Has the GOP civil war started?

Fear not libs, the GOP will all pull together to bring down the hildebeast.

You dems need to worry more about the Bernie voters who hate Hillary.

GOP will not only lose to Hillary but Trump will cause them the Senate and the Supreme Court

oh.....the humiliation
Yo, no, he said that is something a Racist would say? But Paul Ryan is a guy who goes along to get along, instead of standing up to the Socialist Democrats!!! So, he can say what he wants, makes no difference, we know what he`s all about!!!

View attachment 77364
Yeah. Reasonable, rational, intelligent, focused and principled. What a shit.
Fear not libs, the GOP will all pull together to bring down the hildebeast.

You dems need to worry more about the Bernie voters who hate Hillary.
I'm a Bernie supporter.

I am not voting for Trump. It is either Gary Johnson or reconsider Hillary, but no to Trump.

Hillary has a chance to bring me over. Trump? That's a joke!
Well, yeah, Trump has to offer you everything for free, tax the ever-loving goodness out of businesses, expand government power, and put forth a plan that will tank the economy, to get anywhere near earning your vote. A joke indeed.
No he does not

Trump lacks restraint. He will cause more problems with his mouth than he could ever solve. Also note, what hand out Gary Johnson has promised?

Its unfortunate that you think a pol has to offer me somethingh free when, essentially, you are voting for Trump to get something free.

Remember, the Wall? You are getting that free! Ironic, is it not?
No he does not

Trump lacks restraint. He will cause more problems with his mouth than he could ever solve. Also note, what hand out Gary Johnson has promised?

Its unfortunate that you think a pol has to offer me somethingh free when, essentially, you are voting for Trump to get something free.

Remember, the Wall? You are getting that free! Ironic, is it not?
Actually, Trump hasn't offered us anything, I doubt he's serious about any of his policies, he's just not Hillary or Socialist. It's a matter of NOT voting for the other person. Besides, I'm not old enough to vote.

Also, Gary Johnson said he agreed with Bernie Sanders 75%, so he could be 75% as delusional as Bernie Sanders. Maybe he'll give us 'free' college, 'free' money stolen from businesses, and 'free' Healthcare, too.
No he does not

Trump lacks restraint. He will cause more problems with his mouth than he could ever solve. Also note, what hand out Gary Johnson has promised?

Its unfortunate that you think a pol has to offer me somethingh free when, essentially, you are voting for Trump to get something free.

Remember, the Wall? You are getting that free! Ironic, is it not?
Actually, Trump hasn't offered us anything, I doubt he's serious about any of his policies, he's just not Hillary or Socialist. It's a matter of NOT voting for the other person. Besides, I'm not old enough to vote.

Also, Gary Johnson said he agreed with Bernie Sanders 75%, so he could be 75% as delusional as Bernie Sanders. Maybe he'll give us 'free' college, 'free' money stolen from businesses, and 'free' Healthcare, too.

He promised a wall at the border. He promised Mexico will pay for it. That is an offer!

Gary Johnson is a moderate Republican running as the Libertarian nominee. He agrees with Sanders on issues of civil liberties. No free college, no tax money from business, no free healthcare, no free wall.

If you can not figure out why Trump is a political joke, why not go and check the other times he ran for president. Its a publicity stunt that got out of hand, kid.
With so many Republicans denouncing Trump, I believe it has started.

To think, the unification behind Trump has come unraveled due to one comment after a few weeks of negotiation.

If this is how the GOP are going to run the presidential election, they should concede and focus on Congressional elections.

Give up, Trump supporters! Trump has too many political opponents to win.
"Give up Trump supporters"? In case the left has been in a coma there is overwhelming support for Trump among republicans while Hillary is still struggling against a Marxist Socialist and the DNC is playing crooked political games. The left isn't even trying to tell us how great the democrat candidates are. The last forlorn hope of the left is to try to use Alinsky tactics to try to suppress republican turnout and it ain't gonna happen.



Trump won.

The Democrat Party Civil War is about to start with Clinton's sneak-thugs coming face-to-face with Nutty Old Uncle Bernie's Green Mountain Boys and their muskets!
With so many Republicans denouncing Trump, I believe it has started.

To think, the unification behind Trump has come unraveled due to one comment after a few weeks of negotiation.

If this is how the GOP are going to run the presidential election, they should concede and focus on Congressional elections.

Give up, Trump supporters! Trump has too many political opponents to win.
"Give up Trump supporters"? In case the left has been in a coma there is overwhelming support for Trump among republicans while Hillary is still struggling against a Marxist Socialist and the DNC is playing crooked political games. The left isn't even trying to tell us how great the democrat candidates are. The last forlorn hope of the left is to try to use Alinsky tactics to try to suppress republican turnout and it ain't gonna happen.
How great the Democratic candidate is?

Don't you mean how bad?
I wish there were Saul Alinsky tactics to suppress republican votes then I have in in favor of Kasick supporters!!

Its a little late now. It looks like Hillary or Trump. What good are those tactics now?
He promised a wall at the border. He promised Mexico will pay for it. That is an offer!

Gary Johnson is a moderate Republican running as the Libertarian nominee. He agrees with Sanders on issues of civil liberties. No free college, no tax money from business, no free healthcare, no free wall.

If you can not figure out why Trump is a political joke, why not go and check the other times he ran for president. Its a publicity stunt that got out of hand, kid.
Yeah, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. He's just not Hillary.

If he agrees with Bernie Sanders "75%", he's no Republican. Moderates tend to lean far enough left to be considered Democrat, anyway.

You mean that all of one other time? He ran one time in 2000, and once now. He can be a joke all he likes, he hasn't threatened our national security, or perpetuated lies that cost the lives of Americans.

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