"Has the Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP?"

The Bell has certainly begun to toll for the United States. The nation will still exist as an expression of a geographical landmass but not in any other sense. The values and traditions that made this country what it is will be gone. The United States will exist the same was Pharonic Egypt exists. As a chapter in a history book. Egypt is still there, it just isn't that kind of Egypt anymore.

The article is short sighted. It assumes much but not far enough. It assumes that the nation will become black and hispanic as if those are the only two choices. It won't mention the immigration and birthrate of the hyper religious muslims or the avaracious capitalism of the Chinese. If any demographic will be the first to "go" it will be African-Americans who are the descendats of slaves. They are aborting themselves out of existence faster than whites and kill one another off at a rate exceeding all other ethnicities. So many men spend decades behind bars that black women marry outside their race more than any other group. They will be, and are being replaced by immigrants from Africa who have none of the same traditions and values. Black Americans are right behind or maybe slightly ahead of the Japanese.

To imagine that if whites become a minority, republicans become a minority and will disappear leaving the nation with no choice but a democrat dictatorship is outright laughable. To think that the only question facing future voters is which democrat will you vote for is utter stupidity. Even if republicans go the way of the Whigs they replaced, all it means is that there will be a new political movement likely separate from either democrats or republicans under the political control of the strongest ethnic group.

My money would be on the Chinese. Not the mexicans.
My opinion is that this is a great thing.

You see I dont care what color others are.

It makes no fucking difference to my life what color fmy neighbor is.

I happened to live in a city and neighborhood where 60 % of the people are latino.

My neighbors are nice, helpful, kind andtheir kids are sweet and well behaved.

I think its fine there will be more of these peopole in the future.

The white people are NOT disapearing they are having children with brown people.

Its really not a problem unless you are a fucking shit head racist
mexico is pretty much controlled by the cartels, like mexican neighborhoods here in the US are controlled by various gangs. It's okay if you actively desire criminal control. mexicans will recreate mexico.

Thankfully they are not the only source of immigration. After having lived in latino neighborhoods several times, to move when the crime and level of violence got too bad I finally had a treat. A peek into the future. My 60% latino city got bought up by Chinese conglomerates. Entire blocks were bought and razed to the ground. Slums were replaced by pricey condos above boutique businesses. A day spa, a dance studio, a coffee shop that had guitar players and poetry reading, a pilates studio, several art galleries and a community playhouse with a real upscale restaurant and micro brewery next door. The dirt poor mexicans are being squeezed out, the indoor swap meets reduced to rubble and swept away. The endless bridal shops gone. Pawn shops, gone. The whole latino infrastructure dismantled, torn down and hauled away in great Chinese trash trucks. Instead of the streets crowded with day laborers, there are nice Chinese families going to nice supplemental schools or neat Chinese Presbyterian churches.

If we have no choice but to collapse, and we don't, I'd much rather it went to the Chinese than the mexicans and it looks like that is just the way it's going.

Comes the reply: We must spend more to close the racial gap in test scores. Yet, according to The Washington Examiner, in the District of Columbia, the community where we have spent perhaps the most per capita to close the racial gap in test scores, the racial gap is by far the largest in the nation.

Not only do we seem not to know how to close it after four decades of plunging trillions into public schools, the country is tapped out. We are in the fourth consecutive year of trillion-dollar deficits, and our largest and richest state, California, just discovered its deficit has exploded to $16 billion.

And why should Hispanics vote Republican?

The majority of Hispanics are among that half of the population that pays no income tax. Why should they vote for a party whose major plank is that it will cut income taxes?

Hispanics benefit disproportionately from government programs.

Government puts their kids in Head Start before pubic school and provides them with Pell grants and student loans after public school.

From kindergarten through 12th grade, government educates their kids for free. Government provides them with free or subsidized health care through Medicaid and clinics. Government provides their families with public housing and rent supplements. Government provides the food stamps that feed the family. Government provides them with an annual earned income tax credit, a check just for working.

Government provides all these things, and what are Republicans going to do? They promise to cut government.

Again, why should Hispanics vote Republican?

He brings up a lot of interesting points. This did make me want to read his book.
The GOP is the once grand, now just old party

Other than white, male Christians, they have managed to alienate every other demographic. Hispanics, Blacks, women, teachers, the young,the educated, gays.....all on the GOP enemies list
Those who rob Peter to pay Paul, can always count on Paul's vote.

Those who protect Peters wealth at all costs can always count on Peters political contributions

So you think Peter should support the people who are trying to rob him? I'm not sure you've thought that one out, Winger.

Katz is correct...it's human nature to want more...it's hard to say no to getting stuff when someone else is going to pick up the tab.

There's a joke going around about the new Obama Happy Meal at McDonald's. You order whatever you want and the guy behind you in line has to pay for it.
Those who rob Peter to pay Paul, can always count on Paul's vote.

Those who protect Peters wealth at all costs can always count on Peters political contributions

So you think Peter should support the people who are trying to rob him? I'm not sure you've thought that one out, Winger.

Katz is correct...it's human nature to want more...it's hard to say no to getting stuff when someone else is going to pick up the tab.

There's a joke going around about the new Obama Happy Meal at McDonald's. You order whatever you want and the guy behind you in line has to pay for it.

Contributing to the society that enabled you to gain great wealth is not stealing.......it's called being an American
Those who protect Peters wealth at all costs can always count on Peters political contributions

So you think Peter should support the people who are trying to rob him? I'm not sure you've thought that one out, Winger.

Katz is correct...it's human nature to want more...it's hard to say no to getting stuff when someone else is going to pick up the tab.

There's a joke going around about the new Obama Happy Meal at McDonald's. You order whatever you want and the guy behind you in line has to pay for it.

Contributing to the society that enabled you to gain great wealth is not stealing.......it's called being an American

How much do the miscreants who are on welfare for generations and vote democrat contribute to society?
So you think Peter should support the people who are trying to rob him? I'm not sure you've thought that one out, Winger.

Katz is correct...it's human nature to want more...it's hard to say no to getting stuff when someone else is going to pick up the tab.

There's a joke going around about the new Obama Happy Meal at McDonald's. You order whatever you want and the guy behind you in line has to pay for it.

Contributing to the society that enabled you to gain great wealth is not stealing.......it's called being an American

How much do the miscreants who are on welfare for generations and vote democrat contribute to society?

Those miscreants make up a larger percentage of our military who have fought and died for this nation than your one percent

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