Has the democrat victimology strategy over the last 50 years utterly ruined us?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
It truly is the only thing they have. That really is it. Make anyone that is NOT white and NOT Christian a victim. Make every country that is NOT America a victim of America.

Women are victims of republicans.
Blacks are victims of republicans.
Hispanics victims of republicans.
Natives victims of republicans
Asians victims of republicans
The poor victims of republicans.

All of those groups are totally incapable of making it on their own....according to liberals.

There really is no reversing the mindset either. It will take a cathartic experience to reverse the utter shit the left has done.

Feel free to add to the list. Oh year, EARTH ...is a victim of republicans. How could I forget that?
It truly is the only thing they have. That really is it. Make anyone that is NOT white and NOT Christian a victim. Make every country that is NOT America a victim of America.

Women are victims of republicans.
Blacks are victims of republicans.
Hispanics victims of republicans.
Natives victims of republicans
Asians victims of republicans
The poor victims of republicans.

All of those groups are totally incapable of making it on their own....according to liberals.

There really is no reversing the mindset either. It will take a cathartic experience to reverse the utter shit the left has done.

Feel free to add to the list. Oh year, EARTH ...is a victim of republicans. How could I forget that?
You are poor because somebody is Republican.
You are naked because somebody is Republican.
You are hungry because somebody is Republican.
You are stupid because somebody is Republican.
You are a drug addict because somebody is Republican.
You are fat because somebody is Republican.

When you are a democrat you...
Have free money because a Republican works.
Have free clothes because a Republican works.
Have free food because a Republican works.
Have an education because a Republican works.
Have drug treatment because a Republican works.
Have better health because a Republican works.

Whose getting screwed?
Another constituency the Socialist have is the Homosexuals, but they are also hard after the Muslims...which seems fraught with peril & contradiction to me.

Also, the Public Employee Unions are a powerful and vital Socialist Unit of the Democratic Party.

The old Unions...who fought the New York Greed-Mongers for decent treatment in coal mines and other such places--they served a purpose...but those private Unions got greedy (and corrupt) and put themselves out of business.

But, there is no reason to presume that the Tax Payers are greedy. They are not...instead, they are sheep to be shorn by the Public Employee Unions who contribute to the campaigns of Democratic candidates...then sit down with those very politicians who are in their pocket and negotiate their next big Contract Payday...at the Tax Payer's expense.

This country is in a battle to keep its identity.

The Democrats hope the Mexican Invasion will turn the tide. What does that tell you?
It truly is the only thing they have. That really is it. Make anyone that is NOT white and NOT Christian a victim. Make every country that is NOT America a victim of America.

Women are victims of republicans.
Blacks are victims of republicans.
Hispanics victims of republicans.
Natives victims of republicans
Asians victims of republicans
The poor victims of republicans.

All of those groups are totally incapable of making it on their own....according to liberals.

There really is no reversing the mindset either. It will take a cathartic experience to reverse the utter shit the left has done.

Feel free to add to the list. Oh year, EARTH ...is a victim of republicans. How could I forget that?

War on Christmas...

War on Christians...

Class Warfare...

Let's look at the last thread Owl started.

"Marines court martial woman for refusing to remove bible verse"

Yep, a "poor persecuted Christians" victimhood thread, with extra victimhood points because he also played the race card with gusto.

Not all conservatives are perpetual victims, but as Owl demonstrates, most perpetual victims are conservatives.
It truly is the only thing they have. That really is it. Make anyone that is NOT white and NOT Christian a victim. Make every country that is NOT America a victim of America.

Women are victims of republicans.
Blacks are victims of republicans.
Hispanics victims of republicans.
Natives victims of republicans
Asians victims of republicans
The poor victims of republicans.

All of those groups are totally incapable of making it on their own....according to liberals.

There really is no reversing the mindset either. It will take a cathartic experience to reverse the utter shit the left has done.

Feel free to add to the list. Oh year, EARTH ...is a victim of republicans. How could I forget that?
You are poor because somebody is Republican.
You are naked because somebody is Republican.
You are hungry because somebody is Republican.
You are stupid because somebody is Republican.
You are a drug addict because somebody is Republican.
You are fat because somebody is Republican.

When you are a democrat you...
Have free money because a Republican works.
Have free clothes because a Republican works.
Have free food because a Republican works.
Have an education because a Republican works.
Have drug treatment because a Republican works.
Have better health because a Republican works.

Whose getting screwed?

Are you posting in big obnoxious type because somebody is a Republican, Pinky?
It certainly has created a permanent underclass. The effects of LBJ's Great Society can be seen on the streets of any American inner city. It ain't pretty folks.
Let's look at the last thread Owl started.

"Marines court martial woman for refusing to remove bible verse"

Yep, a "poor persecuted Christians" victimhood thread, with extra victimhood points because he also played the race card with gusto.

Not all conservatives are perpetual victims, but as Owl demonstrates, most perpetual victims are conservatives.

It truly is the only thing they have. That really is it. Make anyone that is NOT white and NOT Christian a victim. Make every country that is NOT America a victim of America.

Women are victims of republicans.
Blacks are victims of republicans.
Hispanics victims of republicans.
Natives victims of republicans
Asians victims of republicans
The poor victims of republicans.

All of those groups are totally incapable of making it on their own....according to liberals.

There really is no reversing the mindset either. It will take a cathartic experience to reverse the utter shit the left has done.

Feel free to add to the list. Oh year, EARTH ...is a victim of republicans. How could I forget that?

War on Christmas...

War on Christians...

Class Warfare...


It started with all the incessant whining about "liburrul media".

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