Has Mao's cultural revolution landed in the USA?

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere

You want to see muslimes tearing down historical sights?

I'm apathetic....?

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere

You want to see muslimes tearing down historical sights?

I'm apathetic....?

You tell me.
I find it abhorrent no matter where it happens.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere

You want to see muslimes tearing down historical sights?

I'm apathetic....?

You tell me.
I find it abhorrent no matter where it happens.

That's not the point

The point is, it has nothing to do with fucking communism or Mao

People rip down statues all the fucking time.

Borders on saying "only commies shoot people" or "only fascists shoot people" ....See they have guns they're X

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Yes. And every last patriotic, law-abiding American citizen should be terrified. These young, radicalized mostly white Antifa-types and their professors are marching to the civilization ending beat of their own new religion, and they're driving the narrative of perpetual black victimhood.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Yes. And every last patriotic, law-abiding American citizen should be terrified. These young, radicalized mostly white Antifa-types and their professors are marching to the civilization ending beat of their own new religion, and they're driving the narrative of perpetual black victimhood.

I'll buy maoists are taking over the NY times

the people on teh street aren't maoists they're nihilists

but those maoists are all very well to do and far from economic commies.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere

You want to see muslimes tearing down historical sights?

I'm apathetic....?

You tell me.
I find it abhorrent no matter where it happens.

That's not the point

The point is, it has nothing to do with fucking communism or Mao

People rip down statues all the fucking time.

Borders on saying "only commies shoot people" or "only fascists shoot people" ....See they have guns they're X

And you seem to think it's okay to destroy history.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere
They vandalized the all of the memorials to black soldiers of multiple wars. They didn’t just tear down “confederate” statues. Do you even read news articles?

....It's an opinion piece and the guy posted some pictures....

What news article/
Why are you idiots always so ignorant to everything ...yet you love to lecture others?

54th regiment... black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. They even made a movie about them called “ Glory”.

But Black Lives Matter...right?


I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Do i need to start equating trump with hitler?

Or can we just pretend you didn't post this?

Do you honestly think the author has any fucking idea what is going on culturally in 2020?

75% of the people on the streets wouldn't even fucking know who Mao is.
Most likely they don't know who Mao is, although with China's ever growing presence in our economy Chinese money to colleges etc. some of them might. And yes the author sees that the violent protesters (not the peaceful ones, I keep the two separate unlike many on the left) are acting like Mao's cultural revolution back in 1960's.

Also acting like our forefather's, the irish, and many other very relatable conflicts in history

Reaching for Mao is absurd as it is reaching for Trump and Hitler comparisons.

Whose head is in the sand?

Darkies riot bad?

Whites riot good? lol
You are talking eras of low to near no taxes to today's high tax state. A rising nation to one in decline. A republic to a Democracy teetering on tyranny. One with foundation and the earning of what each one had to comforts given away and paid by someone else. The Asians have had Mao and some clones. Not us. We will find that out. The people rioting if they do not know, will find out first hand if it gets that far. Life can be cheaper.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Yes. And every last patriotic, law-abiding American citizen should be terrified. These young, radicalized mostly white Antifa-types and their professors are marching to the civilization ending beat of their own new religion, and they're driving the narrative of perpetual black victimhood.

I'll buy maoists are taking over the NY times

the people on teh street aren't maoists they're nihilists

but those maoists are all very well to do and far from economic commies.

Incorrect. Nihilists are loners. Brush up on your Nietzsche. Tell me, how many other mountain men did Zarathustra run with?

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere
They vandalized the all of the memorials to black soldiers of multiple wars. They didn’t just tear down “confederate” statues. Do you even read news articles?

....It's an opinion piece and the guy posted some pictures....

What news article/
Why are you idiots always so ignorant to everything ...yet you love to lecture others?

54th regiment... black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. They even made a movie about them called “ Glory”.

But Black Lives Matter...right?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Slave owners also sent slaves to fight in their stead.

I learned that in the Patriot

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Yes. And every last patriotic, law-abiding American citizen should be terrified. These young, radicalized mostly white Antifa-types and their professors are marching to the civilization ending beat of their own new religion, and they're driving the narrative of perpetual black victimhood.

I'll buy maoists are taking over the NY times

the people on teh street aren't maoists they're nihilists

but those maoists are all very well to do and far from economic commies.

Incorrect. Nihilists are loners. Brush up on your Nietzsche. Tell me, how many other mountain men did Zarathustra run with?

Trust me I know these people

The ones on the street are angry nihilists

The ones in writers room are in many ways in the Maoist tradition. Certainly culturally

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Do i need to start equating trump with hitler?

Or can we just pretend you didn't post this?

Do you honestly think the author has any fucking idea what is going on culturally in 2020?

75% of the people on the streets wouldn't even fucking know who Mao is.
Most likely they don't know who Mao is, although with China's ever growing presence in our economy Chinese money to colleges etc. some of them might. And yes the author sees that the violent protesters (not the peaceful ones, I keep the two separate unlike many on the left) are acting like Mao's cultural revolution back in 1960's.

Also acting like our forefather's, the irish, and many other very relatable conflicts in history

Reaching for Mao is absurd as it is reaching for Trump and Hitler comparisons.

Whose head is in the sand?

Darkies riot bad?

Whites riot good? lol
You are talking eras of low to near no taxes to today's high tax state. A rising nation to one in decline. A republic to a Democracy teetering on tyranny. One with foundation and the earning of what each one had to comforts given away and paid by someone else. The Asians have had Mao and some clones. Not us. We will find that out. The people rioting if they do not know, will find out first hand if it gets that far. Life can be cheaper.

We had much higher taxes in our grandparent's generation

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere
They vandalized the all of the memorials to black soldiers of multiple wars. They didn’t just tear down “confederate” statues. Do you even read news articles?

....It's an opinion piece and the guy posted some pictures....

What news article/
Why are you idiots always so ignorant to everything ...yet you love to lecture others?

54th regiment... black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. They even made a movie about them called “ Glory”.

But Black Lives Matter...right?

What the fuck are you talking about?
I’m talking about the war memorial that was vandalized by the rioters you approve of that was dedicated to the black men that fought to end slavery.

You know the one you asked me to post an article about?

The Red Guard mobs defaced monuments everywhere in China which related to its cultural and political history. Priceless scrolls centuries old were burnt in bonfires, ancient public buildings and statues defaced with graffiti. In museums ancient paintings of pre-marxist Chinese icons were savagely defaced with pictures of pigs.
In America they do the same thing. From writing "pig" in red paint on Plymouth rock to defacing the Lincoln Memorial to ripping down monuments the children of Confederate soldiers raised with their own funds.
Its a war on culture. The "old" culture. Just like their Chinese Communist bosses did. Compare the actions below regarding founding myths and culture of two different societies under attack by the same kind of people.
We play with fire if we treat them as anything other than animals.
defaced 4.jpg

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.
Trump's policy on farms is just like Mao's.
And calling media enemy of the people is just like Mao.
Also, it would appear we have our own brownshirts now.
So ya, Trump's bringing it, especially since Trump has no idea whats in the US constitution.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere
They vandalized the all of the memorials to black soldiers of multiple wars. They didn’t just tear down “confederate” statues. Do you even read news articles?

....It's an opinion piece and the guy posted some pictures....

What news article/
Why are you idiots always so ignorant to everything ...yet you love to lecture others?

54th regiment... black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. They even made a movie about them called “ Glory”.

But Black Lives Matter...right?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Slave owners also sent slaves to fight in their stead.

I learned that in the Patriot

Will Smith saved the earth from aliens in Independence Day. How has that informed your political philosophy?
This is why liberals are eliminating the classics from English Lit classes and replacing them with female Marxists. They fear a knowledge of history will allow you to recognize what is happening.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Or the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, Jonestown, Scientology, Heaven's Gate...all bloody death cults.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Do i need to start equating trump with hitler?

Or can we just pretend you didn't post this?

Do you honestly think the author has any fucking idea what is going on culturally in 2020?

75% of the people on the streets wouldn't even fucking know who Mao is.
Most likely they don't know who Mao is, although with China's ever growing presence in our economy Chinese money to colleges etc. some of them might. And yes the author sees that the violent protesters (not the peaceful ones, I keep the two separate unlike many on the left) are acting like Mao's cultural revolution back in 1960's.

Also acting like our forefather's, the irish, and many other very relatable conflicts in history

Reaching for Mao is absurd as it is reaching for Trump and Hitler comparisons.

Whose head is in the sand?

Darkies riot bad?

Whites riot good? lol
You are talking eras of low to near no taxes to today's high tax state. A rising nation to one in decline. A republic to a Democracy teetering on tyranny. One with foundation and the earning of what each one had to comforts given away and paid by someone else. The Asians have had Mao and some clones. Not us. We will find that out. The people rioting if they do not know, will find out first hand if it gets that far. Life can be cheaper.

We had much higher taxes in our grandparent's generation
Not true. By a long shot. You use the Federal Income Tax which was higher for the richest. But grew higher from inflation and the massive amount of brackets of taxing the working man into servitude. There are massive taxes in state, local, city and regional ways. Hidden taxes galore. Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, Products built from the ground up about 20% when added totally. Nickel and diming in every way they can get it. The Federal Tax today still ramps up quickly from the poverty line.

I would hope not, but its starting to become apparent with many of the looney left.

Absolutely. The Red Guards are here. And they are trying to eradicate the same thing here as in China. The "four olds". There is a reason it was called the "Cultural Revolution". The Red Guards intended to destroy then rebuild a new Chinese cultures and society. They went so far as to dig up the corpses of previous leaders and cultural heroes and drag them through the street. They cleared libraries of "old" works written without Marxist sympathies. And they tore down and defaced statues dedicated to the past. It was cultural genocide. Like the leftists here are doing.

Other than black and white vs color photographs can you tell the difference in the photos below?

View attachment 347150View attachment 347151View attachment 347152View attachment 347153View attachment 347154

Do i need to find you photos of muslims who are certanily not godless commies ripping down statues?

Holy shit people

edit - no that's not buddha that's some old dynasty. Even more typical you could find that anywhere
They vandalized the all of the memorials to black soldiers of multiple wars. They didn’t just tear down “confederate” statues. Do you even read news articles?

....It's an opinion piece and the guy posted some pictures....

What news article/
Why are you idiots always so ignorant to everything ...yet you love to lecture others?

54th regiment... black soldiers that fought in the Civil War. They even made a movie about them called “ Glory”.

But Black Lives Matter...right?

What the fuck are you talking about?
I’m talking about the war memorial that was vandalized by the rioters you approve of that was dedicated to the black men that fought to end slavery.

You know the one you asked me to post an article about?


I didn't ask you to post an article

You referenced something that wasn't in the thread and i asked what the fuck you were talking about?

I have no interest in the fucking statue, lol

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