Has Richard Barnett been arrested yet?

Seriously -
He will be. He will also be receiving a long prison sentence, along with every single one of them they can identify.

We have MANY faces and most are known to law enforcement. Reel ‘em in .. LOCK THEM UP!!
Now we love law enforcement. Because you are coming back for your New Kremlin edicts, they are a fiefdom. I try to tell you that. After the last year or so, they should be beholden to the massive support that they received from Repub and Blue Dog voters. They shot that wad last night and a few other things.....Remember...Pay, Benefits and Pensions....But they look good when they give out toys during the holidays and see them playing with a child all on video. Cut the criminal code if you want to see a difference. But they won't. Because lots of money comes to them through the code with fees and fines and so much more. Law enforcement/corrections/judicial fiefdom. One of many.

Please stay on topic, and put down the crack pipe.
He will be. He will also be receiving a long prison sentence, along with every single one of them they can identify.

A "long" prison sentence? Why? To intimidate dissidents during the Biden Era?
Yes. Perhaps we should separate his kids from his wife as well...you know...as a deterrent. Just like we do with other invaders on the border.
Maybe they are waiting until after 1/20/2022 to arrest him. To make sure he isn't pardoned.
You know I would not be surprised if Trump’s very last action is to pardon all the insurrectionists. It would be a final FU to our Constitutional Republic.

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