Has Israeli action in Gaza ripped up western goodwill after the holocaust ?

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It is the Palestinians who are trying to wipe out the Jews (not the other way around), and this is even written in the Hamas charter.

What laws the Israelis set for Palestinians, are ramifications of self-defense, brought about by Palestinian aggression.

They treat the Palestinians like the aggressors that they are, who shoot rockets at Israel, and like Muslims generally have been for 1400 years, as prescribed by the Koran.

I'd say the Palestinians are lucky to have not been nuked, and annihilated entirely.
God, what a stupid, dumbass hypocrite you are. You start by saying the Palestinians want to wipe out Israel, which is a lie BTW, then end by say the Pals are lucky they are not completely annihilated.

And since Israel is the occupying force, it is they who are the aggressors and it is the Pals who have the right to self defense.

BTW, shit for brains, Hamas amended their Charter accepting a two-state solution based on the '67 borders, but Israel said no.

Its clear that the state of Israel is treated as a special case by the liberal west. Actions that would be condemned by other states are pardoned by the world.

I dont know if this is a sign of guilt. Hitler was able to murder people without any hindrance and it is right that we feel guilt that this happened. I think we can allagree on that,

But the systematic murder of Gazans is no different. The endgame seems pretty obvious with Gaza as the appetiser to the take over of the west bank.

Will the west stand by and watch ? Current politicians are too weak to make a stand so it is just possible.

But I dont see the younger generation putting up with it any more.Israel has lost its special case standing. They will be judged by the standards of the civilised world. Such as they are.

I hope that the repucussions for all of this are not visited on my children or their children. But I suspect that will happen. We will all pay the price.

NB = this thread was closed in the CDZ by meister for not being in the proper forum. I think it was the proper forum to discuss an important issue although I recognise the sensitivity of the topic.
I hope posters resepect that sensitivity.
It is clear you are an old hater finally passing the point of no return. My hope is that you die soon.,
Everything about you is hatred based on differences from you,.
It is clear you are an old hater finally passing the point of no return. My hope is that you die soon.,
Everything about you is hatred based on differences from you,.
World opinion agrees with me.. Israel has lost all sympathy.

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