Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates

Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates in the Future?

A great deal was riding o Barack Obama. Probably more so than on any other president. He was considered the first black president of the US and could make it or break it for countless others in the future.

Could future Black candidates win an election without a sizable number of white, and "other" ethnic voters? That is why, I believe Obama had to be a success. He had to transcend race divisions and class divisions, basically those of poor and middle class.

In both of those areas he was a miserable failure. Time and time again, he leaned toward the so called plight of the African American by creating the Office of African American Education to meet the educational needs those children as though were the only students needing help. All children coming from disadvantaged homes could use the extra help and it is already be addressed through Title programs. So why were the African American students selected again for additional money and help AGAIN?

And of course the Professor Gates, the African American professor who created a stir to involve the president in a mistaken break-in reported by a neighbor when the professor refused to show his id while breaking into his own house. The president, who should not have been involved at all, chastised the police officer after the professor, yelled and carried on, spouting out "YO Momma.. and such to the white police officer when the officer followed protocol and asked for his ID.

Class warfare reach its heights when Obama called for more taxes, food stamps, free cell phones reached the highest percentage of the population the country could have ever dreamed. Obamacare was the first time citizens were forced to buy insurance against their will and more people in the country were on welfare than were paying taxes.

All administrations have their scandals but the Obama administration seemed to have more than their share. The IRS targeting Conservative Groups; Benghazi; Fast and Furious; Solyndra and other "Green Companies, selected by the administration for financial aid; administrative Czars that had Communist backgrounds; and Obama's own background questionable without records, mentors that were controversial and a political background that amounted to a very short stint as senator without any recognizable legislation.

We have far fewer allies than we did in 2007. The Middle East is a powder keg and we have supported the wrong regimes more than once. Even Britain does not return our phone calls.

All in all. Did this election of a weak leader cause the electorate to second guess a black man for POTUS in the future?

I personally hope not. One of the most important characteristics of a leader was overlooked when selecting this man. His integrity. His records were not available, we knew about his mentors, but did not take heed and we knew he had no knowledge of history or foreign affairs.

The only background he had was in the ghetto as a community organizer.

We got what we deserve. As American voters, we have a duty to pay attention to who we vote for. Pay attention and get involved. We have to stop paying attention to party and pay attention to the person. Let's stop making mistakes. We can blame Congress and the president, but we are the voters that put them there.

He's half white.

But next time people will be less likely to vote for a person because of their skin color or gender ( Hopefully ) and will be more concerned about their actual background, ideas, policies, and positions on issues.
Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates in the Future?

A great deal was riding o Barack Obama. Probably more so than on any other president. He was considered the first black president of the US and could make it or break it for countless others in the future.

Could future Black candidates win an election without a sizable number of white, and "other" ethnic voters? That is why, I believe Obama had to be a success. He had to transcend race divisions and class divisions, basically those of poor and middle class.

In both of those areas he was a miserable failure. Time and time again, he leaned toward the so called plight of the African American by creating the Office of African American Education to meet the educational needs those children as though were the only students needing help. All children coming from disadvantaged homes could use the extra help and it is already be addressed through Title programs. So why were the African American students selected again for additional money and help AGAIN?

And of course the Professor Gates, the African American professor who created a stir to involve the president in a mistaken break-in reported by a neighbor when the professor refused to show his id while breaking into his own house. The president, who should not have been involved at all, chastised the police officer after the professor, yelled and carried on, spouting out "YO Momma.. and such to the white police officer when the officer followed protocol and asked for his ID.

Class warfare reach its heights when Obama called for more taxes, food stamps, free cell phones reached the highest percentage of the population the country could have ever dreamed. Obamacare was the first time citizens were forced to buy insurance against their will and more people in the country were on welfare than were paying taxes.

All administrations have their scandals but the Obama administration seemed to have more than their share. The IRS targeting Conservative Groups; Benghazi; Fast and Furious; Solyndra and other "Green Companies, selected by the administration for financial aid; administrative Czars that had Communist backgrounds; and Obama's own background questionable without records, mentors that were controversial and a political background that amounted to a very short stint as senator without any recognizable legislation.

We have far fewer allies than we did in 2007. The Middle East is a powder keg and we have supported the wrong regimes more than once. Even Britain does not return our phone calls.

All in all. Did this election of a weak leader cause the electorate to second guess a black man for POTUS in the future?

I personally hope not. One of the most important characteristics of a leader was overlooked when selecting this man. His integrity. His records were not available, we knew about his mentors, but did not take heed and we knew he had no knowledge of history or foreign affairs.

The only background he had was in the ghetto as a community organizer.

We got what we deserve. As American voters, we have a duty to pay attention to who we vote for. Pay attention and get involved. We have to stop paying attention to party and pay attention to the person. Let's stop making mistakes. We can blame Congress and the president, but we are the voters that put them there.

He's half white.

What are the odds he considers himself black? I'd say very great.

But next time people will be less likely to vote for a person because of their skin color or gender ( Hopefully ) and will be more concerned about their actual background, ideas, policies, and positions on issues.

hopefully they learned that lesson anyway
So? Why are you opposed to broad brushing while asking if no other black can be elected?

I see your point, but I am concerned that we may overlook viable candidates just by the color of their skin if people would "paint with a broad brush." For example, it's early but I am interested in knowing more about Ben Carson.

I don't know what I will find, or if I could endorse him, but if I could, I wouldn't want others to dismiss him because of Obama.

See what I mean?

No because the only thing Ben Carson and Obama have in common is their skin color. So once again you are supposedly against broad brushing an entire segment yet the only thing you have as a comparison is skin color.

You're not fooling anyone bruh.
Is the OP suggesting Cory Booker should start taking Michael Jackson pigment treatments now?

No, lol. People should pay attention to their backgrounds, listen carefully to debates, and evaluate their character as what they say matches their background and ideas. Pay attention to investigative reporters who look into their pasts.

Remember, they can say anything we want to hear... Color doesn't matter.
So? Why are you opposed to broad brushing while asking if no other black can be elected?

I see your point, but I am concerned that we may overlook viable candidates just by the color of their skin if people would "paint with a broad brush." For example, it's early but I am interested in knowing more about Ben Carson.

I don't know what I will find, or if I could endorse him, but if I could, I wouldn't want others to dismiss him because of Obama.

See what I mean?

No because the only thing Ben Carson and Obama have in common is their skin color. So once again you are supposedly against broad brushing an entire segment yet the only thing you have as a comparison is skin color.

You're not fooling anyone bruh.

Well, then you are telling me something I don't know. I heard him briefly, and was told my conservative friend that he is impressive. I have told you I don't know much. But, being a conservative, I am assuming there are big differences.
Has the Failure of the Obama Administration ruined the Chances for Black Candidates in the Future?

A great deal was riding o Barack Obama. Probably more so than on any other president. He was considered the first black president of the US and could make it or break it for countless others in the future.

Could future Black candidates win an election without a sizable number of white, and "other" ethnic voters? That is why, I believe Obama had to be a success. He had to transcend race divisions and class divisions, basically those of poor and middle class.

In both of those areas he was a miserable failure. Time and time again, he leaned toward the so called plight of the African American by creating the Office of African American Education to meet the educational needs those children as though were the only students needing help. All children coming from disadvantaged homes could use the extra help and it is already be addressed through Title programs. So why were the African American students selected again for additional money and help AGAIN?

And of course the Professor Gates, the African American professor who created a stir to involve the president in a mistaken break-in reported by a neighbor when the professor refused to show his id while breaking into his own house. The president, who should not have been involved at all, chastised the police officer after the professor, yelled and carried on, spouting out "YO Momma.. and such to the white police officer when the officer followed protocol and asked for his ID.

Class warfare reach its heights when Obama called for more taxes, food stamps, free cell phones reached the highest percentage of the population the country could have ever dreamed. Obamacare was the first time citizens were forced to buy insurance against their will and more people in the country were on welfare than were paying taxes.

All administrations have their scandals but the Obama administration seemed to have more than their share. The IRS targeting Conservative Groups; Benghazi; Fast and Furious; Solyndra and other "Green Companies, selected by the administration for financial aid; administrative Czars that had Communist backgrounds; and Obama's own background questionable without records, mentors that were controversial and a political background that amounted to a very short stint as senator without any recognizable legislation.

We have far fewer allies than we did in 2007. The Middle East is a powder keg and we have supported the wrong regimes more than once. Even Britain does not return our phone calls.

All in all. Did this election of a weak leader cause the electorate to second guess a black man for POTUS in the future?

I personally hope not. One of the most important characteristics of a leader was overlooked when selecting this man. His integrity. His records were not available, we knew about his mentors, but did not take heed and we knew he had no knowledge of history or foreign affairs.

The only background he had was in the ghetto as a community organizer.

We got what we deserve. As American voters, we have a duty to pay attention to who we vote for. Pay attention and get involved. We have to stop paying attention to party and pay attention to the person. Let's stop making mistakes. We can blame Congress and the president, but we are the voters that put them there.

Definetly not.

There are any number of African Americans who could be POTUS. All of them would be better than the jackass who sits in the WH right now.
I see your point, but I am concerned that we may overlook viable candidates just by the color of their skin if people would "paint with a broad brush." For example, it's early but I am interested in knowing more about Ben Carson.

I don't know what I will find, or if I could endorse him, but if I could, I wouldn't want others to dismiss him because of Obama.

See what I mean?

No because the only thing Ben Carson and Obama have in common is their skin color. So once again you are supposedly against broad brushing an entire segment yet the only thing you have as a comparison is skin color.

You're not fooling anyone bruh.

Well, then you are telling me something I don't know. I heard him briefly, and was told my conservative friend that he is impressive. I have told you I don't know much. But, being a conservative, I am assuming there are big differences.

You dont know Ben Carson and Obama have different beliefs is what you're telling me? I guess that would be surprising since yanno, blacks are all on the plantation and shit like that.
No because the only thing Ben Carson and Obama have in common is their skin color. So once again you are supposedly against broad brushing an entire segment yet the only thing you have as a comparison is skin color.

You're not fooling anyone bruh.

Well, then you are telling me something I don't know. I heard him briefly, and was told my conservative friend that he is impressive. I have told you I don't know much. But, being a conservative, I am assuming there are big differences.

You dont know Ben Carson and Obama have different beliefs is what you're telling me? I guess that would be surprising since yanno, blacks are all on the plantation and shit like that.

Carson is against Obamacare, Political Correctness and income redistribution. That is different from Obama. But this thread is not about Carson.
Dude are you slow...Of course Carson is different that is why I am wondering why OBAMA would mess up anything for all black people UNLESS YOU THINK ALL BLACKS ARE THE SAME FUCKTARD
Dude are you slow...Of course Carson is different that is why I am wondering why OBAMA would mess up anything for all black people UNLESS YOU THINK ALL BLACKS ARE THE SAME FUCKTARD

Just who is slow here? Did Obama intentionally mess up things for blacks? No, he may have unwittingly done it. Just as he unwittingly lost all of our allies, got us deeper into incredible debt, made a mockery of the constitution and the separation if powers.

Are all blacks the same? To even suggest the question makes me wonder about how bright you are.
Actually I say no. I think what did was take away a "being black" advantage an put everyone on a more even playing field. But a good man, or woman, is a good man or woman regardless of color. Obama is a lousy president and would be if he were white doing the same thing, only the MSM wouldn't be so kind to him if he were white.
I guess it ruined it for crooked former community activists who ain't go a clue no matter what the racial background.
If the Obama's are suppose to be the "model" of a black President and First Lady

I'll pass...She's never proud of her country...I'm certainly not proud of either of these hateful, partisan people
Dude are you slow...Of course Carson is different that is why I am wondering why OBAMA would mess up anything for all black people UNLESS YOU THINK ALL BLACKS ARE THE SAME FUCKTARD

Just who is slow here? Did Obama intentionally mess up things for blacks? No, he may have unwittingly done it. Just as he unwittingly lost all of our allies, got us deeper into incredible debt, made a mockery of the constitution and the separation if powers.

Are all blacks the same? To even suggest the question makes me wonder about how bright you are.

Did Obama intentionally mess up things for blacks?

To even suggest the question makes me wonder about how bright you are

You just owned yourself, thanks
Dude are you slow...Of course Carson is different that is why I am wondering why OBAMA would mess up anything for all black people UNLESS YOU THINK ALL BLACKS ARE THE SAME FUCKTARD

Just who is slow here? Did Obama intentionally mess up things for blacks? No, he may have unwittingly done it. Just as he unwittingly lost all of our allies, got us deeper into incredible debt, made a mockery of the constitution and the separation if powers.

Are all blacks the same? To even suggest the question makes me wonder about how bright you are.

Did Obama intentionally mess up things for blacks?

To even suggest the question makes me wonder about how bright you are

You just owned yourself, thanks

lol :D

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