Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates


I don't know what Obama's presidency will mean in the future politically for people of similar skin pigmentation.

I do know we've had two lousy presidencies in a row.

I guess another fair question would be whether the previous office-holder ruined the chances for Texas governors.


That's a fair post, except to say that perhaps GW Bush could be said to have been a lousy president, he didn't divide the country or make it weaker. So, for that reasoning, I could never put him in the same category as BHO.

You last statement is the most accurate and perceptive relating to the OP.

"You're either with us or the terrorists"....divisive
$700B bailout....money we didn't have...weaker
$4,000 plus dead in Iraq--a country that never attacked us....weaker and divisive

You literally have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about.

I don't know what Obama's presidency will mean in the future politically for people of similar skin pigmentation.

I do know we've had two lousy presidencies in a row.

I guess another fair question would be whether the previous office-holder ruined the chances for Texas governors.


That's a fair post, except to say that perhaps GW Bush could be said to have been a lousy president, he didn't divide the country or make it weaker. So, for that reasoning, I could never put him in the same category as BHO.

You last statement is the most accurate and perceptive relating to the OP.

"You're either with us or the terrorists"....divisive
$700B bailout....money we didn't have...weaker
$4,000 plus dead in Iraq--a country that never attacked us....weaker and divisive

You literally have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about.

How can you compare those statements to these situations?
1. The first statement was said after we were attacked from a foreign source. Obama has divided his own country internally on the basis of race and class time and time again.
continually very divisive

2. A $700B bailout compared to a debt unseen by any administration prior to this. Have you forgotten about Solyndra and other Obama favorite picks that his own advisors warned against that went bankrupt? stupid

3. Those death were useless losses when you consider Obama could not even negotiate bases of troops to protect the fledging democracy. And what is happening there now? inability to negotiate as a leader...weak
That's a fair post, except to say that perhaps GW Bush could be said to have been a lousy president, he didn't divide the country or make it weaker. So, for that reasoning, I could never put him in the same category as BHO.

You last statement is the most accurate and perceptive relating to the OP.

"You're either with us or the terrorists"....divisive
$700B bailout....money we didn't have...weaker
$4,000 plus dead in Iraq--a country that never attacked us....weaker and divisive

You literally have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about.

How can you compare those statements to these situations?
1. The first statement was said after we were attacked from a foreign source. Obama has divided his own country internally on the basis of race and class time and time again.
continually very divisive
Amazingly the middle income and lower income folks voted for Obama as did nearly 1/2 of the more wealthy.
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Your "he's divisive" is bullshit. I will say that the reason you see him as divisive is latent racism...when old white guys are no longer the only faces in congress it makes people like you a bit uneasy. So you start doing things like recommending "2nd amendment solutions", showing up at Applebee's with AR15 and having your 24/7 bitchfest on messageboards.

2. A $700B bailout compared to a debt unseen by any administration prior to this. Have you forgotten about Solyndra and other Obama favorite picks that his own advisors warned against that went bankrupt? stupid
So you're letting Bush off the hook based on what his successor did? Amazing how the white guy gets away with borrowing $700B based on what happened afterword.

3. Those death were useless losses when you consider Obama could not even negotiate bases of troops to protect the fledging democracy. And what is happening there now? inability to negotiate as a leader...weak

"You're either with us or the terrorists"....divisive
$700B bailout....money we didn't have...weaker
$4,000 plus dead in Iraq--a country that never attacked us....weaker and divisive

You literally have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about.

How can you compare those statements to these situations?
1. The first statement was said after we were attacked from a foreign source. Obama has divided his own country internally on the basis of race and class time and time again.
continually very divisive
Amazingly the middle income and lower income folks voted for Obama as did nearly 1/2 of the more wealthy.
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Your "he's divisive" is bullshit. I will say that the reason you see him as divisive is latent racism...when old white guys are no longer the only faces in congress it makes people like you a bit uneasy. So you start doing things like recommending "2nd amendment solutions", showing up at Applebee's with AR15 and having your 24/7 bitchfest on messageboards.

2. A $700B bailout compared to a debt unseen by any administration prior to this. Have you forgotten about Solyndra and other Obama favorite picks that his own advisors warned against that went bankrupt? stupid
So you're letting Bush off the hook based on what his successor did? Amazing how the white guy gets away with borrowing $700B based on what happened afterword.

3. Those death were useless losses when you consider Obama could not even negotiate bases of troops to protect the fledging democracy. And what is happening there now? inability to negotiate as a leader...weak


I usually don't try to debate a poster who talks like a mentally imbalanced truck driver, but I'll try this once.

This thread if you recall, is about the failure of Obama. Not about Bus Bush Bush. But to end this Bush did it expose', once we were in Iraq (which was not a good idea), he made a difference in the country for the better. And Obama tried to negotiate bases to continue to be there, but couldn't Maliki wanted our servicemen to be held responsible for crimes they committed and Obama couldn't get him off that point.

Talk about letting a president get off the hook...look at our debt, the refusal to give a budget in time according to the constitution how many times? Fast and Furious, VA Scandal, IRS Scandal, Benghazi!!!.Oh hell, I could go on but with you it doesn't matter a bit. A waste of time. Don't bother responding. We don't need to hear from a mouth full of feces.
How can you compare those statements to these situations?
1. The first statement was said after we were attacked from a foreign source. Obama has divided his own country internally on the basis of race and class time and time again.
continually very divisive
Amazingly the middle income and lower income folks voted for Obama as did nearly 1/2 of the more wealthy.
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Your "he's divisive" is bullshit. I will say that the reason you see him as divisive is latent racism...when old white guys are no longer the only faces in congress it makes people like you a bit uneasy. So you start doing things like recommending "2nd amendment solutions", showing up at Applebee's with AR15 and having your 24/7 bitchfest on messageboards.

So you're letting Bush off the hook based on what his successor did? Amazing how the white guy gets away with borrowing $700B based on what happened afterword.

3. Those death were useless losses when you consider Obama could not even negotiate bases of troops to protect the fledging democracy. And what is happening there now? inability to negotiate as a leader...weak


I usually don't try to debate a poster who talks like a mentally imbalanced truck driver, but I'll try this once.
My thoughts exactly.

This thread if you recall, is about the failure of Obama. Not about Bus Bush Bush. But to end this Bush did it expose', once we were in Iraq (which was not a good idea), he made a difference in the country for the better. And Obama tried to negotiate bases to continue to be there, but couldn't Maliki wanted our servicemen to be held responsible for crimes they committed and Obama couldn't get him off that point.
No fuckwit, your racist thread is about this:
"Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates"
And, using history as a guide, has the failures of other Presidents ruined it for candidates who share their other skin color? Obviously not since we repeated the "mistake" of electing other white folks 43 times; through the trail of tears to the league of nations to the internment camps to the Bay of Pigs to the Watergate scandals....yup; we've repeated the mistake of electing other white folks.

Talk about letting a president get off the hook...look at our debt, the refusal to give a budget in time according to the constitution how many times? Fast and Furious, VA Scandal, IRS Scandal, Benghazi!!!.Oh hell, I could go on but with you it doesn't matter a bit. A waste of time. Don't bother responding. We don't need to hear from a mouth full of feces.

And once the mis-steps of the past are brought up, you don't want to talk about the failures of white Presidents; ONLY THE BLACK ONE. I understand you can't help it. Racism was probably born into you at an early age and you are comfortable with your ignorance, your petty color-first mentality, and you like to see your ignorance and hate somehow legitimized by Obama not being perfect.

Sad little person you are.
Amazingly the middle income and lower income folks voted for Obama as did nearly 1/2 of the more wealthy.
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Your "he's divisive" is bullshit. I will say that the reason you see him as divisive is latent racism...when old white guys are no longer the only faces in congress it makes people like you a bit uneasy. So you start doing things like recommending "2nd amendment solutions", showing up at Applebee's with AR15 and having your 24/7 bitchfest on messageboards.

So you're letting Bush off the hook based on what his successor did? Amazing how the white guy gets away with borrowing $700B based on what happened afterword.


I usually don't try to debate a poster who talks like a mentally imbalanced truck driver, but I'll try this once.
My thoughts exactly.

This thread if you recall, is about the failure of Obama. Not about Bus Bush Bush. But to end this Bush did it expose', once we were in Iraq (which was not a good idea), he made a difference in the country for the better. And Obama tried to negotiate bases to continue to be there, but couldn't Maliki wanted our servicemen to be held responsible for crimes they committed and Obama couldn't get him off that point.
No fuckwit, your racist thread is about this:
"Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates"
And, using history as a guide, has the failures of other Presidents ruined it for candidates who share their other skin color? Obviously not since we repeated the "mistake" of electing other white folks 43 times; through the trail of tears to the league of nations to the internment camps to the Bay of Pigs to the Watergate scandals....yup; we've repeated the mistake of electing other white folks.

Talk about letting a president get off the hook...look at our debt, the refusal to give a budget in time according to the constitution how many times? Fast and Furious, VA Scandal, IRS Scandal, Benghazi!!!.Oh hell, I could go on but with you it doesn't matter a bit. A waste of time. Don't bother responding. We don't need to hear from a mouth full of feces.

And once the mis-steps of the past are brought up, you don't want to talk about the failures of white Presidents; ONLY THE BLACK ONE. I understand you can't help it. Racism was probably born into you at an early age and you are comfortable with your ignorance, your petty color-first mentality, and you like to see your ignorance and hate somehow legitimized by Obama not being perfect.

Sad little person you are.

There we go, Candycorn! Much better! Obama was important historically for the nation because it was a proving ground for a black president! When he was first elected, not only was America overjoyed at the thought of the first black president, but if you recall, it was global euphoria! I got caught up into it, too!

The first real book I read as a child was The Man by Irving Wallace about the first black president. I loved it. It was about the ordeals he had to overcome, working with an unsure Congress and country. He became the best president we ever had. I based Obama's future on that book.

The first mistakes were overlooked as rookie mistakes but then red flags began to appear. He returned the bust of Winston Churchill, was rude to the British prime minister and his wife when they came for a visit (no state dinner, didn't even eat dinner with them!) then the relations with Israel were intentionally cut off. Our allies were lost. Poland was gone, lesser countries were mocking us.

You admit he has made mistakes. All presidents do. But when your best allies that you had for decades no longer take your calls, something is wrong.

A racist? Hardly. I wanted him to be a success. I just hope that his failures are considered the failures of this particular person and not to be construed that would happen with another person of color. If another person of color should be considered for POTUS, his background should be highly scrutinized.
I usually don't try to debate a poster who talks like a mentally imbalanced truck driver, but I'll try this once.
My thoughts exactly.

No fuckwit, your racist thread is about this:
"Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates"
And, using history as a guide, has the failures of other Presidents ruined it for candidates who share their other skin color? Obviously not since we repeated the "mistake" of electing other white folks 43 times; through the trail of tears to the league of nations to the internment camps to the Bay of Pigs to the Watergate scandals....yup; we've repeated the mistake of electing other white folks.

Talk about letting a president get off the hook...look at our debt, the refusal to give a budget in time according to the constitution how many times? Fast and Furious, VA Scandal, IRS Scandal, Benghazi!!!.Oh hell, I could go on but with you it doesn't matter a bit. A waste of time. Don't bother responding. We don't need to hear from a mouth full of feces.

And once the mis-steps of the past are brought up, you don't want to talk about the failures of white Presidents; ONLY THE BLACK ONE. I understand you can't help it. Racism was probably born into you at an early age and you are comfortable with your ignorance, your petty color-first mentality, and you like to see your ignorance and hate somehow legitimized by Obama not being perfect.

Sad little person you are.

There we go, Candycorn! Much better! Obama was important historically for the nation because it was a proving ground for a black president! When he was first elected, not only was America overjoyed at the thought of the first black president, but if you recall, it was global euphoria! I got caught up into it, too!

The first real book I read as a child was The Man by Irving Wallace about the first black president. I loved it. It was about the ordeals he had to overcome, working with an unsure Congress and country. He became the best president we ever had. I based Obama's future on that book.
I was waiting for the, "I know black folks too" statement from you.

The first mistakes were overlooked as rookie mistakes but then red flags began to appear. He returned the bust of Winston Churchill, was rude to the British prime minister and his wife when they came for a visit (no state dinner, didn't even eat dinner with them!) then the relations with Israel were intentionally cut off. Our allies were lost. Poland was gone, lesser countries were mocking us.
I know I'm not supposed to compare Obama to anyone else that had the job for some reason but past Presidents were chided by foreign peoples also. I can show you pictures if you'd like. Hell, one recent one had a shoe thrown at him.

You admit he has made mistakes.
Show me a president who didn't. I also have started something like 6 threads detailing what I think are mistakes.

All presidents do. But when your best allies that you had for decades no longer take your calls, something is wrong.
Seriously, who isn't taking Obama's calls?

A racist? Hardly.
No...A racist, exactly.

I wanted him to be a success.
This much I can believe. It's also leaves the question open to what you call a success.
Economy getting better
Unemployment down
We're no longer getting shot at for no reason in Iraq
Ditto for Afghanistan pretty soon

"Oh but he's made mistakes"....so I guess it's a failure...right?

I just hope that his failures are considered the failures of this particular person and not to be construed that would happen with another person of color. If another person of color should be considered for POTUS, his background should be highly scrutinized.
And if the opposition is deemed to be nothing but echoes of policies that have failed so often in the past; she or he should win easily.

I don't know what Obama's presidency will mean in the future politically for people of similar skin pigmentation.

I do know we've had two lousy presidencies in a row.

I guess another fair question would be whether the previous office-holder ruined the chances for Texas governors.


Not so much a Texas Governor but a born again who absolutely adores Bill Clinton like a brother. And hear me out. Their dad GH actually has made it a boys club ok. :lol: I just realized I said their dad. But its true.

Back to the beginning. Oh boy I know that from Reagan on you have been plagued by truly strange events but not one President and I liked a lot of shit from all of them don't get me wrong, but not one President has been PRESIDENT OF AMERICA

Boy oh boy I hope that makes sense. Reagan was PRESIDENT. I hope this makes sense to some.
Easy answer no. There are a ton of great black candidates. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Conte Rice, Mia Love (in a few years), Colonel West and Tim Scott!
I usually don't try to debate a poster who talks like a mentally imbalanced truck driver, but I'll try this once.
My thoughts exactly.

No fuckwit, your racist thread is about this:
"Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates"
And, using history as a guide, has the failures of other Presidents ruined it for candidates who share their other skin color? Obviously not since we repeated the "mistake" of electing other white folks 43 times; through the trail of tears to the league of nations to the internment camps to the Bay of Pigs to the Watergate scandals....yup; we've repeated the mistake of electing other white folks.

Talk about letting a president get off the hook...look at our debt, the refusal to give a budget in time according to the constitution how many times? Fast and Furious, VA Scandal, IRS Scandal, Benghazi!!!.Oh hell, I could go on but with you it doesn't matter a bit. A waste of time. Don't bother responding. We don't need to hear from a mouth full of feces.

And once the mis-steps of the past are brought up, you don't want to talk about the failures of white Presidents; ONLY THE BLACK ONE. I understand you can't help it. Racism was probably born into you at an early age and you are comfortable with your ignorance, your petty color-first mentality, and you like to see your ignorance and hate somehow legitimized by Obama not being perfect.

Sad little person you are.

There we go, Candycorn! Much better! Obama was important historically for the nation because it was a proving ground for a black president! When he was first elected, not only was America overjoyed at the thought of the first black president, but if you recall, it was global euphoria! I got caught up into it, too!

The first real book I read as a child was The Man by Irving Wallace about the first black president. I loved it. It was about the ordeals he had to overcome, working with an unsure Congress and country. He became the best president we ever had. I based Obama's future on that book.

The first mistakes were overlooked as rookie mistakes but then red flags began to appear. He returned the bust of Winston Churchill, was rude to the British prime minister and his wife when they came for a visit (no state dinner, didn't even eat dinner with them!) then the relations with Israel were intentionally cut off. Our allies were lost. Poland was gone, lesser countries were mocking us.

You admit he has made mistakes. All presidents do. But when your best allies that you had for decades no longer take your calls, something is wrong.

A racist? Hardly. I wanted him to be a success. I just hope that his failures are considered the failures of this particular person and not to be construed that would happen with another person of color. If another person of color should be considered for POTUS, his background should be highly scrutinized.

I guess I have a strange take on it. My grandbaby is a mulatto. Now the left in America can scream and yell that this is an insult, but it is not and I refuse the PC police to drive me. Her father OMG is the most beautiful man Trinidad and my daughter Danielle very very white.

Trinity is mulatto. When Obama was elected and my children were all celebrating thinking mixed would be fabulously embraced, alas my grandbaby had to ask me why no one in America liked mixed. That they lied that Obama was black.

You face your grandbabe with these questions and give answers. I dare you.

Obama is not black.
My thoughts exactly.

No fuckwit, your racist thread is about this:
"Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates"
And, using history as a guide, has the failures of other Presidents ruined it for candidates who share their other skin color? Obviously not since we repeated the "mistake" of electing other white folks 43 times; through the trail of tears to the league of nations to the internment camps to the Bay of Pigs to the Watergate scandals....yup; we've repeated the mistake of electing other white folks.

And once the mis-steps of the past are brought up, you don't want to talk about the failures of white Presidents; ONLY THE BLACK ONE. I understand you can't help it. Racism was probably born into you at an early age and you are comfortable with your ignorance, your petty color-first mentality, and you like to see your ignorance and hate somehow legitimized by Obama not being perfect.

Sad little person you are.

There we go, Candycorn! Much better! Obama was important historically for the nation because it was a proving ground for a black president! When he was first elected, not only was America overjoyed at the thought of the first black president, but if you recall, it was global euphoria! I got caught up into it, too!

The first real book I read as a child was The Man by Irving Wallace about the first black president. I loved it. It was about the ordeals he had to overcome, working with an unsure Congress and country. He became the best president we ever had. I based Obama's future on that book.

The first mistakes were overlooked as rookie mistakes but then red flags began to appear. He returned the bust of Winston Churchill, was rude to the British prime minister and his wife when they came for a visit (no state dinner, didn't even eat dinner with them!) then the relations with Israel were intentionally cut off. Our allies were lost. Poland was gone, lesser countries were mocking us.

You admit he has made mistakes. All presidents do. But when your best allies that you had for decades no longer take your calls, something is wrong.

A racist? Hardly. I wanted him to be a success. I just hope that his failures are considered the failures of this particular person and not to be construed that would happen with another person of color. If another person of color should be considered for POTUS, his background should be highly scrutinized.

I guess I have a strange take on it. My grandbaby is a mulatto. Now the left in America can scream and yell that this is an insult, but it is not and I refuse the PC police to drive me. Her father OMG is the most beautiful man Trinidad and my daughter Danielle very very white.

Trinity is mulatto. When Obama was elected and my children were all celebrating thinking mixed would be fabulously embraced, alas my grandbaby had to ask me why no one in America liked mixed. That they lied that Obama was black.

You face your grandbabe with these questions and give answers. I dare you.

Obama is not black.

Simple answer:

Americans don't mind mixed, but they do not favor incompetence.

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