Has the Bible ever been proven wrong?

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Sorry, you are right, I missed the bits on page 7;)

The point is valid though and using arguments like the jews didnt list all their ancesters is again changing the goalposts. The general impression given by the bible is one of the earth being reletively young, when in fact it is very old.

All the bible was trying to do was provide a framework for peoples lives and make a stab at explaining the world as it appeared to people then. That is fine. Now we know more about the universe and the bible has been superceded by a greater understanding. By all means believe in god, but lets not pretend that the bible does not contain errors, it was written by fallible human beings after all.
This may seem like a tired old argument, but the bible does say 4000 BC for the date of creation. And saying things like 'a day then was a different length of time from a day now' to square this with the scientifically proven age of the earth and universe is just changing the position of the goalposts. Anyone can win any argument like that.

Do you accept that the earth is far older than 6000 years? If so, then the bible is wrong by any reasonable burden of proof.

"Scientifically proven age of the earth and universe." "Proven" by Man, within the confines of Man's intellect; who, is proven fallible time and again.

Within the context of the argument, there is nothing intellectually dishonest about saying that an omnipotent being can be and do whatever he wishes, to include pass what would billions of years to us in the blink of an eye.
Sorry, you are right, I missed the bits on page 7;)

The point is valid though and using arguments like the jews didnt list all their ancesters is again changing the goalposts. The general impression given by the bible is one of the earth being reletively young, when in fact it is very old.

All the bible was trying to do was provide a framework for peoples lives and make a stab at explaining the world as it appeared to people then. That is fine. Now we know more about the universe and the bible has been superceded by a greater understanding. By all means believe in god, but lets not pretend that the bible does not contain errors, it was written by fallible human beings after all.

And again, your "greater understanding" is defined by the limit of Man's intellect. God is not.
Sorry, you are right, I missed the bits on page 7;)

The point is valid though and using arguments like the jews didnt list all their ancesters is again changing the goalposts. The general impression given by the bible is one of the earth being reletively young, when in fact it is very old.

All the bible was trying to do was provide a framework for peoples lives and make a stab at explaining the world as it appeared to people then. That is fine. Now we know more about the universe and the bible has been superceded by a greater understanding. By all means believe in god, but lets not pretend that the bible does not contain errors, it was written by fallible human beings after all.

Other explanations have also been asserted.

However the explanation is culturally valid. It would still not account for the Power of the Creator asserted in the Book we are speaking of. Such a Powerful Being could easily pass Billions of years in hours if they chose to, the timeline is skewed by that power. Evolution could easily be the tool used during such a scenario... This has all been covered before, yet you insist that that was the only post or informaton discussed? Disingenuous.
Sorry, you are right, I missed the bits on page 7;)

The point is valid though and using arguments like the jews didnt list all their ancesters is again changing the goalposts. The general impression given by the bible is one of the earth being reletively young, when in fact it is very old.

All the bible was trying to do was provide a framework for peoples lives and make a stab at explaining the world as it appeared to people then. That is fine. Now we know more about the universe and the bible has been superceded by a greater understanding. By all means believe in god, but lets not pretend that the bible does not contain errors, it was written by fallible human beings after all.

I have to agree, although some consider me "closed-minded." Either one believes the Bible, or he doesn't. I believe the BIble, and I believe the Earth is relatively young, although an exact age is not given in the Bible. It cannot be proven by mechanical science that the earth is old; one cannot observe this. The evidences given to support an age of billions of years are flawed.

Biblical truth can never be superceded.
And again, your "greater understanding" is defined by the limit of Man's intellect. God is not.

We used to think that an atom was the smallest thing. Now we know that there are things smaller than atoms. This change in knowledge is vastly different than discovering that a day is not a day. A day is a day and it will always be a day. Face the truth. The Bible is wrong when it says that the God created the earth and man in 6 days.
Fair question. Has JRR Tolkein's Lord of the Rings ever been proven wrong...<shrug>

Yeah, when author intentionally had it classified under 'fiction' in the bookstores, that pretty much ruled out its credibility as a factual, historical text.

The fact is that all of the Bible's historical information has either been proven correct or is undetermined either way. Given its track record for factual accuracy, I find myself very likely to believe that everything listed as absolute fact in the Bible is either absolute fact or as close as could be determined at the time of the writing (pi isn't 3, but I doubt ancient Hebrew mathematics could get past 3.14, much less conveying this ratio to the team building the circle), and that everything listed as a simile or appearing to be a metaphor is just that, a simile or a metaphor, but still true.
Fair question. Has JRR Tolkein's Lord of the Rings ever been proven wrong...<shrug>

Well, we can factually, using information at JRR Tolkein's house, know that it was entirely fabricated and Middle Earth never existed. So, yes, it has been proven wrong.
I agree... but that would mean that the bible can't be taken literally insofar as creation is concerned.

No it doesnt.

And for M Kramer, a day is a day, no way. What they described as a day could have been 10 million years. Our framework for referencing time always depends on how long the person has been alive. Newborns, they cant think beyond the moment. As we get older, the concept of tommorrow comes along. Then we are able to grasp how long a week, month and so on. In our early 20's, we cant really think much past our next decade. By the time your in your forties, you can understand the entire length of your life,. and when you are over 75 or so, you have lived a lifetime and are usually ready to accept that death, and possibly enternity are around the corner.

The point is, until we experience living a decade, you cant really grasp how long a decade is. We havent experience milllions of years like God has. A day could be 10 million years to Him.

As for the BIble, it can or cant be taken literally, or factually for anyone. It just all depends on if a person approaches it with an open mind or a closed mind. All the liberal God/Chrisitian haters approach it with an agenda and a bigoted, intolerant pov.
Then what follows is: What can we take seriously from the Bible?

All of it. The wisdom of the Bible has withstood the test of time and centuries.

Jesus said, "you will ALWAYS have the poor with you" How TRUE. Now, in America, by far and away the richest and most productive society ever, we still have homeless. The reason is because Jesus knows that homelessness is created by the attitude of the persons themselves many times, and all the resources at their disposal wont stop them from becoming homeless. You cant pin their homelessness on a lack of opportunity like you could 1000 years ago.

Much of the Bible is about wisdom, and not intelligence. Intelligence is way over rated. Wisdom will bring you happiness. Intelligence makes no guarantees. Homeless, neurotic crazy people, anti social (unabomber was EXTREMELY intelligent) people are often very intelligent.

But the mantra of the left these days places a high value on intelligence, and almost no value on wisdom.

Intelligence is only available to those born with it, wisdom comes to ANYONE who seeks her.
Sorry, you are right, I missed the bits on page 7;)

The point is valid though and using arguments like the jews didnt list all their ancesters is again changing the goalposts. The general impression given by the bible is one of the earth being reletively young, when in fact it is very old.

All the bible was trying to do was provide a framework for peoples lives and make a stab at explaining the world as it appeared to people then. That is fine. Now we know more about the universe and the bible has been superceded by a greater understanding. By all means believe in god, but lets not pretend that the bible does not contain errors, it was written by fallible human beings after all.

Everything you said there is WRONG. Sorry.
All of it. The wisdom of the Bible has withstood the test of time and centuries.

Jesus said, "you will ALWAYS have the poor with you" How TRUE. Now, in America, by far and away the richest and most productive society ever, we still have homeless. The reason is because Jesus knows that homelessness is created by the attitude of the persons themselves many times, and all the resources at their disposal wont stop them from becoming homeless. You cant pin their homelessness on a lack of opportunity like you could 1000 years ago.

Much of the Bible is about wisdom, and not intelligence. Intelligence is way over rated. Wisdom will bring you happiness. Intelligence makes no guarantees. Homeless, neurotic crazy people, anti social (unabomber was EXTREMELY intelligent) people are often very intelligent.

But the mantra of the left these days places a high value on intelligence, and almost no value on wisdom.

Intelligence is only available to those born with it, wisdom comes to ANYONE who seeks her.

Yeah, being wise is awesome. However, being intelligent is depressing and frustrating. I mean, I know the exact chemical and metabolic processes that will kill you if you mix chlorine and bleach. Seriously, knowing that it's a bad idea is enough.

I'm also plagued with the burden of always being right, and while being right all the time sounds fun, it really sucks, because being right means predicting bad stuff, too.
Yeah, when author intentionally had it classified under 'fiction' in the bookstores, that pretty much ruled out its credibility as a factual, historical text.

Did he? Really? Didn't know that.....

The fact is that all of the Bible's historical information has either been proven correct or is undetermined either way.

The only historical information in the bible that has been proven factual is the existance of people and certain events such as Herod etc. Miracles and the making of the Earth in seven days has been far from proven fact.

Given its track record for factual accuracy, I find myself very likely to believe that everything listed as absolute fact in the Bible is either absolute fact or as close as could be determined at the time of the writing.

Sure...in Gone With the Wind, North fought the South..historical fact...Atlanta burned...historical fact...Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler were lovers..historical fact?? Tara..historical fact???

(pi isn't 3, but I doubt ancient Hebrew mathematics could get past 3.14, much less conveying this ratio to the team building the circle).

I doubt hindu, Indonesian, Native American, Incas or Inuit could, too. And?
Well, we can factually, using information at JRR Tolkein's house, know that it was entirely fabricated and Middle Earth never existed. So, yes, it has been proven wrong.

What information from his house? How do you know it was fabricated? What evidence do you have it was fabricated? How do you know that he was in fact telling the truth, but only pretending it was fabrication in order to keep such a history such as Middle Earth in the realms of allegory in order to trick your or I into belieiving otherwise? As a complete aside, where does that leave Scientology and Hubbard and his Thetans? Or you and your Buddha?
I agree... but that would mean that the bible can't be taken literally insofar as creation is concerned.

Ah ..... the fly in the ointment. I said evolution and Creationsim are not mutually exclusive. Darwin's theory of evolution as far as origin is concerned and Creationism ARE.
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