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Has Obama's ISIS Policies Led To This?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The conflict in Syria has been going on for years. Now it has spread to Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and several other Middle-Eastern countries....and refugees are fleeing by the thousands.

This began with the Arab Spring and turned into a civil war in Syria.

Has Obama and his friends set in motion a policy that led to hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Greece, Europe, and dozens of other countries? Millions of Arabs have been made homeless by the murder and mayhem caused by ISIS expansion......and Obama's half-hearted attempts to quell the violence has done nothing.


Networks Show Heartbreaking Image of Aylan, Censor Dead Babies in Planned Parenthood Videos

Germany’s response to the refugee crisis is admirable. But I fear it cannot last | Doris Akrap
Of course it has, but his minions will deflect by accusing you of politicizing this child's death.
Of course it has, but his minions will deflect by accusing you of politicizing this child's death.
ABC and CBS are politicizing it.

Meet the Depressed focused on it yesterday and forgot to mention Obama leaving Iraq gave ISIS the vacuum they needed to start their killing rampage. Obama left Iraq and took away a base of operations for us to combat this mess. Now we have to fly out of Turkey or from aircraft carriers....and there's no proof that Obama's even letting us take these guys out. His rules of engagement handcuffs our pilots so much they often come back without releasing their payloads.
Yes indeed its Obama's fault. Now with Russia in Syria, he is well over his head


The conflict in Syria has been going on for years. Now it has spread to Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and several other Middle-Eastern countries....and refugees are fleeing by the thousands.

This began with the Arab Spring and turned into a civil war in Syria.

Has Obama and his friends set in motion a policy that led to hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Greece, Europe, and dozens of other countries? Millions of Arabs have been made homeless by the murder and mayhem caused by ISIS expansion......and Obama's half-hearted attempts to quell the violence has done nothing.


Networks Show Heartbreaking Image of Aylan, Censor Dead Babies in Planned Parenthood Videos

Germany’s response to the refugee crisis is admirable. But I fear it cannot last | Doris Akrap

I think the broader plan here is to establish a huge islamic base in a PRO-America country in Europe followed by an islamic base here in the United States.

Then flood Israel with those savages thus attacking ALL three western style governments at once. Sweden and Norway ALREADY have islamic caliphate bases and Italy will soon have with the popes help.

America has about 20. I posted the video of them. Israel has denied immigration at this point to the savages but with pressure from Europe and the United States PLUS that group of outlaws called the United Nations will submit.

That will in fact cut off and corner every western nation from the other.
Liberals will never believe that Bill Ayers and his wife have been stirring shit up in Egypt and the West Bank. And Obama's doesn't exactly act like ISIS is much of a problem. He figures the greatest threat is Glowbull Warming. He could care less about all of the Christians and moderates that are being butchered in at least 10 different countries in the ME.
Hillary and Obama Own the Tragic Libyan Exodus
ByJack Cashill
Last week, in one incident, as many as 180 men, women and children drowned when the boat carrying them capsized off the Libyan coast. “Libya is a major transit route for migrants hoping to make it to Europe,” reported Reuters. “Smuggling networks exploit the country's lawlessness and chaos.”

What Reuters did not explain, at least in any detail, is “why Libya?” In this, Reuters was hardly unique. The same media that gleefully blamed Iraq’s post-Saddam disorder on George Bush refuse to even address the question of who is to blame for the “lawlessness and chaos” in post-Qaddafi Libya.

If the media were curious, they might want to review President Obama’s address to the nation in late March 2011. “We knew that if we . . .waited one more day,” said Obama, “Benghazi, a city nearly the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.”

Irefused to let that happen,” added Obama in a radio address soon after. Instead, he authorized military action “to stop the killing.” Less than two months earlier, Obama had not so much as mentioned Libya in his State of the Union address.

Libya had been pretty much out of the news in America since 2003 when its strongman ruler, Muammar el-Qaddafi, was persuaded to abandon his WMD program. He stayed on reasonably good terms with the United States in the succeeding years. In April 2009, in fact, el-Qaddafi’s son Mutassim had a cordial meeting with Hillary Clinton in Washington. “We deeply value the relationship between Libya and the United States,” Hillarytold the presswith the tall, western-looking young man standing beside her.

In March 2011, the good will el-Qaddafi had mustered suddenly lost all value. Obama asked America to believe we were going to war to prevent a Rwanda-sized stain on “the conscience of the world.”

If Obama had studied the 1999 Kosovo action -- and Hillary was there to help him -- he would have known how the media would react if a Democrat president launched an unauthorized air war. At that time, to hold the country together, Yugoslavian authorities were attempting to suppress an insurrection by Islamic Albanians in the Kosovo province.

Like Obama, President Bill Clinton had not bothered getting congressional approval before sending our planes in. To bolster public support, Clinton and his people began a drumbeat about mass graves, ethnic cleansing and even genocide. As in Libya, there was no other reason for the war other than to prevent genocide.

President Clinton compared the work of the Serbs in Kosovo to the German genocide of the Jews during the Holocaust and assured America that “tens of thousands of people” had been murdered. In the war’s wake, however, international teams could find no signs of genocide anywhere. Spanish forensic surgeon Emilio Perez Pujol would tell the BritishSunday Timesthat the talk of genocide was “a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines, because we did not find one -- not one -- mass grave.”

For the Libyan conflict, Alan Kuperman, a professor of public affairs at the University of Texas, did the calculations the media refused to do. Writing in theBoston Globejust two weeks after the President’s address on Libya, Kuperman made the simple point, “The best evidence that Khadafy did not plan genocide in Benghazi is that he did not perpetrate it in the other cities he had recaptured.”

As Kuperman also noted, the ubiquitous cell phone cameras failed to capture any images of a massacre. Not exactly a Republican partisan, Kuperman previously served as a legislative assistant to Democrat House Speaker Tom Foley and legislative director for then Congressman Chuck Schumer.

As Kuperman explained, rebel forces, fearing imminent defeat, followed the Kosovo playbook and faked a humanitarian crisis. In March 2011,TheNew York Times’sDavid Kirpatrick reported, “The rebels feel no loyalty to the truth in shaping their propaganda, claiming nonexistent battlefield victories, asserting they were still fighting in a key city days after it fell to Qaddafi forces, and making vastly inflated claims of his barbaric behavior.”

Leading as he did “from behind,” Obama had to know the pretext for war was false, but he would continue to pursue it for another six deadly months. As 2011 sped by, the insurgency dragged on, and the only sure casualty was the truth.

In October 2011, NATO planes attacked a convoy among whose passengers was a desperate el-Qaddafi. The militia members took the aging chieftain prisoner, indelicately sodomized him with a knife, and recorded it all on video. This was not quite the image of a new Libya Obama and Clinton were hoping to project, but it was the shape of things to come.

Still, the White House carried on as if no one had seen the video. Said Obama in a Rose Garden speech, "The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted." He and Clinton championed the victors and made Libya their personal success story.

The biggest misconception about NATO’s intervention,” wrote Kuperman, “is that it saved lives and benefited Libya and its neighbors.” In fact, Qaddafi did not attack peaceful protesters. The rebels started the violence, and Qaddafi responded. Barely six weeks after the rebellion started, Qaddafi had all but suppressed it at the cost of about one thousand lives.

Then Clinton and Obama blessed NATO’s intervention, one that prolonged the war seven months and cost roughly seven thousand more lives. During the insurrection, the Obama administration had been funneling money to Qatar to help arm Libyans rebels. As theNew York Timesreported, “The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.”

After the fall of el-Qaddafi, these groups, many of them with a strong Islamic bent, refused to disarm and continued to resist government authority. In the midst of this mess, in early April 2011, American special representative Chris Stevens arrived in Libya on board a Greek freighter. Obama and Clinton would reward his loyalty and courage with the most disturbing lies of their relentlessly dishonest careers.

After the murder of Stevens and three other Americans, Libya continued to fracture. As of today, several militia groups compete with each other to see who can impose sharia law most thoroughly. Lately, they have been too busy storming the Parliament, seizing hostages, and attacking foreign consulates to bother themselves patrolling for human traffickers.

As the death toll mounts and as the migrant crisis in Europe worsens, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton can take perverse comfort in knowing they will be held blameless. Such is the incredible lightness of being a Democrat.

Read more:Articles: Hillary and Obama Own the Tragic Libyan Exodus
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Liberals will never believe that Bill Ayers and his wife have been stirring shit up in Egypt and the West Bank. And Obama's doesn't exactly act like ISIS is much of a problem. He figures the greatest threat is Glowbull Warming. He could care less about all of the Christians and moderates that are being butchered in at least 10 different countries in the ME.
Obama is a Shia muslim. That Rev. Wright who CLAIMS to have converted him is also a former Shia muslim. And as you know lies and deception are BLESSED by the quron. the Shia are the ultra radical ones.

The Sunni tend to be more peaceful using their money and votes to promote islam. There is a radical branch in the Sunni {about 5%} that does practice Wahabisum {sp?}.

Obama is killing as few Shia as possible while killing as many Sunni and Americans as he can. Even when he is FORCED by home political pressure to kill a terrorist what happens to those men assigned.

They wind up dead like Seal Team Six. He goes on television and gives them a big public thumbs up and it was the biggest sell out of information ever given.

He marked them for death on live TV and democrats celebrated in the streets what was the largest act in public of treason.
Absolutely he's created this. He's dropped bombs on SEVEN countries under the guise of hunting down terrorist. . and not a peep about how he's a Warmonger, how he's Creating more Terrorist, etc . and ALL OF IT without the consent of our Representation in CONGRESS....

.On top of him doing that. he went and took out these leaders, like Gaddafi, etc no matter how horrible they were... they weren't an imminent threat to our country and then just left the country and the people there DEFENCELESS against the terrorist who is now taking them over and is why they are fleeing their country.

And they talk about Bush. My gawd and NOT ONE peep over the actions of this horrible man and the mess he's created in the middle east countries
Dick Cheney gave an interview in 1994 talking about how leaving Saddam in power after liberating Kuwait was the right thing to do because to remove him from power would be a disaster in that region. 1994 and oh how insightful he was then fastfoward he completely ignored his own position. The failure of us policy in the region didn't begin in 2009 or 2001 or 1992. This has been a 4 decade long disaster so to isolate 1 specific occurrence and blame it on 1 specific person or policy is a colossal disservice to any meaningful discussion
Blame it on Reaganist meddling and lies, and of course the corrupt Pub world depression that also led to chaos. Thank god the Dems got in fast this time. At least now the ME is starting to deal with the ME and radical Islamist terror...stay OUT except for aid and bombing in favor of moderates. The solution is not scheduled according to ADHD Fox etc etc etc infotainment/hysteria for their chumps...
Liberals will never believe that Bill Ayers and his wife have been stirring shit up in Egypt and the West Bank. And Obama's doesn't exactly act like ISIS is much of a problem. He figures the greatest threat is Glowbull Warming. He could care less about all of the Christians and moderates that are being butchered in at least 10 different countries in the ME.
Obama is a Shia muslim. That Rev. Wright who CLAIMS to have converted him is also a former Shia muslim. And as you know lies and deception are BLESSED by the quron. the Shia are the ultra radical ones.

The Sunni tend to be more peaceful using their money and votes to promote islam. There is a radical branch in the Sunni {about 5%} that does practice Wahabisum {sp?}.

Obama is killing as few Shia as possible while killing as many Sunni and Americans as he can. Even when he is FORCED by home political pressure to kill a terrorist what happens to those men assigned.

They wind up dead like Seal Team Six. He goes on television and gives them a big public thumbs up and it was the biggest sell out of information ever given.

He marked them for death on live TV and democrats celebrated in the streets what was the largest act in public of treason.
Liberals will say that because Obama won't admit he's a Shiite Muslim.....anyone who says he is....is friggen nuts.....or a birther.
The Democrats will continually promote this nonsensical worldview:


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