Has the left become emotionally attached to climate change theory?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This world abounds with experts. Experts on just about everything you can imagine. People who are revered in their field of study as impeccable, invincible, damn near God-like as they approach with their head full of accurate and irrevocable knowledge of this that or the other thing! People who you must not argue with because to do so makes you 99.999% likely to be wrong.

Sigh.....what a wonder that this human race hasn't gone the way of the Dodo bird...but give it time.

Tell me why then a PHD CHEMIST still cannot rebuild his own car engine or a Nuclear physicist needs a carpenter's help to make a front porch...eh? Why aren't all of these guys grandmaster chess champs? Shouldn't they all be? Anyone?

"Why I'm a PHD chemist son!.....and I tell you that you need this kind of nail and that kind of wood to make this porch work!......you must not argue with me because I am all powerful! "

Does any of that sound familiar?

While I am quite sure that the local mechanic is not going to debate the pros and cons of heat transfer with the nuclear physicist I am just as sure that the physicist is not going to tell the mechanic the particulars of rebuilding that Hydrocarbon heat harness we call an engine. One has deep knowledge of a very limited scope but in that scope he is King! Or at least until the next set of discoveries appear that trash all or most of the former ones...as is the case and has been the case with science going forward. Those who draw too many conclusions up to and including the color of your neighbor's dress socks under his pants from a static set of accepted facts are often embarrassed later on when the next page turns in the process of discovery as it must and as it always will.

So we are told that many smart men.. EXPERTS....PHD"S......BRILLIANT STARS OF INTELLECTUAL PROWESS.....simply cannot be questioned or challenged when they tell us that cow farts and coal furnaces are the direct cause for anything from a warming trend to a cooling trend; From sea level rise to ice melting in the poles; from solar absorption in the atmosphere to current changes in the ocean waters.....and we must never question their god-like opinions because ONLY A FOOL would do such a thing.

One wonders indeed at the devotion of the left to these issues... I never hear any of our science worshipping lefties complain about China or India who now are responsible for approximately 33% of the anthropogenic CO2 production globally and rising quickly.
Nor do I hear the follow ups on the dire warnings from a decade ago that once we reach a certain concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere that there would be no turning back...that the whole thing would become self fulfilling and that no amount of fixing would stave of the inevitable!... So while we strain to pay 300% rates for expensive electricity from the failed venues of solar and wind we have done nothing really to stave off the so called inevitable consequences of the current CO2 concentrations. See....it's all one big happy atmosphere and what one country does to ti is done by all countries like it or not. This is the same thing that makes nuclear war so dangerous......you can turn Beijing into a glass crater tomorrow if you like....but next week the radiation will light up all of your dairy farms .....so think twice about that spunky!

Well we have reached that point of no return now and all I hear is silence from Academia and from the left on those issues.

Why could this be I wonder? Perhaps because we actually have reached that point and so all of our efforts right now are nothing but a scam and a falsehood! Oh...but that would put the green industries out of business tomorrow soooooooo Let's not talk about that. Or the guys...the PHD''s the EXPERTS...the GODS of KNOWLEDGE who predicted Dante's inferno would destroy our world ten years ago... WERE WRONG! OH BUT>>how could that be?????

Or perhaps it's just that the climate changes ...as it always has.....from time to time.....and cannot be stopped or even slowed down by the puny efforts of man. Hey now...there's a real possiblity! The sky falls once in a while chicken little and when it does you can't hold it up with your umbrella!

Still lefties have donned the robes of high priesthood and have taken to the podiums to preach the religion of anthropogenic climate change. You must not disobey them! You must not question them! You must never assume that you know something they don't. They KNOW IT ALL AND THEY ARE NEVER< EVER< WRONG.

Don't get me wrong...I believe that the world will move away from Hydro-carbon combustion in the next fifty years.....but it's going to take that long. In the mean time I am not going to read books by candle light... Which btw...produces CO2.
The foundation of the left is that of emotion.

It's always emotional with the left. They went from praising science and facts, to emotionalism full of tears and whining. What happened?

I mean it's really freaking annoying.
The foundation of the left is that of emotion.

It's always emotional with the left. They went from praising science and facts, to emotionalism full of tears and whining. What happened?

I mean it's really freaking annoying.
Anyone who argues against climate change, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

That's how ridiculous your argument is.
The foundation of the left is that of emotion.

It's always emotional with the left. They went from praising science and facts, to emotionalism full of tears and whining. What happened?

I mean it's really freaking annoying.
Anyone who argues against climate change, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

That's how ridiculous your argument is.

I've seen the "evidence" for climate change and it's not convincing.

Do the world a favor and go sky diving without a parachute. Thanks in advance.
I've seen the "evidence" for climate change and it's not convincing.

Do the world a favor and go sky diving without a parachute. Thanks in advance.
Climate change is not a debatable issue.

It's time to embrace the horror.
The foundation of the left is that of emotion.

It's always emotional with the left. They went from praising science and facts, to emotionalism full of tears and whining. What happened?

I mean it's really freaking annoying.
Anyone who argues against climate change, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

That's how ridiculous your argument is.

I've seen the "evidence" for climate change and it's not convincing.

Do the world a favor and go sky diving without a parachute. Thanks in advance.

Your response is interesting. You accuse others of forming an opinion on emotion then go about childish name calling.

Also you create a strange grouo think / us vs them world where folks who may love military spending and hate abortion can not believe in the ol boy scout test of what co2 in a closed environment does.

My recommendation would be to detach your views from political parties and social groups then try to debate the points w/o name calling which will only force the "other side" to dig in their heels as a human nature type reaction.
Anyone who argues against climate change, would argue gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

That's how ridiculous your argument is.

I've seen the "evidence" for climate change and it's not convincing.

Do the world a favor and go sky diving without a parachute. Thanks in advance.

Your response is interesting. You accuse others of forming an opinion on emotion then go about childish name calling.

Also you create a strange grouo think / us vs them world where folks who may love military spending and hate abortion can not believe in the ol boy scout test of what co2 in a closed environment does.

My recommendation would be to detach your views from political parties and social groups then try to debate the points w/o name calling which will only force the "other side" to dig in their heels as a human nature type reaction.


nice try asshole are you sure you know what forum you just ran into?
I've seen the "evidence" for climate change and it's not convincing.

Do the world a favor and go sky diving without a parachute. Thanks in advance.

Your response is interesting. You accuse others of forming an opinion on emotion then go about childish name calling.

Also you create a strange grouo think / us vs them world where folks who may love military spending and hate abortion can not believe in the ol boy scout test of what co2 in a closed environment does.

My recommendation would be to detach your views from political parties and social groups then try to debate the points w/o name calling which will only force the "other side" to dig in their heels as a human nature type reaction.


nice try asshole are you sure you know what forum you just ran into?

Yup, kinda sad I suppose. There are better points like "we must out compete China ir else the world will be inflicted with China's version of small government lack of environmental regulations".

Talk radio grouo think is ruining the debate world I say.
You can show these folks how the North Pole has turned to liquid, it won't make a difference. The right has become a crash pad for loons and delusional fools.
You can show these folks how the North Pole has turned to liquid, it won't make a difference. The right has become a crash pad for loons and delusional fools.
I shutter to think where this country would be in 20 years, if they happen to procreate with the Zimmerman apologists?
Nobody wants to take a guess as to where that lake is?

the same place this sub is -
Ahhh.....you can show thes folks how the North Pole has been liquified up to three times in the reserachable past but it won't make a difference. The left has become a crash pad for loons and delusional fools.

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Right whre it should be of course...not paying three hundred percent per KW/HR to the new energy theives who hide behind the word green and defeding itself legally agasint potentially leathal situations....

Why does that make you shudder?

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