Has NATO Provoked Putin's Invasions?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Remember, Yeltsin was drunk on his ass after the fall of the Soviet Union. He trusted Putin not to revert to his KGB thinking when he picked Bad Vlad to replace him. And all went well for a number of years. Putin and his wife were frequent guests of the Bush family summers at Kennebunkport. The US bought nuclear materials from Russia to use in our commercial reactors. Joint operations with the pitiful remainder of the Russian armed forces were staged....mostly to keep an eye on them. And then something went haywire.

After the 2003 revolt in Georgia, that country made it clear they wanted full membership in NATO. They were on the glide path to that goal in 2008 when Putin apparently decided he's seen enough. His oil and gas empire thefts had made him a billionaire and he'd taken a new mistress. He needed something to do. So he riled up "separatists" in South Ossetia and then Abkhazia provinces to confront and then declare independence from Georgia. When Georgia resisted, Putin invaded.

The difference between having a man and a timid fool as President is that Bush told Putin to STOP and Putin did stop, although he kept troops in the disputed provinces. Georgia was checkmated in it's bid to join the West and to this day remains bitter NATO abandoned them. Bush retaliated against Putin by devising a "missle shield" located in Poland and Czech Republic to supposedly knock down any "rogue" missles shot at us from N. Korea or Iran. But Putin figured out the shield could be also be used to knock down the beginings of a strategic nuclear strike from Russia. Barry quickly shut down that program when he took office.....a move that delighted Putin to no end. And an opportunity to look through Obama's veneer of courage....he saw nothing.


So this year when Ukraine threw out the dictator Yanukovych and batted their eyes at NATO, Putin reverted to the Georgia model and invaded Crimea....his only warm water port in the area. And since the Ukes decided to isolate Crimea, he's once again sent his Spetnaz into eastern Ukraine to form a land bridge to supply Crimea. I don't believe he has plans to go to Kiev. He has memories of a previous Russian dictator trying to occupy Afghanistan and having to run for their lives when we started supporting NON ARAB jihadists. Incidentally, those who claim we supplied bin-Laden's forces are either idiots or liars...we did not.

So there is my plausible scenario as to why Putin is doing his Stalin impersonation and laughing at the present doorknob at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He has no intention of confronting us in a war....we'd go through his armed forces like shit through a goose. He officer corps has no war experience other than rolling over defenseless provinces. His air force is in the stone age compared to ours. And he sold most of his navy to the Chinese to feed his peasants their borscht. His army is mostly conscripts who serve because there are no jobs for them.

I believe Putin stops where he is and goes no further unless provoked. Better we go ahead and strangle him with real economic sanctions, proceed to destroy ISL, and turn our attention to our own problems.
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