For true Muslims, conquest never ends until the whole world is Muslim.

The past 1400 years is a complete record of Islamic genocide, and it's obvious why you pin the genocide label on Israel, when you claim 15,000 people dead in Palestine ( a number that comes from the Gaza Health Ministry - run by Hamas) :rolleyes:
You’re uninformed. Get informed and then we can talk.

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